Latina Lista > Palabra Final > Immigration > ICE gambles that Democrats and progressive bloggers are too distracted to call them out on latest immigration raid

ICE gambles that Democrats and progressive bloggers are too distracted to call them out on latest immigration raid

LatinaLista — It is 1,367 miles from Denver, Colorado, the site of the Democratic National Convention, and Laurel, Mississippi, the site of the latest “biggest” immigration raid in the country.

Yet, the two towns might as well be on opposite sides of the world for all the attention Democrats want to show the immigration issue during their convention.
And that’s not just sad news for the over 500 people who have been detained in this latest raid but for all whose hopes rest with the one party that has actually shown the political will to address the hard issues that afflict the broader Latino community.

Email alerts circulated at lightning speeds yesterday detailing how a repeat of the Postville, Iowa raid was playing out in Laurel, Mississippi, a sleepy Gulf Coast town of 18,000 people.
Like a recurring nightmare, the same scene played out — only in a different locale and different victims.
Bill Chandler, director of the Mississippi Immigrant Rights Alliance, based in Jackson, Mississippi, told Latina Lista that his organization had heard rumors for weeks that this was going to happen in their area. So he and his staff conducted a systematic educational campaign canvassing neighborhoods, laundry mats and other places where immigrant workers gather with friends and family to enjoy their off-time from work, to educate them about their rights.
Mr. Chandler said that it was expected that the poultry plants in the region would be hit by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials. No one suspected Howard Industries (HI), a maker of electrical transformers was the target.
Yet, yesterday morning, Chandler said he received reports that ICE officials entered the HI plant and immediately separated the Latino workers from Anglos and African Americans. Then each Latino was interrogated to determine their citizenship status.
The result is that a crisis has erupted in the community said Chandler.
As a result of the raid, 150 children were initially affected said Chandler. Some had both parents who were taken into custody. Some parents, because of their children, have been released on the condition they must wear ankle monitoring bracelets.
That’s expected but what is not acceptable is to confine these people, as is being done in Postville, Iowa, to their homes without letting them be able to earn any kind of income to buy their family food or pay their bills.
Since the U.S. government is not subsidizing the keep of these newly detained families, and by virtue of these immigrants’ work history and clean criminal history, coupled with the fact that the vast majority of undocumented immigrants do not take advantage of social welfare services, these people are being subjected to the most punitive measures the government has resorted to in driving undocumented immigrants out of the country — starving them in their own homes. A kind of “humanitarian torture.”
One has to wonder if it’s any coincidence that the raid has happened on the first day of the Democratic National Convention. Perhaps, the government was hoping that all attention would be so focused on Denver that no one would notice what was happening in Laurel, Mississippi.
Yet, when it comes to mass human suffering within our own borders, there’s no distraction large enough to cloak it.

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  • Liquidmicro
    August 26, 2008 at 7:44 pm

    Will the DNC even make mention of this raid during the convention? If they don’t , what will the OBL think of the DNC then?? What will be the though of Obama then?? Should the DNC make mention of this raid??

  • Frank
    August 26, 2008 at 8:42 pm

    “If you can’t do the time, then don’t do the crime”.

  • laura
    August 26, 2008 at 9:38 pm

    You are right, Marisa. Obviously 4 more years of another version of Bush would be a disaster. We must help to make sure McCain does not get elected.
    But I am placing no hopes in the Democrats. Many are ignoring the humanitarian disaster created by Bush’s minions at ICE, in the raids that terrorize entire towns. There are very few elected Democrats who actually speak out against ICE raids.
    Let me again mention the name of Luis Gutierrez of Illinois as an honorable Democrat who is calling for a stop to ICE raids.
    As for the others (including Obama no doubt): they will only respond to pressure. Our job is to apply that pressure.
    The Ya Basta campaign you write about is an excellent way to do that.

  • Grandma
    August 26, 2008 at 10:04 pm

    Once again it’s about tearing families apart. Where’s the outrage when a US citizen is arrested for a crime and is separated from his or her children? Where is the outrage when US citizens are arrested but released with an anchor bracelet and may have no way to support his or her family? There is none. It’s only outrage when people who are here illegally, working illegally and more than likely working with false documents, are arrested for breaking the law. When you choose to come to this country illegally, you should expect that you may some day be caught. When you choose to come to this country illegally and then have children, you should expect that if you are caught, your children are going to suffer. How about taking some of the responsibility for breaking federal law?

  • janna
    August 27, 2008 at 11:15 am

    That thought had crossed my mind as well. The timing of past raids seem to have been no accident.
    Couldn’t the leaders of events/sessions at the convention call for a moment of silence or something, to beseech their attendants to reflect on what’s happening?

  • Thomas
    August 27, 2008 at 12:21 pm

    Whats the problem? Americans are just taking their country back from illegals who shouldn’t even be here. Maybe next time you think twice before flying foreign flags in our country.

  • Grandma
    August 27, 2008 at 7:52 pm

    Laura said:
    Let me again mention the name of Luis Gutierrez of Illinois as an honorable Democrat who is calling for a stop to ICE raids.
    Luis Gutierrez is a congressman that was elected to represent American citizens, not illegal aliens. What Luis Gutierrez is suggesting is against immigration law and he would be aiding and abetting illegal aliens, a federal offense.

