Latina Lista > Palabra Final > Politics > Video: What would the U.S. look like under a Trump directive of mass deportation? Beyond scary!

Video: What would the U.S. look like under a Trump directive of mass deportation? Beyond scary!

LatinaLista — While the majority of voters view Donald Trump's grossly insensitive declarations about what he will do when he is president as nada más than political rhetoric, it's come to the point that he must be taken seriously. 

One group who wants to expose the barbaric consequences of Trump's intention of mass deporting 11 million undocumented Latino immigrants is, an immigration advocacy group founded by such tech elites as Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg, Microsoft's Bill Gates and YAHOO! CEO Marissa Mayer. wanted to show everyone the reality of Trump's threats if there was a mass deportation.

The result is an effective 2 minute 47 second film that should make everyone fear the future if Trump is in the White House.

The video is the first in a six-part series titled “11 Million Stories,” highlighting the devastating impact mass deportation would have on the US.



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