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Businesses need precise skills to reach multicultural Americans

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LatinaLista — Since 2012, over half of the births in the United States have been to people of color. This birthrate bolsters the US Census Bureau’s projections that by the year 2044, the country will be ‘majority-minority.’

Yet, there are pockets of the nation where the future has already arrived. For example, in Dallas, Texas, The Dallas/Fort Worth metro area is home to 2 million Latinos, 448,000 Asians and 1 million African Americans – who together comprise 50 percent of the total metro population.

With such diversity, many companies – legal firms, retailers, healthcare providers, public agencies, and transportation – are struggling to find people with the skills needed to reach this growing multicultural consumer base.

“The workforce has not kept pace with the growing number of Latinos, Africans and Asians in the DFW community, and lack the knowledge to market their services appropriately to these consumers” said Dr. Edward Rincón, president of Rincón & Associates. “Over time, market shares diminish because your competition has gained the advantage.”

To help businesses address this critical shortage, Rincón & Associates is hosting in August a summer boot camp, featuring research and marketing workshops.

The affordable, intensive workshops will help attendees develop knowledge and skills that will (a) help in the development of a marketing plan, (b) better plan research to accurately measure the attitudes and behavior of multicultural consumers, and (c) improve their value to current or prospective employers who will need their talents to remain competitive.

The six workshops offered in August 2017 are:

• Principles of Hispanic Marketing
• Retrieving and Analyzing Census Data
• Designing Questionnaires for Hispanic Audiences
• Designing Surveys for Diverse Audiences
• Designing Statistical Charts, Graphics & Infographics
• Planning and Managing Focus Group Projects

The workshops begin August 8, 2017 and will take place at Rincón & Associates’ office in Dallas, Texas. In addition to the invaluable skills attendees will gain, each participant also receives a certificate of completion for each workshop.

“Latinos, African Americans and Asians represent 50 percent of the DFW metro area today, and will soon become a majority of the population. These consumers are not just ‘blending in’ to mainstream America, but retaining the value of the language and culture,” said Rincón.

“To benefit from the estimated $3.5 billion that these consumers earn annually, businesses need to ensure that their workforce and marketing strategies are precisely aligned to take advantage of the consumer dollars that multicultural consumers will spend into the future.”

Registration is now open. Call 214-750-3800 for further information.

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