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Video for Thought: Scholar finds too many kids good at “school” bad at “thinking”

Dr. Derek Cabrera leads the Cabrera Research Lab, is the author of five books, numerous journal articles, and a US patent. Cabrera discovered when teaching Ivy League students at Cornell University that his students were smart in every way but one — they could not think. He noticed when he gave his students unstructured tests or did not tell them what would be on a test beforehand, his students, who normally could ace every test, couldn’t perform the work.

The discovery pushed Dr. Cabrera to find the reason for these outcomes. In his presentation, as part of the Williamsport Tedx lecture series, Cabrera explains how students’ inability to think for themselves has global implications for the country.

Targeting education as the root cause of this reality, Cabrera devised the DSRP Theory that promotes a revolutionary mission for today’s educational system: Thinking at every desk.

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