Latina Lista > Life Issues > Children > Detention of immigrant families continues at T. Don Hutto

Detention of immigrant families continues at T. Don Hutto

LatinaLista — The big question for many who live along the U.S.-Mexico border is whether or not in a few weeks the Obama administration will halt any further construction on the border wall.
For someone who campaigned on taking a scalpel to an overextended budget, it makes sense to think that this is one area that will be operated on — especially since it is already overbudget.

Protesters hold signs at county commissioner’s meeting to voice opposition against continuing contract with Corrections Corporation of America.
(Source: news8austin)

Yet, in a disappointing move that life will continue as before regarding detention of undocumented families, Texas’ Williamson County commissioners voted to continue the contract with Corrections Corporation of America (CCA) of overseeing the T. Don Hutto Family Residential Facility.
Yet, there was one glimmer of hope:

After two years of protesting what he calls an immoral facility where innocent children are detained, Jose Orta said Tuesday those opposed finally cracked a glacier as one commissioner voted no.
“T. Don Hutto is a prison, and no matter how many changes are made to it, it is a prison and therefore I won’t vote to extend the contract,” Precinct 1 Commissioner Lisa Birkman said.

As with the wall, the detention of immigrant families needs to be reviewed to explore more humane alternatives that recognize that national security won’t be compromised even if the needs of the children are taken into consideration.


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  • Michaela
    December 27, 2008 at 6:41 pm

    I would love to know where undocumented immigrants who are apprehended in Mexico are held. Are they treated humanely?

  • Marisa Treviño
    December 27, 2008 at 8:20 pm

    Michaela, When did our country ever hold ourselves to the same standards as other countries? That’s especially true when it comes to their handling of undocumented immigrants in their own country in a less than humane manner. As far as your comment about gang members from El Salvador, if you are in law enforcement then I hope you do know why there is such a growth of gang members from South America and what the U.S. role has been in the growth of these gangs here and in South America. Are they victims themselves? Only the ones who never wanted to be in a gang in the first place but weren’t given any other options.

  • Sandra
    December 28, 2008 at 7:03 am

    How is it inhumane for children to be detained with their illegal alien parents? What is the alternative? Seperation of families? Isn’t that what the complaint is in here all the time? Yet the families are kept together and you still complain. There is no satisfying the open borders, illegal alien sympathizers. They will settle for nothing less but to allow immigration law breakers to roam freely around our country with no consequences for their actions.

  • Michaela
    December 28, 2008 at 12:08 pm

    Marisa, your comment is confusing. Are you saying the U.S. does not hold themselves to the same standards as other countries, i.e., we treat illegals humanely? Because the U.S. definitely does treat illegals more humanely than Mexico.
    Michaela, When did our country ever hold ourselves to the same standards as other countries? That’s especially true when it comes to their handling of undocumented immigrants in their own country in a less than humane manner

  • Michaela
    December 28, 2008 at 12:14 pm

    What role does the U.S. have in the growth of these gangs in our country? I don’t get what you are saying. Did we invite them here? Defintely not. They entered our country illegally and then began their vicious perpetration of violence on Americans.
    You think these vile gang members did not have any other option but to become gang members? That is asinine. God has given all humans the choice to choose between right and wrong. The gang members CHOSE this despicable lifestyle and they, and only they, are to blame for the consequences. There are millions of El Salvadorans who have not chosen this lifestyle. Why do you always think the U.S. for everything?
    “As far as your comment about gang members from El Salvador, if you are in law enforcement then I hope you do know why there is such a growth of gang members from South America and what the U.S. role has been in the growth of these gangs here and in South America. Are they victims themselves? Only the ones who never wanted to be in a gang in the first place but weren’t given any other options.”

  • Peter Coyotl
    December 28, 2008 at 1:48 pm

    T. Don Hutto must go!

  • Horace
    December 31, 2008 at 10:13 am

    “When did our country ever hold ourselves to the same standards as other countries?”
    Marisa is always saying that the way our country treats immigrants says much about the humanity of our people. Apparently that only applies to the U.S. Of course she would not have us think less of Mexicans because of the way they mistreat their own illegal immigrants. That would be critical of fellow Hispanics and unacceptable to her. Mexico is a democratic country, with its govenment elected by its people. In a democracy, if a government mistreats illegal immigrants, we must assume that their enforcement authorities have the tacit approval of its people. Such actions hardly speak well for the Mexican people.

  • Dee
    January 1, 2009 at 2:59 pm

    Very good article.
    The heinous Detention Centers must close! The conditions are deplorable and it is unconscionable that in 2009 they continue to exist, especially for entire families including children.
    Thank you for continuing to keep these issues on the front burner. I vow to do the same on my blog.

  • Sandra
    January 2, 2009 at 8:14 am

    Along with your lies, Dee?

    January 2, 2009 at 9:02 am

    At detention centers families are allowed to remain together. The alternative is lock up those that violated our immigration laws in jails and put the children in state care programs to be given to foster parents. Which do you prefer, together or separated families?

  • Sandra
    January 2, 2009 at 6:39 pm

    EOT, what they prefer is for illegal aliens to roam our country freely. It is pretty obvious.

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