  • Michaela
    August 27, 2008 at 10:45 pm

    Here we go again with the I.C.E. is terrorizing immigrant families. I.C.E. has a job to do which is Immigration enforcement. They are tasked with enforcing the federal immigration laws of the United States of America. This is their duty and their RIGHT! It is no one’s job to criticize them and make them out to be some sort of anarchist organization. That is just sheer, unadulterated stupidity and again there’s that victim mentality. If you are afraid you are going to be “terrorized” by the big, bad I.C.E. agents, here’s a thought, how about NOT breaking into our country illegally?

  • Irma
    August 28, 2008 at 1:35 pm

    The Obama campaign, Barak Obama and the Democratic DONT care about this issue.
    Oh yes, black, white, brown, yellow UNITY.
    it is all so transparent. For those who live in Dallas, what have black or white
    politicians done for the Latino comunity?
    Nothing, they and their communities will be the first to report a Latino if they think
    their immigratiion status is suspect.
    Send a message to the Democrats and
    vote for a Democratic congress – but do not vote for President.
    That way, if the Democrats have a 2/3 or more majority they can keep McCain
    from doing all the bad stuff. At the same time, they will be forced to listen to us next time. Sometimes, inaction
    is more powerful than action.

  • Thomas
    August 28, 2008 at 4:05 pm

    Any chance you will mention how Americans filled up applications in the hundreds after this raid. Americans who couldn’t get a job at this work plant due to cheap illegal labor. So much for the myth of doing jobs Americans won’t do.

  • Dee
    August 28, 2008 at 4:49 pm

    I think you are probably right. ICE scheduled this raid during the Conventions. I think we should both keep up the communication of what is happening in Laurel on both of our blogs. I have been writing about it too.
    It is obvious the employers solicited, hired and exploited the workers. News reports tell us there was what was reported as “illegal documnetation” found in the HR office. Yet the employers were not charged. Of course they were huge GOP contributors and had maxed out their contributions to McCain! They were the holder of multi million government contracts. OF COURSE they were NOT charged!
    Additionally, the ANTI immigrant reform groups could care less. They are laughing and cheering the misery of the workers. Check out alipac or other sites. They are drooling all over themselves with their laughter at the chains, the mace, the racial profiling of all Latinos and their neighborhoods during the Raids!
    Additionally, the workers were sent to Jena Detention Center, a new center opened last year owned by the GEO Group, another GOP contributor and recipient of the Dentention Center contracts across the US. In 2007, when they opened the center, they predicted they would fill the center by mid 2008. They did, with this sweep, as predicted. And now, the tax payers are paying these GOP Private Prison owners MILLIONS of dollars to house these workers. Once in the Detention Centers, there is no SPEED!
    We DO NOT NEED 4 more years of the last 8 years!! We need Obama to pass Comprehensive Immigration Reform!!

  • Marisa Treviño
    August 28, 2008 at 8:41 pm

    Well said Dee.

  • Thomas
    August 28, 2008 at 10:01 pm

    So by your logic Irma. The Democratic congress who had more secret votes than the republicans and running on 9 percent approval rating will keep MCcain from doing all the bad stuff? The majority wants to drill and house leader Pelosi says no. Opposing side wants a debate. Pelosi turns off the lights and mics and went on a five week vacation. Thats a congress to love. From what I see the republic is dead and we have become a nation of sheeps electing the same people into office.

  • laura
    August 28, 2008 at 10:56 pm

    Hola Irma, I think your idea is interesting – vote for Congress but not for President. That way McCain can’t do all the bad stuff he wants to do because he is faced with a 2/3 Democratic Congress.
    My main concern is twofold: firstly I doubt a Democratic Congress will do better in 09 than they did in 08 – unless we push them very hard.
    Secondly I think having to push a Democratic Congress to do anything good would be that much harder if they have the excuse of a McCain-Bush continuation president. Just like the Democratic Congress in the past year and a half had the excuse that they couldn’t do anything against all those Republicans.
    Realistically, I believe we have to elect people at every level who will do the least amount of further damage – who will create the least major disasters – so that the country can start cleaning up the wreckage of 8 years of Bush and much longer of Republican rule.
    Unfortunately, McCain is one of the people who would create ever greater disasters. Remember he actually sang “Bomb Iran”? He supports the Bush tax cuts for the richest 1% of Americans? He is against renewable energy and international climate agreements? He said we might have to stay in Iraq 100 years? He now is against prohibiting torture? He is now for building a wall and “securing the border” before any type of immigration reform?
    We don’t have the luxury of voting our grievances. I agree with you on the topic of many – not all – Democrats, black or white. But please look at the alternative, look at the amazing disastrous mess we are in, and tell me whether you want that alternative – a Republican in any higher public office.
    Obama is no messiah. But he is not a human wrecking ball like Bush or McCain.

    August 29, 2008 at 11:30 am

    Obama starts pandering to any special interest group based solely on race the American citizens will rise up and stop him in his tracks. He knows that and will not try anything that implies racial pandering.

  • arturo fernandez
    August 31, 2008 at 12:50 am

    “Any chance you will mention how Americans filled up applications in the hundreds after this raid.”
    Thomas, what are you talking about? The article you linked to says 30 cars lined up to apply, which probably means 30 people. The fact is that while illegal immigration was going up, unemployment was for the most part low, sometimes reaching historic lows, to levels considered “full employment” in a free-market economy. So illegal immigrants did not take anyone’s job, but in fact helped expand our economy. Now that unemployment is going up, the question is: should we now deport illegal immigrants to give their jobs to unemployed Americans. That doesn’t seem very fair to me. Nor is it wise to aim at shrinking our economy.

