Latina Lista > Causes > Crowdfunding > Crowdfunder: The Universal Family Portrait Project

Crowdfunder: The Universal Family Portrait Project

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Campaign: The Universal Family Portrait Project

The Universal Family is a portrait series made to unite the human race through the spirit of family. The world is changing, and through diverse imagery of various families around the world readers will see how different we can be but also how wonderfully similar we are in the eyes of our loved ones.

Everyone has a family in some shape or form, and portrait photographer Michele Crow believes that support system to be one of the most important things in the world.

A family can be big or small, blood-related or not, same sex oriented or not and of course composed of people with similar or wildly different cultural backgrounds.

Crow will compose the photos in a manner unique to the family being photographed. She will be traveling and photographing families from all over the world to showcase the beautiful uniqueness as one Universal Family.

The photo series will be compiled into a book with photos & text explaining a little bit about each family and any comments they’d like to add about their own unique experience as a family.

She has already started work on the project and created a blog showcasing the photos she has done thus far.

Her campaign’s goal is $3,000 and ends on March 8.

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