Latina Lista: News from the Latinx perspective > Life Issues > Education > Specialized scholarship for advertising, PR and marketing targets students of color

Specialized scholarship for advertising, PR and marketing targets students of color

LatinaLista — The fields of advertising, marketing and public relations still woefully lack the kind of diversity these fields need, especially in light of the fact that various ethnic groups comprise the targeted consumer groups most wanted by advertisers.
One scholarship foundation realized this diversity imbalance back in 1998 and since then has taken the lead in granting scholarships to students of various ethnic backgrounds who are majoring in any of these three fields.

The foundation is known as the The LaGrant Foundation (TLF) and in its 11 years of existence has awarded a total of $770,000 to 136 students nationwide. Undergraduate students are awarded $5,000 scholarships and graduate students receive $10,000 scholarships.
This year’s window for scholarship awards is now open.

TLF scholarship requirements are as follows: students must be of African American, Asian/Pacific Islander, Hispanic/Latino or Native American descent; must have a 2.75 GPA if undergraduate or 3.2 GPA if graduate: must be seeking an undergraduate or graduate degree at an accredited college or university; must be enrolled in either advertising, marketing or public relations industries; and must make a commitment to maintain contact with TLF for assistance with professional development.

Download the scholarship applications from the TLF scholarship web site but make sure to do it in plenty of time since the deadline is February 27, 2009.

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