Latina Lista > Causes > Crowdfunding > Crowdfunder: First anthology of U.S. Latino/a science fiction and fantasy

Crowdfunder: First anthology of U.S. Latino/a science fiction and fantasy

LatinaLista —

Campaign: Latino/a Rising

There is a growing movement of people who are interested in the U.S. Latino/a writers and artists who have turned to science fiction, fantasy, and other speculative genres.

Latino/a Rising: An Anthology of U.S. Latino/a Speculative Fiction will introduce the public to the work of these writers and artists.

With the exception of Edward James Olmos’Battlestar Galactica and Bladerunner, positive U.S. Latino/a characters have been largely absent from mainstream speculative fiction novels and films.

Films such as Men in Black and Alien Nation, and shows such as X-Files, express the anxiety that the mainstream has concerning Latinos/as and recent immigrants.

Latino/a Rising will contest this trend, showing how Latino/a writers and artists are transforming the genres.

Latino/a Rising will not only include literature. There are many Latino/a artists who are using science fiction, fantasy, and other speculative genres in their art work. And this anthology will include some of their most interesting artwork.

This professionally produced anthology will not only be stimulating and entertaining, it will also give a portrait of the great multiplicity of the U.S. Latino/a experience.

Latino/a Rising will be as diverse as U.S. Latinos/as are, and authors and artists from many different regions of the U.S. and from many different national origins will be included.

Although not all of U.S. Latino/a speculative fiction deals with migration, much of it does. And if there ever was a time that the nation needed an alternate-world vision of immigration policy, that time is now.

U.S. Latinos/as have a long history of using speculative fiction to confront issues of social oppression and to express the hope for a better future.

It is in this tradition that this project is being developed through the effort of a large and diverse community.

The campaign’s goal is $10,000 and ends November 1.

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