Latina Lista: News from the Latinx perspective > Life Issues > Education > Latino students need an educational system that is innovative and fearless

Latino students need an educational system that is innovative and fearless

LatinaLista — The nation’s public education system is failing Latino students. For both to survive, innovational strategies are needed to excite students about school, make it relevant to their lives and ensure that they just don’t receive an education but learn.
As well intentioned is the pledge by President-elect Barack Obama to bring people with him who will change Washington, it doesn’t mean a thing unless there’s a commitment to innovation.
Change, by itself, means nothing more than a change of guard doing old jobs their way. On the other hand, innovation means taking an old job and creating not only a fresh approach, but forcing a new way to think about it.
Arne Duncan, Obama’s nominee for Secretary of Education is said to have a reputation for forcing people to look at education in a new light.
As a member of a community for whom the current educational system just isn’t working for the majority of our students, I can’t wait for that innovation — and, in reality, neither can the country.
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  • Sandra
    December 23, 2008 at 8:32 am

    Another point to make is the overcrowding of our schools by millions of illegals is dragging down a quality education for children. IMO, a school should be allowed to ask for legal status or proof of citizenship before any child can be enrolled in our schools. Why are we trying to educate illegal foreigners?

  • Minute Man Pete
    December 23, 2008 at 4:25 pm

    I agree with the overkrowdin of are skools by all them ellegals. Just cuz overkrowding has been a decades long issue does not mean we cant blame it on all them ellegals.
    also, just cuz the supremes court of the land sez that we got to edchukate all them kids dont mean we got to. them kids is ellegal and what part of ellegal dont you all understand? so i say dont pay attenshun to the highest court in the land and lets break the law and refuse to edchukate them ellegal kids.

  • Desire Knowledge
    December 29, 2008 at 7:10 am

    How about this for shutting out any “Hispanic educating”… in Newman, California a town of 65% Hispanics, the superintendent of the school district just banned the book, Bless Me Ultima, by Rudolfo Anaya. Bonus, he banned it without even reading it! BTW, he said he was standing up for the “values in our community”. Since when is promoting ignorance and intolerance for other’s cultures a value? PLEASE, visit the site and sign the guestbook. We desperately need your help to send the message that Hispanic literature has a rightful place in the public educational system. After all, if this book is on the First Lady’s must read book list how morally bad could it be???

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