Latina Lista: News from the Latinx perspective > Media > Online > New search engine finds a way for online users to help fund non-profits and schools

New search engine finds a way for online users to help fund non-profits and schools

LatinaLista — How many times have you thought, while leisurely surfing the internet, that you should be doing something more constructive with your online experience?
Well, there’s a way to actually help out your favorite nonprofit without doing anything more than what you’re already doing while surfing online.
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It’s called GoodSearch and it’s a search engine powered by YAHOO! that with each time you use it to search for information or a site on the internet, it will donate half its advertising revenue to a school or nonprofit of your choice.
So far, 60,000 nonprofits have joined and it has already paid off for some of them.
It’s the most painless way to support a good cause!

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