Latina Lista > Culture > Art > Spotlight Non-profit: Giving the gift of culture to kids who need it most

Spotlight Non-profit: Giving the gift of culture to kids who need it most

LatinaLista — The hours between 3 p.m. and 6 p.m. is the time of day when kids, who have no adult supervision, are most at risk for getting into trouble. Ideally, these kids should be enrolled in programs that don’t just keep them busy but teach them new lessons, challenge them to build new skills and grow as a person.


Programs like that can cost parents but a new arts non-profit in Holland, Michigan wants to make the very best art, dance and music instructors available to low-income kids who otherwise would never have the opportunity to know what it feels like to be taught by a professional.

CultureWorks presents classes ranging from digital art and ceramics instruction to hip hop dance and fine arts. Phasing in their programming, CultureWorks is beginning by offering free after-school arts classes to middle school students who qualify for reduced or free lunches in their schools.

The next phase targets high schoolers and the final phase will be to create classes for adults, with the goal of making them fee-based.

Because they are a new non-profit, CultureWorks has a “wish list” of office supplies and volunteer opportunities.

Our goal is to offer free after school youth arts programming as well as affordable summer arts experiences and classes/ workshops for adults. With a fully equipped ceramics studio, digital design lab and flex space for dance, fine arts, writing and theater opportunities we will offer courses that address multiple facets of the arts.

Our Mission is: Community Transformation Through Creativity

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