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Scholarship List for Undocumented Students


hi right now im about to graduate and i come from a low income family since my father left us my mom has to take care of 4 children (including me) on a low wage and i want to go to college but im not eligible for scholarships because of my residency status…could you please let me know of some scholarships for undocumented latinos? i would forever appreciate it. thank you very much!
(E-mail sent to Latina Lista)

Gracias a Dios (Thank God) these children caught in the middle of the immigration debate can still believe they have a future.

And they do — whatever happens.

With the Dream Act due to go before Congress again in the coming weeks, there may be much more hope that can be offered to the estimated 60,000 undocumented children who will study their way to graduating from high school.

When I sent out the word for help with scholarship resources, two friends of Latina Lista were quick to respond with their resources: Nora Comstock of Las Comadres and Anne Marie Weiss-Armush of DFW International.

Within the Latino community, there is an innate understanding that punishing these children achieves nothing, and costs this country so much more in the long-run in terms of talent and brains wasted, potential lost and the forced creation of a low-skilled, low-income, hand-out dependent demographic.

As some critics will undoubtedly ask why don’t these children work for their education, the answer is simple: they would, if they could. But because they are undocumented, we have made it illegal for them to work.

Yet, there is no law on earth that can keep these children from working hard at the one thing that gives them and their families hope for the future — their studies.

For every graduating high school senior who may not be documented, the following is a list of scholarship resources that may be able to help.

Buena Suerte!

Financial Aid for Non-citizens

College-bound students who are not citizens or legal permanent
residents of the United States are not eligible for State or federal financial assistance because of their immigration status. In addition, they are generally classified as international students and therefore are required to pay higher tuition and fees.

However, the Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund (MALDEF), has compiled a list of scholarships that are open to undocumented students. The list is available on MALDEF’s website or by calling (213) 629-2512.

Absolutely Scholarships
Aspira Association, Inc.
College Board
College Connection Scholarship
College Sense: How to Pay for College
Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute
Get Ready for College
Helpful Sites for Undocumented Students
Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities
Hispanic College Fund
Scholarships for New Americans and Minorities (If this link doesn’t work, e-mail me and I will send it as an attachment)
University of California, Santa Barbara Financial Aid Resources

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