  • Liquidmicro
    August 31, 2008 at 7:46 pm

    You’re contributing the entire USA unemployment rate to a small town in Miss. Which in fact has a higher unemployment rate then the rest of the USA. Maybe now the rate of unemployment may come back in line with that of the rest of the USA.
    Those 30 cars may have also been just after the announcement of HI hiring, how many more have been there since that day?

  • Michaela
    September 1, 2008 at 1:58 am

    Arturo said:
    Now that unemployment is going up, the question is: should we now deport illegal immigrants to give their jobs to unemployed Americans. That doesn’t seem very fair to me.”
    Your logic escapes me Arturo. Many Americans are unemployed because illegal immigration has depressed wages and Americans cannot live on those wages. They need wages that will support their mortgages, home insurance, car insurance, property taxes, childrens educations, etc. American citizens, for the most part, do not qualify for government aid programs as most of those go to illegals. Is that fair?

  • thomas
    September 1, 2008 at 2:41 am

    There was a local news that said hundreds of aplications. Plus how do they expand the economy by bankrupting our hospitals, sending billions of dollars to their home country’s, populating our prisons, schools and actually sueing in civil law suits for millions? Man I hate lawyers. Thats a lot of money. Money that should be used for citizens.

  • arturo fernandez
    September 2, 2008 at 12:10 am

    “You’re contributing the entire USA unemployment rate to a small town in Miss.”
    Liquidmicro, you’re contributing the entire state’s unemployment rate to a small town in Mississippi. Howard Industries alone adds 5000 jobs to this town of 18,000. Surely, this small town in Miss has a lower unemployment rate than the entire USA.
    Jones County, where this town is, has an employment rate 2% less than state’s. This year alone, since January, Miss’s unemployment rate has increased by almost 2% points, so Jones County was probably in even better shape. We can safely say that Howard Industries hired its illegal immigrants when things looked pretty good in Jones County. Adding 500 laborers also meant adding supervisors, secretaries, bookkeepers, salespeople, etc. It simply is not true that they took anyone’s jobs. They helped Howard Industries prosper and that helped the community prosper. What a shame that hysteria is now jeopardizing good businesses. That will ultimately hurt Americans.

  • Evelyn
    September 2, 2008 at 2:50 am

    Michaela said:
    Many Americans are unemployed because illegal immigration has depressed wages and Americans cannot live on those wages.
    A study by economists Richard Vedder, Lowell Gallaway, and Stephen Moore found that states with relatively high immigration actually experience low unemployment. The economists believed that it is likely immigration opens up many job opportunities for natives. (Richard Vedder, Lowell Gallaway, and Stephen Moore, “Immigration and Unemployment: New Evidence,” Alexis de Tocqueville Institution, Arlington, VA. Mar. 1994.)
    A common idea is that more immigrants increase the supply of labor and therefore decrease wages that will be paid since more people are competing for the same jobs. A recent study by Immigration Policy Center at the University of California (Davis campus) argues that the theory that immigrants decrease wages is a misconception.
    The study compared wages paid in the U.S. between 1990 and 2004. This is what the study found. Immigrants and U.S. workers do not generally compete for the same jobs. Their skills and educational levels at the lower job levels are different than those workers who are born in America. Immigrant workers are concentrated at the lowest and highest level of occupations, but have a relatively small representation among regular workers. Immigrants usually choose different occupations than the average American worker because that is the work that is available to them.
    During the 14 years period of the study by the Immigration Policy Center (1990 to 2004), 90% of U.S. citizens wage earners experienced substantial wage gains. There is no independent evidence that working immigrants lowered wages.
    They need wages that will support their mortgages, home insurance, car insurance, property taxes, childrens educations, etc.
    Then they need to get a very good education.
    No one can expect to get $20 an hour flipping burgers at Micky D., because no one is willing to pay $20 for a burger, at least not at Micky D. Some high end restaurant yes where you pay for service and ambiance and the chef is gourmet, but Micky D. NO NO NO!
    American citizens, for the most part, do not qualify for government aid programs as most of those go to illegals. Is that fair?
    While the myth that undocumented immigrants are an economic drain is widespread, “Every empirical study of illegals’ economic impact demonstrates the opposite…; undocumenteds actually contribute more to public coffers in taxes than they cost in social services.” (Peter L. Reich, “Public Benefits for Undocumented Aliens: State Law Into the Breach Once More,” 21 N.M. L. Rev. 219, 241–42. 1991)
    Undocumented immigrants are ineligible for most federally funded benefits including cash assistance, food stamps, and SSI. (Office of Human Services Policy, Department of Health and Human Services)
    Tell me how do you sleep at night? Doesn’t it bother you to lie so much?

