Latina Lista > Palabra Final > Immigration > Congress’ Change of Heart Keeps Hopes Alive

Congress’ Change of Heart Keeps Hopes Alive

LatinaLista — Congress has had a change of heart and has now put immigration reform back on to the table for debate.
It remains to be seen if it will stumble again in the Senate or actually make its way to the House of Representatives.
But one thing is clear, the public is getting tired of all the talk about immigration reform but not doing anything constructive about it.

Yet, it’s obvious that some Congressmen refuse to get it.

Sen. Jeff Sessions
For example, Republican Senator Jeff Sessions of Alabama said, “I can’t fathom why they seem so obsessed to ram through this flawed bill…”
The reason is easy: There will be no perfect bill that will please all sides – that’s a given. Yet, the passage of any bill will at least put into motion the recognition of undocumented immigrants and the suffering many of them are enduring because our system is so broken.
There are thousands of stories out there that could illustrate it: some are on a train heading to DC.
Like the old saying, “You can’t understand another person’s experience unless you walk a mile in their shoes”— it also helps to hear their stories firsthand too.
At the Dreams of America web site, people share their immigration experiences with videos so others will know.

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