Latina Lista > Media > Videos > Video: Creating awareness that too many Latino neighborhoods still lack easy access to healthy food

Video: Creating awareness that too many Latino neighborhoods still lack easy access to healthy food

LatinaLista — The disturbing childhood obesity rates and skyrocketing cases of Type 2 diabetes in Latino communities reinforce the fact of just how imperative it is for Latinos to start eating healthy. In a lot of neighborhoods, that’s a losing battle.

Data shows that most predominant Latino neighborhoods have 1/3 less the number of supermarkets than can be found in non-Latino neighborhoods. Yet, fast food restaurants and pushcart food vendors are found in abundance!

Salud America! has released a new video highlighting the disparities in access to healthy food and has created “Better Food in the Neighborhood” research materials for anyone who needs help in convincing local city councils that grocery stores are more valuable to communities than fast food restaurants.

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