Latina Lista: News from the Latinx perspective > Life Issues > Environment > Earth Day: An Ironic Celebration in a Country Intent on Destroying a Fragile Ecosystem to Build a Fence

Earth Day: An Ironic Celebration in a Country Intent on Destroying a Fragile Ecosystem to Build a Fence


Earth Day is a time to celebrate gains we have made and create new visions to accelerate environmental progress. Earth Day is a time to unite around new actions. Earth Day and every day is a time to act to protect our planet.

Ironic that such an inspiring statement should emanate from a government that has turned a convenient blind eye to the deteriorating state of the planet only to suddenly become enlightened at the end of a second presidential term.

Even more ironic is that on the U.S. government web page for how everyday citizens can get involved with Earth Day, there is a suggestion to join the “Take Pride in America” program:

Take Pride in America® is a national partnership program aimed at increasing volunteer service on America’s public lands. It is the goal of Take Pride to empower volunteers from every corner of America to maintain and enhance our natural, cultural, and historical sites.

Yet, does the government really mean what it says?
There’s a group of citizens in the Texas Rio Grande Valley who are following to the letter what the Take Pride in America program preaches and they are getting hauled into court by the Department of Homeland Security and are seeing their property rights and civil rights trampled.
Not to mention seeing the delicate balance of nature that exists in the area threatened with destruction because it’s too convenient for the government to look the other way as it imposes its will on the people.
Isn’t this how the planet got into trouble in the first place?

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  • Frank
    April 22, 2008 at 2:53 pm

    If a group of terrorists sneak in thru our unsecured southern border, what will you say then? Well, we saved the lizard!

  • adriana
    April 22, 2008 at 8:39 pm

    Marisa did not say anything about not securing our borders. Why can’t be be more innovative in preventing terrorism beyond destroying private property and the environment? Can’t you think outside the box?

  • Liquidmicro
    April 22, 2008 at 10:01 pm
    Theres just something about the border already that is causing environmental impacts well beyond what the fence would pose. Or is the trash hiding inside the box? Can you close it and send it to the refuge depot please.

  • Frank
    April 23, 2008 at 8:22 am

    Adriana, a physical barrier is an absolute necessity on our borders to assist the BP and deter illegal immigration. There is no destruction of private property involved just an adjustment to it. There are no severe environmental impacts involved. As I said before, if a terrorist or terrorists sneak in thru either of our borders and does their dirty deed, the property owners and the lizards will all be dead anyway. Even if one is not a terrorist our soveirgnty as a nation isn’t being respected. Those who are dihonoring it have made the physical barrier necessary also.

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