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Crowdfunder: Telling the story of minority winemakers in Oregon

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Campaign: Red, White & Black

Red, White & Black is a passion project and the brainchild of Bertony Faustin, proprietor of Abbey Creek Vineyard in North Plains, Oregon.

The first recorded Black winemaker in Oregon, Bertony began the Red, White & Black journey to help identify and tell the stories of other minority winemakers. As the project has taken shape, more minorities in winemaking have surfaced and an important story has become ever more urgent to tell.

The purpose of Red White & Black is to create a film that tells the story of minority winemakers in Oregon. To highlight those people who are deeply entrenched, have their livelihood on the line but somehow are missed by the press and not often included openly in the larger Oregon wine community.

This is to tell the story of what life is like, what hurdles, acceptances, challenges and opportunities exist. To share what it is like to be a person of color or LGBT in a generally white, high-brow industry.

And, if it’s done right, to inspire other minorities to explore wine for both career potential and it’s pure beauty as a product offered by nature and nurtured by human hands.

Those hands can be of any color.

Oregon has grown from obscurity to one of the world’s most renowned wine regions. The focus on premium pinot noir has wineries commanding some of the highest prices in America.

The signature Pinot Noir can be found in high-end wine shops and restaurants around the globe. The pioneers of Oregon wine set an amazing stage. Their unwillingness to listen to naysayers set the foundation for a thriving wine community where just forty years ago none was thought possible.

Yet today, in a region that prides it self on being an inclusive community, not all are asked to the table.

At this stage, Red, White and Black is a for-profit enterprise but it is a passion project and the goal of this campaign is simply to cover expenses (production, management, promotion) as they bring this important documentary to life.

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