Latina Lista > Causes > Crowdfunding > Crowdfunder: App finds free meals and safe places for teens during the summer

Crowdfunder: App finds free meals and safe places for teens during the summer

LatinaLista —

Campaign: Range: Food and Safe Places for Youth

Last year Range, a free mobile app that shows where free meals are served to youth during the summer, was launched.

It was built for trusted adults who work with youth–librarians, camp counselors, street outreach workers, church group leaders– to refer families to free meal sites in communities nationwide. Last summer Range showed 42,000 meal sites across the US.

This year, creators of the app want to add safe places to Range, starting with the 17,000 libraries located around the country.

The campaign will help the developers do the work of adding libraries to Range.

The decision to add libraries was made because libraries keep their doors open when a community is in crisis, after a disaster, and during an ordinary August day when there aren’t a lot of adult-supervised free places to spend time.

Libraries offer a space anyone can enter, where money isn’t exchanged, and documentation doesn’t have to be shown. Free access to resources, knowledge, and solace is an everyday occurrence.

The value of these places for youth cannot be underestimated.

The campaign’s goal is $10,000 and ends in 26 days.

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