  • Evelyn
    September 2, 2008 at 3:19 am

    thomas said:
    There was a local news that said hundreds of aplications. Plus how do they expand the economy by bankrupting our hospitals, sending billions of dollars to their home country’s, populating our prisons, schools
    They expand our economy because they pay more in taxes then they use in services.
    Immigrant Households and Businesses Generate Billions: In 2005, immigrant households and businesses paid approximately $300 billion in federal, state, and local taxes: $165 billion in federal income taxes, $85 billion in state and local income taxes, and $50 billion in business taxes.
    Immigrants Pay More in Taxes Than They Use in Services Over Their Lifetimes: Depending on skills and level of education, each immigrant pays, on average, between $20,000 and $80,000 more in taxes than he or she consumes in public benefits.
    read more
    and actually sueing in civil law suits for millions? Man I hate lawyers. Thats a lot of money.
    I donate generously to ACLU so they will have sufficient funds to sue the hell out of ANYONE violating the law.
    Money that should be used for citizens.
    Citizens can work just like everyone else does. They dont need anymore handouts because of lazyness!
    Talk to Bush/McSame about the Billions upon Billions that could be used for the homeless and disabled and hungry children here and in those countries whose wealth we have sucked up forcing their families to migrate here to follow it.

  • Liquidmicro
    September 2, 2008 at 2:33 pm

    Your certainly not talking about this 5000 jobs, are you Arturo?
    Howard Industries is the largest employer in Laurel. The speed at which Howard Industries is growing has caused the company to need to expand, and they are doing so via the Howard Technology Park in Ellisville, Mississippi. The Tech Park is heavily state subsidized. Unfortunately the 5000 jobs promised from the computer division of the company in 1997 have never materialized. As of 2007 no tenants have moved into the facility.
    I am, actually, contributing Laurels Unemployment Rate:
    Laurel Unemployment Rate
    Laurel has an unemployment rate of 7.4%, compared the national average of 5.8%.
    According to our Laurel Trends data, the number of Laurel, Mississippi jobs has decreased by 29% since January 2007.
    Here it is from
    2007 01 5.2
    2007 02 5.1
    2007 03 5.0
    2007 04 4.4
    2007 05 4.4
    2007 06 5.6
    2007 07 5.4
    2007 08 4.6
    2007 09 4.8
    2007 10 4.9
    2007 11 4.5
    2007 12 5.0
    2008 01 5.1
    2008 02 4.8
    2008 03 4.8
    2008 04 4.6
    2008 05 5.5
    2008 06 6.8
    Note it stopped in June. However here is July’s Rate….. are you ready….7.9%
    As for Jones County, you had better do some further research, it’s unemployment rate is 6.5% which is still higher then the National Rate of 5.7%.

  • Liquidmciro
    September 2, 2008 at 2:45 pm

    Evelyn SCREAMS:
    A study by economists Richard Vedder,
    You need to lay off the melodramatics. To claim anybody LIED is nonsense. This report by Mr. Vedder is nothing more then his mere opinion of his own conclusion of what he thinks.
    Evelyn Says:
    Tell me how do you sleep at night? Doesn’t it bother you to lie so much?
    More lies?? Still it is nothing but mere opinion.
    You look to be a paraconsistent person Evelyn.

  • Liquidmicro
    September 2, 2008 at 5:09 pm

    Evelyn’s ‘truth’ report states:
    “A study by economists Richard Vedder, Lowell Gallaway, and Stephen Moore found that states with relatively high immigration actually experience low unemployment.”
    I give you California’s unemployment rate for July 2008….. 7.3%. Now California is one of the top two “Immigrant” states in the nation, yet has one of the highest unemployment rates in the nation (ranked #4).
    Evelyn says:
    “Undocumented immigrants are ineligible for most federally funded benefits including cash assistance, food stamps, and SSI. (Office of Human Services Policy, Department of Health and Human Services)”
    On face value that certainly seems correct, however the GAO disagrees.
    “Most illegal aliens receiving AFDC or Food Stamp benefits on behalf of U.S.
    citizen children are located in only a few states. Over 85 percent of the
    households with children of an illegal alien parent receiving AFDC are
    located in California, Texas, New York, and Arizona.13 (See fig. 1.) The
    distribution of Food Stamp households with an illegal alien parent is only
    slightly different, with 54 percent of the cases in California, 23 percent in
    Texas, and 4 percent in Arizona.14 In addition, the majority of SSI cases of
    illegal alien payees for citizen children that records allowed us to identify
    were located in California and Texas.”

  • arturo fernandez
    September 2, 2008 at 6:20 pm

    Above, it should be “Jones County, where this town is, has an UNemployment rate 2% less than state’s”

  • Michaela
    September 2, 2008 at 10:49 pm

    Tell me how do you sleep at night? Doesn’t it bother you to lie so much?
    Sweetie, I sleep just fine at night because I don’t lie. I would think you are the one that has trouble sleeping what with all that hate constantly boiling inside you.
    You are a victim of serious brainwashing and if it was done by someone close to you, that is despicable. You need to be reprogrammed to see reality and join the human race.

  • arturo fernandez
    September 3, 2008 at 1:13 am

    Your list proves my point. Unemployement was steady and low when illegal immigrants were being hired.

  • Liquidmicro
    September 3, 2008 at 9:53 am

    A 29% increase in unemployment and you say that’s pretty steady?? especially for a small town?? That’s a pretty big jump is it not??

  • arturo fernandez
    September 3, 2008 at 8:03 pm

    Liquidmicro, get serious.

