Latina Lista > Life Issues > Health > White House disregards own directive to push through damaging health regulation impacting uninsured women

White House disregards own directive to push through damaging health regulation impacting uninsured women

LatinaLista — A while back there was a story out of Idaho of a 10-year-old girl who was impregnated by her mother’s boyfriend. Last month, the mother, Isabel Chasarez, was sentenced to 1-10 years in the state penitentiary for not protecting her daughter.

Isabel Chasarez, mother of raped 10-year-old.

The boyfriend was charged with rape and jailed.
Had the mother sought out medical help before the pregnancy was too far along then the 10-year-old (who was raped at age 9) would not have had to experience her belly cut open in a C-section last May and endure the delivery of a 6-pound baby.
Whether it was the mother’s ignorance, fear or religious convictions that doomed her and her daughter is up for speculation but one thing is clear — because she did not provide the necessary medical assistance to her daughter, she and her daughter’s life are, for all practical purposes, destroyed. The mother will be deported to Mexico as soon as the courts determine that she has served enough of her sentence.
Now, imagine if the mother had taken her newly pregnant 10-year-old to the local clinic and asked the medical staff to terminate her daughter’s pregnancy. One would imagine that the doctor would automatically want to comply.
Yet, a new ruling that the Bush Administration is clearing all hurdles for passage, that will become law very soon, would allow that doctor to deny that mother’s request if he is against abortion — and aside from trying to find another doctor, there would be nothing that could be done about it.
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  • Irma
    November 18, 2008 at 8:28 pm

    This is an unspeakable tragedy. No doubt, the mother was afraid to take her daughter for an abortion – this would have involved revealing her immigration status. Sadly, it also reveals how sometimes a child’s interests are sacrificed for the needs of an adult. No partner is more important than one’s child.
    I hope everyone in a relationship remembers that.

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