Latina Lista > Media > Social Media > Breaking News: Big News about the Future of Latina Lista

Breaking News: Big News about the Future of Latina Lista

LatinaLista — Being a journalist first and a blogger second, I get impatient not being able to comment.

With so many good stories that are crossing my desktop today, my impatience to write something is at an all-time high but I promised myself, and a few others, that I would dedicate this post to let you know that Latina Lista won’t be here tomorrow — WE ARE MOVING TO OUR OWN URL!

Starting tomorrow, you can find Latina Lista at

New Latina Lista logo

I used to have Latina Lista at but during the time I didn’t know my registration had expired, some money-hungry opportunists at Navigation Catalyst Systems, Inc., swooped in and bought that domain.

Of course, they can’t do anything with it but if I make an offer between $100 – $25,000, after I pay a $190 fee, they might sell it back to me – if they like my offer.

But this is a whole other post in and of itself.

At any rate, I don’t want to spoil all the surprises – and there are a lot – but suffice it to say that Latina Lista is changing its look (don’t worry, we’re still pink), expanding the content, branching out to be seen in more places and, above all, making more new friends.

One hint: Latina Lista has already made one new friend. His name is “Tom.”

I do have to say that none of this would have been possible if it were not for one particular Latina Lista reader known to most of you as the Unapologetic Mexican.

Nezua, to his readers, is an amazing talent. If you haven’t seen his blog, you’re missing out. He encompasses the creative in both his artistry and writings, which I guess some would argue are one and the same.

All I can is that without his interpretation and his instinct to know what this Latina wanted, the new Latina Lista would not look as fabulous as it does.

Without boasting, the redesign rivals the redesign of any print or online product — you’ll see.

So, please join us tomorrow at where we’ll be talking about the national movement to impeach Attorney General Gonzales or the beefed up Border Patrol classes or …

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