  • Liquidmicro
    September 3, 2008 at 10:47 pm

    Get serious??
    Lets do this:
    A 30-year-old immigrant from Mexico who has worked at the transformer plant for three years said union representatives pressured immigrants to join the union, sometimes visiting their homes, offering gifts such as shirts and indicating that if they joined the union they would make more money.
    Lets go back the 3 years from my previous links.
    2004 07 6.5
    2004 08 6.0
    2004 09 6.0
    2004 10 6.5
    2004 11 6.2
    2004 12 6.0
    2005 01 6.7
    2005 02 6.3
    2005 03 6.3
    2005 04 6.0
    2005 05 6.5
    2005 06 7.5
    2005 07 6.7
    2005 08 6.3
    2005 09 7.0
    2005 10 5.8
    2005 11 6.1
    2005 12 5.6
    2006 01 5.6
    2006 02 5.2
    2006 03 4.7
    2006 04 4.4
    2006 05 4.8
    2006 06 5.7
    2006 07 5.8
    2006 08 5.0
    2006 09 4.7
    2006 10 4.8
    2006 11 4.8
    2006 12 4.9
    2007 01 5.2
    2007 02 5.1
    2007 03 5.0
    2007 04 4.4
    2007 05 4.4
    2007 06 5.6
    2007 07 5.4
    2007 08 4.6
    2007 09 4.8
    2007 10 4.9
    2007 11 4.5
    2007 12 5.0
    We can go back and forth, your opinion vs my opinion, neither is going to change.
    I think you were trying to refer to this earlier.
    “The unemployment rate in Jones County was 6.5 percent in July, slightly higher than the national rate of 6 percent but below the state’s 8.5 percent rate.”
    I also note you tend to think as William Gunther, who gives his opinion.
    I tend to disagree with Mr. Gunther.
    What I find insulting, not just by him but by you as well, is the simple fact that you enjoy the cheap prices and the Big Business exploiting workers, paying them less and working them longer, as slave labor for your cheap items. Visas are put in place to protect them, your answer is then to allow them to become “legal”, thus not penalizing Business’s that do that nor the people who intentionally deceive in order to obtain what they have no entitlement to in this country.

  • arturo fernandez
    September 5, 2008 at 12:11 am

    Liquidmicro, from your longer list we can safely say that if anything illegal immigration contributed to unemployment decline. ICE did not come in to harass Howard Industries in ’06, when unemployment began a decline. It declined while illegal immigrants were working at the company, helping it prosper, which helped the community prosper.
    I am not getting lower prices than you simply because I don’t express derision for illegal immigrant workers. I think it’s better we express gratitude. Derision encourages they be exploited, while gratitude encourages they be treated fairly.

  • Evelyn Chavez
    September 5, 2008 at 10:53 am

    Liquidmciro SPEWES:
    Evelyn SCREAMS:
    A study by economists Richard Vedder,
    You need to lay off the melodramatics. To claim anybody LIED is nonsense. This report by Mr. Vedder is nothing more then his mere opinion of his own conclusion of what he thinks.
    You are most certainly entitled to show your ignorance by stating that professionals who conduct studies in their field of expertise and display their findings as proof on certain issues are just “some guy’s openion.” LOL!
    Evelyn Says:
    Tell me how do you sleep at night? Doesn’t it bother you to lie so much?
    More lies?? Still it is nothing but mere opinion.
    You look to be a paraconsistent person Evelyn.
    You know what they say when the only thing you do is attack the messenger without attacking the issues first and then the messenger, don’t you?
    If you dont let me know and I will be glad to repeat it for you.

  • Evelyn Chavez
    September 5, 2008 at 11:13 am

    Michaela :
    Tell me how do you sleep at night? Doesn’t it bother you to lie so much?
    Sweetie, I sleep just fine at night because I don’t lie. I would think you are the one that has trouble sleeping what with all that hate constantly boiling inside you.
    You are a victim of serious brainwashing and if it was done by someone close to you, that is despicable. You need to be reprogrammed to see reality and join the human race.
    LOL! I wont take time to spew all the things I know about you from the person working for our side embedded in the other forum you spew all the dribble and vulgarness from, or all the thing I have learned about you here from reading your posts.
    I will not lower myself to spar in a bar room cat fight with you. I would rather stick to issues!

