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Video: One Latina’s journey from migrant fields to inspiring businesswoman

Amelia Moran Ceja may not be a household name but her product is very much a household staple in homes that enjoy a glass of good wine with their meals. Ceja is the first Mexican-American woman to be president of her own winery, Ceja Vineyards, and is also the latest profile featured in a new web series titled INSPIRA.

Knowing that the best way to inspire others is to share stories of success, the series spotlights Latino and Latina role models who can help others to follow their passion and create a positive impact on society.

Each segment profiles a leader in the Latino community who is contributing and enriching their community via either the arts, politics, the non-profit sector or business. Diving into each subject’s life to learn what drives them, how they made it and how others could possibly follow in their footsteps are hallmarks of the series.

In a three-part episode, INSPIRA hosts introduce online viewers to Amelia and her family, their hard-earned success in the winery business and what it took them to get where they are today.

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  • Carmen Abrego-Galindo
    May 15, 2012 at 2:33 pm

    Si se Puede! Hasta La Victoria!

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