Latina Lista > Life Issues > Education > Special edition bilingual bracelets benefit Hispanic scholarships

Special edition bilingual bracelets benefit Hispanic scholarships

LatinaLista — The cost of college has always been a strain on budget-tight families. These days, the cost of college is forcing most families to make hard decisions and new sacrifices.

That’s why scholarships are so important to students and their families. Scholarships ease the pain a bit by helping out with books, tuition, fees, etc. Yet, even the amount of scholarships seems to be less than what it used to be.

One company, Payless ShoeSource, has been a longtime contributor to the Hispanic Scholarship Fund. This is their fourth year contributing to The Payless Inspiring Possibilities Scholarship Program.

It’s a program that doesn’t just reward deserving students much needed scholarships but also motivates customers to contribute too by offering special bilingual bracelets, either in bronze or teal, and imprinted with motivational words.

For every bracelet a customer buys for $3, $2.50 of the bracelet’s price will go to the Payless Inspiring Possibilities Scholarship.

The bracelets are only on sale until September 30, 2011 and can be bought online or at a local Payless Shoe Source store.

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