  • Evelyn Chavez
    September 5, 2008 at 1:54 pm

    Liquidmicro :
    Evelyn’s ‘truth’ report states:
    “A study by economists Richard Vedder, Lowell Gallaway, and Stephen Moore found that states with relatively high immigration actually experience low unemployment.”
    I give you California’s unemployment rate for July 2008….. 7.3%. Now California is one of the top two “Immigrant” states in the nation, yet has one of the highest unemployment rates in the nation (ranked #4).
    California’s unemployment rate like that of every other state is higher because of Bush’s flawed knowledge on how to run our country and his Iraq war.
    Now show your ignorance and try spin on the information on the studies done at credible institutions by experts as being ‘some guys openion.’ I am posting it after your rhetoric.
    #1048766; A comprehensive 2007 study released by the Russell Sage Foundation found that:
    • Among Latino immigrants who arrived in California between 1960 and 1970, the poverty rate declined from 23.9 percent in 1970 to 16.8 percent in 1980 and 12.6 percent in 1990.24
    • Latino immigrants in California exhibit exceptionally large gains in homeownership—a key indicator of entry into the middle class. Homeownership rose from 16.4 percent of Latino immigrant householders in California who arrived in the U.S. in the last 10 years to 64.6 percent among those who have lived here for 30 years or more.25
    • Latino immigrants who arrived in the 1970s in California had a 16.3 percent homeownership rate in 1980, which rose to 33.6 percent in 1990, and then climbed to 51.9 percent in 2000.26
    Evelyn says:
    “Undocumented immigrants are ineligible for most federally funded benefits including cash assistance, food stamps, and SSI. (Office of Human Services Policy, Department of Health and Human Services)”
    On face value that certainly seems correct, however the GAO disagrees.
    “Most illegal aliens receiving AFDC or Food Stamp benefits on behalf of U.S.
    citizen children are located in only a few states. Over 85 percent of the
    households with children of an illegal alien parent receiving AFDC are
    located in California, Texas, New York, and Arizona.13 (See fig. 1.) The
    distribution of Food Stamp households with an illegal alien parent is only
    slightly different, with 54 percent of the cases in California, 23 percent in
    Texas, and 4 percent in Arizona.14 In addition, the majority of SSI cases of
    illegal alien payees for citizen children that records allowed us to identify
    were located in California and Texas.”
    I hope you’re not suggesting excluding these minor American citizen children because their parents status happens to be not properly documented because our laws dont fit the labor needs of our country?
    Why that would lead to another million dollar lawsuit by the ACLU (which I donate to) against the government for violating these American citizen children’s rights! Truly shocking! LMAO!!
    Now the Truth.
    …providing factual information about immigration and immigrants in America
    For more information contact:
    Tim Vettel
    The Economic Impact of Immigration
    Most studies claiming to calculate the net “costs” of immigration to the U.S. economy suffer from one or more fatal flaws:
    • They rely upon single-year “snapshots” of the immigrant population that fail to account for the fact that the income levels and tax contributions of immigrants increase over time and from generation to generation;
    • They count the education and care of the U.S.-born children of immigrants as “costs” incurred by immigrant households, but classify these same children as “natives” when they are working, tax-paying adults;
    • They do not consider economic contributions such as consumer purchasing power and the formation of businesses, both of which create jobs and provide federal, state, and local governments with additional revenue through sales, income, business, and property taxes.
    More comprehensive studies that seek to avoid these pitfalls have found that…
    …Immigrants use relatively few federal or state public-benefit programs
    #1048766; The vast majority of immigrants are not eligible to receive public benefits such as Medicaid, State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP), Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), or food stamps for many years after their arrival in the United States, if ever. Legal permanent residents (LPRs) must pay into the Social Security and Medicare systems for approximately 10 years before they are eligible to receive benefits when they retire. In most cases, LPRs can not receive SSI, which is available only to U.S. citizens, and are not eligible for means-tested public benefits until 5 years after receiving their green cards. Undocumented immigrants, who comprise nearly one-third of all immigrants in the country, are not eligible for any kind of public benefits—ever.1
    #1048766; A 2007 analysis of U.S. Census data by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities found that, between 1995 and 2005, the share of low-income, noncitizen immigrant children receiving Medicaid or SCHIP dropped from 36 percent to 30 percent. In comparison, there were increases in the Medicaid or SCHIP participation of low-income citizen children, whether they lived in immigrant-headed households or households headed by native-born citizens (rising from 45-47 percent in 1995 to 53-54 percent in 2005).2
    #1048766; An analysis of welfare data by researchers at the Urban Institute reveals that less than 1 percent of households headed by undocumented immigrants receive cash assistance for needy families, compared to 5 percent of households headed by native-born U.S. citizens.3
    918 F STREET, NW, 6TH FLOOR • WASHINGTON, DC 20004 • TEL: (202) 742-5600 • FAX: (202) 742-5619

  • Liquidmicro
    September 5, 2008 at 6:34 pm

    Oh Evelyn, how little you actually know about anything. His line of work, writing a report, is still his opinion. As a professional in my line of work and my credentials along with being an expert witness, any report that is written is nothing more than mere opinion of the one writing it. Please in the future, don’t put on display your ignorance, as I do enjoy pointing it out.
    Since you stated you teach English classes, why don’t you learn to spell, your spelling is terrible. (openion is not spelled this way, every time you write it this is how you write it. Run spell check if you need to)

