Latina Lista > News > October 27, 2021

October 27, 2021

Global leaders are set to discuss how to salvage the planet from the onslaught of climate change. Of course, it’s going to require a collective commitment of sacrifice, investment and vision — and a healthy dose of ‘climate-speak’; Economists have an easy fix for the labor shortage but (GOP) politicians don’t want to hear it; BotSentinel discovers an orchestrated Twitter hate campaign against Meghan Markle. But who or why remains a mystery; And Finnish scientists deserve the thanks of coffee lovers everywhere with their new ‘creation’; and Women are on the rise in Central America as cartel leaders. Go beyond the headlines…

A quick guide to climate change jargon – what experts mean by mitigation, carbon neutral and 6 other key terms

Immigrants could fix the US labor shortage

CDC says some immunocompromised people can get fourth COVID shot

Twitter Data Has Revealed A Coordinated Campaign Of Hate Against Meghan Markle

SeeHer unveils storytelling guide for marketing, media and marketing agencies to accurately write about Hispanic women

Finnish scientists create ‘sustainable’ lab-grown coffee

Florida manatee deaths soar as polluted water kills seagrass

New ‘Sparkler’ App Lets Parents Assess Child’s Development

Bogotá launches ‘Men in Care’ schools to build more just society

The ‘El Chapo’ of Guatemala Is a Woman

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