Latina Lista > Culture > History > New site for Latinas aims to break traditional stereotypes with Latinaology

New site for Latinas aims to break traditional stereotypes with Latinaology

LatinaLista — If there is one thing that Latinas can credit the blogosphere, it’s the newfound awareness of who we are, what we are about and where we are going.


The first indication of this is when Latinas across the country adopted the moniker “Wise Latina” and created online sites to show solidarity with one very famous Supreme Court Justice and to support the excitement and realization that Latinas can be whoever we choose to be.

So, the question begs to be asked: Do we really need another Latina site?

Well, the answer is simple: You betcha!

The latest site to inspire Latinas is aptly named New Latina.

Created by the founder of Modern Familia, Dr. Angelica Perez-Litwin, New Latina wants to not only create ongoing conversations among Latinas, and Latinas-at-heart, around issues that are resonating in the Latino community today and present inspiring success stories but also wants to break the stereotypes about Latinas perpetuated in the media by redefining who is today’s Latina.

To accomplish this overwhelming goal, Perez-Litwin has created the New Latina Project.

The New Latina Project consists of a large-scale study to be done on Latinas.

For a full year (2011), we plan on carrying out a national study on Latina women across the country, to get inside her head, her heart, her spirit. Via focus groups, interviews, personal essays and stories, online surveys and video, we hope to collect enough information to more accurately describe the U.S. Latina woman. The New Latina Project will model the methodology of Maria Shriver’s national study on U.S. women, which culminated in an informative and insightful full length report.

The project actually begins in October with an online survey of Latinas in social media. Beginning Oct. 10-31, the survey will be available to fill out at the site. From there, more research will be conducted to get the clearest picture of who really are Latinas in the United States.

According to Dr. Perez-Litwin, this process of (self) discovery is a new field — Latinaology!


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