  • Evelyn
    September 6, 2008 at 8:13 am

    You know what they say when the only thing you do is attack the messenger without attacking the issues first and then the messenger, don’t you?
    If you dont, let me know and I will be glad to repeat it for you.
    You did it again, I guess you want me to repeat it.
    Attacking ME shows you have lost the debate.
    Yes opinion is misspelled over and over because I pasted the phrase “some guy’s opinion” over and over without thinking to check my nephew’s spelling.
    He is trying to type faster, so I let him help me sometimes.
    I dictate, he does the typing.
    You are right though, I should have checked it.
    You say, “Oh Evelyn, how little you actually know about anything. His line of work, writing a report, is still his opinion.”
    “As a professional in my line of work and my credentials along with being an expert witness, any report that is written is nothing more than mere opinion of the one writing it.”
    “Please in the future, don’t put on display your ignorance, as I do enjoy pointing it out.”
    Maybe you should go back to school you learned at and sue them! What an atrocity!
    If I were you I wouldent let them get away with not teaching that when one is to give their openion on an issue, first they must do much research on the subject, including a study. LMAO!!
    Following is a list of persons, organizations, and schools whose findings and facts are used in the study I used as proof and showed you.
    I Didn’t post them because I didnt want Marisa to think it was too long and cut it out.
    Marisa I would like to know if you can leave the following list in so Liquid can see the names of all who participated in the studies I used as proof. Thank You.
    The only one showing their ignorance here is you Liquid. Unlike you, I dont like pointing that out, because I think that as Americans coming from the richest most privileged country in the world, we could do better!
    1 Ruth Ellen Wasem, Noncitizen Eligibility for Federal Public Assistance: Policy Overview and Trends (RL33809). Washington, DC: Congressional Research Service, January 19, 2007, pp. 18-20.
    2 Analysis of March 1996 and March 2006 Current Population Survey data by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (Washington, DC).
    3 N.C. Aizenam, “Illegal Immigrants in Md. and Va. Out-Earn U.S. Peers, Study Says,” Washington Post, November 29, 2007, p. A10.
    4 Leighton Ku, Shawn Fremstad & Matthew Broaddus, Noncitizens’ Use of Public Benefits Has Declined Since 1996: Recent Report Paints Misleading Picture of Impact of Eligibility Restrictions on Immigrant Families. Washington, DC: Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, April 2003, p. 2.
    5 Analysis of March 2007 Current Population Survey data by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (Washington, DC).
    6 Alexander N. Ortega, et al., “Health Care Access, Use of Services, and Experiences Among Undocumented Mexicans and Other Latinos,” Archives of Internal Medicine 167(21), November 26, 2007: 2354-2360.
    7 Sarita A. Mohanty, Unequal Access: Immigrants and U.S. Heath Care. Washington, DC: Immigration Policy Center, American Immigration Law Foundation, July 2006, p. 3. Based on data from Sarita A. Mohanty, et al., “Health Care Expenditures of Immigrants in the United States: A Nationally Representative Analysis,” American Journal of Public Health 95(Cool, August 2005, p. 1431-1438.
    8 White House Council of Economic Advisers, Immigration’s Economic Impact. Washington, DC: Executive Office of the President, The White House, June 20, 2007, p. 3.
    9 James P. Smith & Barry Edmonston, eds., The New Americans: Economic, Demographic, and Fiscal Effects of Immigration. Washington, DC: National Research Council, National Academy of Sciences Press, 1997, pp. 220, 353.
    10 ibid., p. 349.
    11 ibid., p. 351.
    12 ibid., pp. 347-348.
    13 Stephen Moore, A Fiscal Portrait of the Newest Americans. Washington, DC: National Immigration Forum & Cato Institute, 1998.
    14 The White House, Economic Report of the President, February 2005, p. 107; Eduardo Porter, “Illegal Immigrants Are Bolstering Social Security With Billions,” New York Times, April 5, 2005.
    15 ibid., pp. 106-107.
    16 Carole Keeton Strayhorn, Texas Comptroller, Special Report: Undocumented Immigrants in Texas: A Financial Analysis of the Impact to the State Budget and Economy. Austin, TX: December 2006, p. 1.
    17 Oregon Center for Public Policy, Undocumented Workers Are Taxpayers, Too. Silverton, OR: April 10, 2007, p. 4.
    18 Beth Pearson & Michael F. Sheehan, Undocumented Immigrants in Iowa: Estimated Tax Contributions and Fiscal Impact. Mount Vernon, IA: Iowa Policy Project, October 2007, pp. 30-31.
    19 Office of the Inspector General, Social Security Administration, Obstacles to Reducing Social Security Number Misuse in the Agriculture Industry (Report No. A-08-99-41004), January 22, 2001, p. 12.
    20 Testimony of Patrick P. O’Carroll, Jr., Inspector General of the Social Security Administration, before the U.S. Senate, Committee on Finance, regarding “Administrative Challenges Facing the Social Security Administration,” March 14, 2006.
    21 Stuart Anderson, The Contribution of Legal Immigration to the Social Security System. Arlington, VA: National Foundation for American Policy, February 2005 (revised March 2005), p. 1.
    22 James P. Smith, “Assimilation across the Latino Generations,” American Economic Review 93(2), May 2003: 319
    23 Rakesh Kochhar, 1995–2005: Foreign-Born Latinos Make Progress on Wages. Washington, DC: Pew Hispanic Center, August 21, 2007, p. iii.
    24 Dowell Myers, Immigrants and Boomers: Forging a New Social Contract for the Future of America. New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 2007, pp. 114-115.
    25 ibid., p. 111.
    26 ibid., p. 117.
    27 Michael Fix, Wendy Zimmermann & Jeffrey S. Passel, The Integration of Immigrant Families in the United States. Washington, DC: Urban Institute, July 2001, p. 19.
    28 Rakesh Kochhar, 1995–2005: Foreign-Born Latinos Make Progress on Wages. Washington, DC: Pew Hispanic Center, August 21, 2007, p. 18.
    29 The White House, Economic Report of the President, February 2005, p. 94.
    30 Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, News Release: “Labor Force Characteristics of Foreign-Born Workers in 2003,” December 1, 2004 – Table 4: “Employed foreign-born and native-born persons 16 years and over by occupation and sex, 2003 annual averages.”
    31 National Science Board, Science and Engineering Indicators 2006 (vol. 1, NSB 06-01). Arlington, VA: National Science Foundation, 2006, Chapter 3, p. 35.
    32 Population Division, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, United Nations, World Population Prospects: The 2004 Revision, Highlights, February 24, 2005, p. 71.
    33 2006 American Community Survey, Table B06004D: “Place of Birth by Race (Asian Alone) in the United States” & Table B06004I: “Place of Birth by Race (Hispanic or Latino) in the United States.”
    34 Jeffrey M. Humphreys, “The multicultural economy 2007,” Georgia Business and Economic Conditions 67(3), Third Quarter 2007, p. 7.
    35 ibid., p. 6.
    36 U.S. Census Bureau, Hispanic-Owned Firms: 2002 (SB02-00CS-HISP), 2002 Economic Census, Survey of Business Owners, Company Statistics Series, March 2006, Table 8: Statistics for Hispanic-Owned Firms by Kind of Business and Receipts Size of Firm: 2002, p. 267.
    37 U.S. Census Bureau, Asian-Owned Firms: 2002 (SB02-00CS-ASIAN), 2002 Economic Census, Survey of Business Owners, Company Statistics Series, May 2006, Table 8: Statistics for Asian-Owned Firms by Kind of Business and Receipts Size of Firm: 2002, p. 277.
    38 Chirag Mehta, Nik Theodore, Iliana Mora & Jennifer Wade, Chicago’s Undocumented Immigrants: An Analysis of Wages, Working Conditions, and Economic Contributions. Chicago, IL: Center for Urban Economic Development, University of Illinois at Chicago, February 2002, p. 34.
    39 Robert W. Fairlie, Kauffman Index of Entrepreneurial Activity. Kansas City, MO: Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation, 2005, p. 1.
    40 Rachel Bogardus Drew, New Americans, New Homeowners: The Role and Relevance of Foreign-Born First-Time Homebuyers in the U.S. Housing Market. Cambridge, MA: Joint Center for Housing Studies, Harvard University, August 2002, p. 2.
    41 Joint Center for Housing Studies, The State of the Nation’s Housing: 2003. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University, 2003, p. 3.
    42 White House Council of Economic Advisers, Immigration’s Economic Impact. Washington, DC: Executive Office of the President, The White House, June 20, 2007, p.4.
    43 Giovanni Peri, Rethinking the Effects of Immigration on Wages: New Data and Analysis from 1990-2004. Washington, DC: Immigration Policy Center, American Immigration Law Foundation, October 2006, p. 2.
    44 David Card, Is the New Immigration Really So Bad? (CDP No 02/04). Centre for Research and Analysis of Migration, Department of Economics, University College, London, April 2004, p. 23.
    45 James P. Smith & Barry Edmonston, eds., The New Americans: Economic, Demographic, and Fiscal Effects of Immigration. Washington, DC: National Research Council, National Academy of Sciences Press, 1997, p. 220.
    46 ibid., p. 223.
    47 George Borjas, Friends or Strangers: The Impact of Immigrants on the U.S. Economy. New York, NY: Basic Books, 1990, p. 80-81.
    This publication was made possible in part by a grant from Carnegie Corporation of New York. The statements made and views expressed are solely the responsibility of the author.
    December 2007

