Latina Lista > Palabra Final > Immigration > Foreign Fugitives on the Loose but Families Detained in Immigrant Detention Aren’t Charged with Crimes

Foreign Fugitives on the Loose but Families Detained in Immigrant Detention Aren’t Charged with Crimes

LatinaLista — It was reported today that there is a backlog of 623,292 cases of people who have been ordered deported but Homeland Security isn’t sure if they ever left or where they are.

Kind of ironic isn’t it that the same Homeland Security deems the women and children held at T.Don Hutto Residential facility a bigger security threat than the fugitives on the loose, by holding the women and their children in a penal detention facility but not even charging them with a crime.

It is a story that won’t be buried until the families are freed.

To read the latest article on it, check out my op-ed on

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