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Crowdfunder: Help Save Ancient Maya Site & Rainforest Refuge

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Campaign: Help Save an Ancient Maya Site & Rainforest Refuge

Ka’Kabish is a 3,000-year-old ancient Maya ruin in Belize, and now forms a rainforest refuge for many animals who have taken up residence at the site for shelter.

However, Ka’Kabish is in danger as deforestation via agricultural development is threatening many ancient Maya ruins.

One professor of anthropology wants to help. Helen Haines from Trent University, Canada first visited Belize in 1990. She went to Belize as an undergraduate to learn archaeology in what she expected would be a 2-month field project.

What she didn’t expect was that she would fall in love with the country, its history, environment, and its people.

Now, a quarter of a century later, she is still working in Belize and bringing her own undergraduate students along to experience the wonders of Belize.

Haines and her students want to preserve the heritage of Belize from destruction and also continue to provide a rainforest sanctuary for the animals.

To save Ka’Kabish, Haines is raising $70,000 which will enable her to to buy the land and remove it from the agricultural land registry so it will no longer be subjected to deforestation.

The campaign ends April 17.

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