Latina Lista: News from the Latinx perspective > Media > Latina Lista endorses Hispanic-led boycott of CNN’s Lou Dobbs

Latina Lista endorses Hispanic-led boycott of CNN’s Lou Dobbs

LatinaLista — For advocates of undocumented immigrants, CNN’s Lou Dobbs stands as the barrier between rational thinking and hysterical rhetoric.
That he has such a public platform to push his perspective and bullies any guests who disagree with him has long been a sore spot for those of us who know that the only road to real immigration reform is through the sharing of factual information and compromise to reach real solutions.
Unfortunately, a week doesn’t go by that Dobbs’ remarks don’t inflame the debate more. However, what surprises advocates the most is how CNN has not reigned in their star anchor — and that may be the problem.

Well, some Hispanic advocates are tired of waiting for the day that will never come when CNN realizes that Dobbs’ remarks insult a large demographic of their viewers. So, one group has decided to take matters into their own hands.
The Hispanic Institute has declared a boycott of CNN until management takes a critical look at the content Dobbs is delivering each night on his show.

“We’re taking this step after years of CNN management’s failure to rein in Mr. Dobbs’s irresponsible assertions about immigrants and their impact on our country and its institutions,” said Gus West, THI board chair.

The boycott was announced on June 3 and will stay active until CNN addresses the concerns of the boycott.
So far, newspapers in the southwest, Latino organizations and Hispanic radio stations have joined with the Hispanic Institute in supporting the boycott.
And we would like to announce that Latina Lista supports this boycott of CNN as well.

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