Latina Lista > Palabra Final > Business > Latina Lista giving away 2 free tickets to attend National Hispana Leadership Institute’s annual conference

Latina Lista giving away 2 free tickets to attend National Hispana Leadership Institute’s annual conference

Latina Lista — Want to network with hundreds of Latinas Listas?

The National Hispana Leadership Institute (NHLI) will convene over six hundred Latinas, national leaders and NHLI’s accomplished alumnae at the Wilshire Grand Hotel in Los Angeles, CA in just a couple of days on November 3-4, 2011 at their annual national conference.

For those who may not be familiar with the organization, NHLI, founded in 1987, has trained and empowered more than 10,000 Latina leaders from both the public and private sectors. These Latinas have gone on to be appointed to leadership positions in government, corporate America, nonprofits, foundations or have started their own businesses.

NHLI’s mission is to develop Hispanas as ethical leaders through training, professional development, relationship building, and community activism.

This year, NHLI and Latina Lista have partnered together to send TWO lucky Latinas from California to the conference!

Participating is simple.

Just sign up for our newsletter for a chance to win a FREE registration. Click here to sign up now.

We will be giving away TWO conference registrations. Winners will be selected at random and will be announced on Tuesday, November 1st at 7 pm (EST). An interview feature of the winner will be published in our newsletter in late November.

About the conference

This year’s conference theme, Latinas Connecting Across Generations, Reaching New Heights, will offer two days of cutting-edge leadership and professional development, networking, educational and inspirational keynotes and workshops facilitated by top-level Latinas from across the country.

NHLI will close the conference on Friday, November 4, by paying tribute to the achievements and contributions of exceptional Latina leaders through the Mujer Awards Gala, celebrated since 1993.

This year’s honorees include Maria Contreras-Sweet, founding chairwoman of Promérica Bank, the Honorable Gloria Molina, Los Angeles County Supervisor, 1st District, The Honorable Lucille Roybal-Allard, U.S Representative for California’s 34th Congressional District, Lillian Roybal-Rose, renowned educator and consultant, María Rita Jaramillo, External Partnerships and Advocacy at the National Education Association in Washington, DC and Maria Hinojosa, award-winning journalist.

It’s an awesome opportunity for anyone who would like the opportunity to network with some amazing mujeres and make some great amigas in the process.

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