Latina Lista > Life Issues > Environment > A border fence that doubles as a billboard? Why not?

A border fence that doubles as a billboard? Why not?

LatinaLista — Last week, Homeland Security had a change of mind about building the infamous Texas-Mexico border fence in Presidio, Texas.

A change of mind NOT a change of heart.
It seems reality kicked in when it was discovered that the budget was higher than what had been planned for to build this section of the fence. News is that officials in Washington are reviewing the problem to come up with alternative solutions.
Yet, according to what Latina Lista learned today, the solution may have been handed Washington officials on a “vegan” platter.

With miles and miles of empty chain link just creating an eyesore for both sides of the border, one group has come up with an innovative way to capitalize on all that empty space, spread a healthy message and make the government a little money in the process.

Sign PETA wants to hang on U.S./Mexico border fence.
(Source: PETA)

This morning, the commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection, W. Ralph Basham, received a request from the organization People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) to rent advertising space on the fence.
PETA says they just want to offset part of the fence’s staggering cost while delivering their message in all nine border sectors. The signs, in Spanish and English read:
“If the Border Patrol Doesn’t Get You, the Chicken and Burgers Will—Go Vegan.”
PETA representatives tell Latina Lista,

One illustration on the sign depicts fit and trim Mexicans in their own country—where the traditional diet is based on grains, beans, and fresh fruits and vegetables—and another shows obese kids and adults gorging on fat- and cholesterol-packed meaty American food.

Just a quick scan of the sign shows that it would add some much needed color to a dull chain link fence and why not advocate for a healthy diet? With the rising incidence of diabetes, such messages are never heard enough.
Of course, if signs do start finding their way on the fence, that might call for new zoning laws to be passed to allow for such advertising.
But what the heck. If such an eyesore is going to be erected anyway, why not make it really noticeable and give everyone something constructive to learn because the fence alone isn’t teaching any worthwhile lessons.
In fact, it should be covered up — with even more signs! And the money earned from the signage shouldn’t go to the government. It should go to the people along the border whose land the government condemned just to put up the fence.

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  • Frank
    August 12, 2008 at 8:28 pm

    I can just see the graffiti now! lol.

  • Evelyn
    August 13, 2008 at 12:55 am

    Comments (1)
    Frank :
    I can just see the graffiti now! lol.
    Gee, I didn’t know the minutemensos liked to tag. ???

  • Publius
    August 13, 2008 at 7:22 am

    Yes, it needs signs every 50 yards, with arrows pointing in the direction of the official entry point to the U.S.; “This Way to U.S. Border Entry Point, Have a Nice Day”.

  • Frank
    August 13, 2008 at 10:28 pm

    They MM don’t tag but we sure know who does, don’t we? Are you in denial again?
    Those billboards would end up being more of any eyesore with their graffiti on them than any plain fence would. Although I don’t think that fences are eyesores anyway. This one is even see through.

  • Evelyn
    August 17, 2008 at 7:25 am

    This fence isnt going to bust a grape. It’s being built to apease the ‘ignorance breeds racism crowd.’
    I’ll bet many of you aren’t aware that trains come directly from Mexico into the U.S.
    They could build a fence thirty feet high all across the border and that will not stop people wanting to cross.
    Someone that lives on the border day after day will tell you walking across the border isnt the only way to come in.
    That is why the only way to stop the flow of immigrants is to cut off the jobs. That is why they come.
    Not for welfare. Not for medical care, or any of the other lies the racists have made up. They come to work.

  • Frank
    August 17, 2008 at 7:18 pm

    Oh, sure our government is going to build a multi-billion dollar fence to appease racists! LOL! Thanks for the good laugh!
    They may still “want” to cross after it is built but it will be next to impossible. Along the San Diego border there is an 18 miles stretch of the double layered fence and it has cut back illegal entry there by 90%! I would say it is worth it if we only have to deal with the other 10%!
    Well for once we agree on something. Cut off the jobs by implementing the e-verify system in the workplace. That AND the fence will stop it dead in its tracks. Terrorists are not interested in jobs so we still need the fence to stop them and the drug trafficers.
    The illegals may not come with the intent to collect welfare or medical but after they get here sometimes it becomes necessary to use them both. If they weren’t here there would be no need for them to use them. We shouldn’t be educating children here illegally either. That is their homeland’s job.

