Latina Lista > Media > Multimedia > Latino viewpoint expands in cyberspace with launch of LatinoKos

Latino viewpoint expands in cyberspace with launch of LatinoKos

LatinaLista — When it comes to like-minded people getting together to discuss topics of interest, blogs have long been a natural destination. In fact, the more “niche” the group the more popular the blog destination.


For example when discussing politics, just look at Latina Lista or Jack & Jill Politics when it comes to representing an ethnic perspective. Blogs literally opened the door of opportunity to many ethnic bloggers to join the national conversation in opining on current events.

Now, there’s another blog site joining the growing list of Latino political news sites. The ironic thing is that it’s on one of the first political sites recognized in the history of the blogosphere.

Most people have heard of the progressive site Daily Kos. Its founder, Markos Moulitsas has appeared on various political talk shows over the years discussing everything from Congress and legislation to political candidates and elections. What most people don’t realize is that Markos Moulitsas has a second last name — Zúniga.

Markos’ mother is from El Salvador and he spent his formative years there before his family fled the country’s civil war and threats against his family. Yet, Daily Kos has not been known to represent the Latino perspective specifically — until now.

A new group dubbed LatinoKos was launched and it aims to do what the main site does but just from a Latino perspective.

LatinoKos is a community for the discussion of Latino politics, history, and cultures here in the US, in Latin America and the Caribbean. There is no “singular” Latino/a community in the US. Latinos/Hispanics who are the nation’s largest minority group, will according to census projections make up 29% of the U.S. population in 2050. As Democrats we need to focus more attention on these communities and the issues that affect them.

LatinoKos offers yet another source — in addition to Latina Lista — for Democrats to gauge just how easy or hard it might be to get the Latino vote for 2012. In the process, it could save them a lot of time, effort and frustration.

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