Latina Lista > Palabra Final > Politics > takes the voice of the people and hands it to Obama takes the voice of the people and hands it to Obama

LatinaLista — Change is afoot in Washington and Obama hasn’t even been sworn into office yet. But the anticipation of the changes Obama pledged to do once he assumed office has been enough to get people to take the initiative in helping him steer a course on change.
One of those initiatives is known as

At, a competition called Ideas for Change in America was created to take advantage of Obama’s claim that he wanted an increase in citizen involvement in government. What better way to get involved than to propose new ideas on what Obama and his administration should tackle in the 100 days, if not term.
The first part of the competition was held last month where over 7,000 great ideas proposed by Americans were voted on by the public and the list was whittled down to a second stage featuring just 90 ideas — the top 3 ideas from each of the 30 categories.
But don’t think it’s over.

The top 10 rated ideas from the final round will be presented to the Obama administration on January 16th at an event at the National Press Club in Washington, DC, co-hosted by the Case Foundation. At the event we ( will also announce the launch of a national advocacy campaign behind each idea in collaboration with our nonprofit partners to turn each idea into actual policy.

Some of the ideas that made the final cut are:
Pass the DREAM Act – Support Higher Education for All Students
Forgive Student Loans: Stimulate the Middle and Lower Middle Class
The War On Drugs has Failed- Decriminalize Marijuana
Get FISA Right, repeal the PATRIOT Act, and restore our civil liberties
The list goes on.
But before Obama can be presented with the top 10 ideas, they first must be voted on from the 90 that are still vying for a top 10 spot.
From today, January 5 – January 15, people can vote for their favorite ideas to be presented to Obama — and hopefully see their ideas turn into action.


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