  • Evelyn
    August 19, 2008 at 11:14 am

    As long as you dont get tired of spewing the same lies, we going to have to get used to debunking them.
    Frank said:
    Oh, sure our government is going to build a multi-billion dollar fence to appease racists! LOL! Thanks for the good laugh!
    This was reported in the NY times.
    The fencing projects are part of a larger administration effort to improve enforcement at the border and within the country and repair some of the political damage that immigration has done to President Bush and his party. Bush vigorously supported the failed immigration bill that would have given some legal status to undocumented immigrants in the United States.
    The president’s stance left many GOP voters angry about his support for what they called amnesty. The issue also bitterly divided Republicans, many of whom argued that enforcement should be the government’s first or even sole response.
    To appease conservative GOP critics and bolster support for broader reforms, Bush approved a plan in 2006 that authorized 700 miles of fencing along the border with Mexico.
    Chertoff said that by the end of next year, the administration planned to fence off 90% to 95% of the border from the Pacific Ocean to Texas, adding that the Rio Grande forms a natural barrier. In addition to 370 miles of fencing, the agency is building 300 miles of vehicle barriers.
    “That is a big step forward in answering the public outcry to have some protection at the Southwest border,” Chertoff said. But he added that two challenges are getting funding from Congress and dealing with uncooperative landowners.
    They may still “want” to cross after it is built but it will be next to impossible. Along the San Diego border there is an 18 miles stretch of the double layered fence and it has cut back illegal entry there by 90%! I would say it is worth it if we only have to deal with the other 10%!
    The border is two thousand miles long.
    That 90% you speak of is still coming in, some place else. You have no consept of how things work on the border.
    My husband’s family owns several trinket (leather goods, gold and silver jewelry and all kinds of junk to tourists) shops in Mexico. One is located just a few steps from one of the major border crossing points.
    I still speak to the family often and they tell me people dont even have to walk after they cross the border anymore.
    Crossing the border is very simple. The check points along the roads located about 50 miles to the interior from the border are the hard ones to get across, but with all the sophisticated electronic equipment available these days the coyotes have that all under control these days.
    The coyotes are better equipped then the Border Patrol. No stupid fence is going to stop them. When the Border Patrol catches a group of people coming over it’s probably because that is what the coyotes wanted. Those people were sent ahead as a diversion.
    It works the same way with the drugs.
    The illegals may not come with the intent to collect welfare or medical but after they get here sometimes it becomes necessary to use them both. If they weren’t here there would be no need for them to use them.
    An ‘ill eagle’ is a sick bird. Why not call them what you call your ancestors that invaded and murdered 95% of the Native Americans. IMMIGRANTS!
    TRUTH is they dont collect welfair or medical so that is a total LIE. More spinning facts and spewing of racist BS.
    Immigrants dont even qualify for welfair or medical or medicaid or any services offered by SRS.
    Immigration Policy Center
    Immigrants use relatively few federal or state public-benefit programs

  • Frank
    August 20, 2008 at 9:53 am

    Oh well hell, if the NY Times says that our government is building a fence to appease a minority of racists in this country then it must be so, LOL! And you ask for credible sources from us?
    By the way, your character assisination of me, lies about me and false accusations of racism of me is about to end! I am telling Marisa right now that if she doesn’t want civil debate in here then I am gone! I will not tolerate your hateful, schoolyard bullying tactics anymore.
    Every forum and blog should draw the line somewhere on personal attacks and insults that go on for months and months or they make themselves look foolish whenever anyone reads them. As a journalist I would think she wouldn’t want this image for her blog. It will be her choice whether she reins you in or I leave!

  • Frank
    August 20, 2008 at 9:23 pm

    Could I make a request Marisa that we post a link to articles and only highlight a few points of them? This posting of articles hundreds of sentences long is getting ridiculous. I doubt anyone reads anything that long (I know I don’t) and it takes up a lot of space in here.

  • Evelyn
    August 24, 2008 at 8:56 am

    I dont post them for your benefit.
    I post them so others can see truth and make a decision for themselves.
    I really dont care if you read them or not. If you did maybe then you could see how foolish the BS you spew is.

  • Frank
    August 26, 2008 at 8:43 am

    Yet you can never provide proof of any so-called BS I spew in here. All you do is attribute OTHER’S articles and remarks to ME and fling insults around. I am telling you again that if you call me a racist or any other similar words again, I am leaving this blog for good! I will no longer tolerate false accusations about me and your constant character assininations of me. You are despicable!
    What is wrong with posting a link to an article and just highlighting a few points from it rather than posting the whole thing that is several hundred sentences long? If someone wants to read the whole thing they can click on the link. One has to scroll forever to get past it. I would be willing to bet that hardly anyone in here will sit and read the whole thing in this blog.

  • Evelyn
    August 26, 2008 at 9:09 am

    By the way, your character assisination of me, lies about me and false accusations of racism of me is about to end! I am telling Marisa right now that if she doesn’t want civil debate in here then I am gone! I will not tolerate your hateful, schoolyard bullying tactics anymore.
    Every forum and blog should draw the line somewhere on personal attacks and insults that go on for months and months or they make themselves look foolish whenever anyone reads them. As a journalist I would think she wouldn’t want this image for her blog. It will be her choice whether she reins you in or I leave!
    What about your character assassination, lies and false accusations of immigrants and Hispanics?
    When are they going to end?
    I will not tell Marisa anything because I consider myself intelligent enough to fight my own battles, and also those of others who are oppressed by racism.
    Neither will I tolerate, YOUR hateful schoolyard bullying tactics of people who dont deserve your hateful rhetoric.
    You either rein yourself in or others including myself will.

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