Latina Lista > Media > Videos > Video: Program marks 25 years of giving migrant farm children a new future

Video: Program marks 25 years of giving migrant farm children a new future

In 1987, the Texas Education Agency (TEA) was looking for a program that would help migrant farm children keep up with their school work while they were away helping their parents earn money by picking crops across the nation. The University of Texas at Austin answered the TEA’s challenge and created the Migrant Student Graduation Enhancement Program.

This year, 2012, marks the 25th anniversary of the program. Since it started, it has enrolled approximately 26,000 migrant students. The program provides courses and services to help migrant students earn high school credits and stay on track for on-time graduation. The program rounds out its services to students through gifts from private foundations. Many of the students in the program represent the first high school graduates in their families and some go on to become college graduates.

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