  • Liquidmicro
    September 6, 2008 at 12:50 pm

    Evelyn says:
    “If I were you I wouldent let them get away with not teaching that when one is to give their openion on an issue, first they must do much research on the subject, including a study.”
    Lets look at your sentence.
    A study by definition is: to investigate or examine (something) by observation and research.
    Observation is ones own interpretation of what it is that they see.
    A Report is: to submit or relate the results of considerations from an investigation.
    Consideration is: a result of considering; an opinion or a judgment.
    Now, again, for your ignorance of understanding of what a report is and does. In writing, a report is a document characterized by information or other content (end notes denoting where the information came from) reflective of inquiry (a close examination of a matter in a search for information) or investigation (the work of inquiring into something thoroughly and systematically), which is ‘tailored’ (made to fit) to the context of a given situation and audience. The purpose of reports is usually to inform based on the ‘tailored’ information. However, reports may include persuasive elements, such as recommendations, suggestions, or other motivating conclusions that indicate possible future actions the report reader might take.
    I always enjoy when you try to make the argument about something other than what we are discussing. Your end notes prove my point exactly. I even use end notes in my reports for my clients, and the report writer for the other side uses them in his report as well for his client. In court that is known as a difference of opinion, the idea is to have the judge believe you and your facts over the other report and its facts, basically which one makes better since to the judge. Even Sandra explained reports to you in her post in the other topic.

  • Liquidmicro
    September 6, 2008 at 1:26 pm

    You call the IPC information ‘truth’?? It’s nothing more then there opinion of what they want you, the sheep, to believe.
    Shall I post differing opinions to the IPC?? to show that there version of truth is just that, there version.
    Information is out there, we all make our decisions based on what we see, read, and research ourselves.
    As for the GAO report and the minor children and there parents receiving the monies, yes, the parents receive the money to raise the child, monies that they would not receive if they were not here, monies they receive just by having a child on our side of the border, monies the parents are not entitled to, thus the term ‘anchor baby’, its free money to mommy and daddy, paid to have a child here without having put into the system in most cases. Why do you think AZ hospitals quit providing birth documents to these people?
    You are under the assumption that we need there labor here.
    Your donations to the ACLU?? so what, why don’t you instead do something to better there lives in the countries that they come from?

  • Evelyn
    September 7, 2008 at 2:47 pm

    Liquid said
    Information is out there, we all make our decisions based on what we see, read, and research ourselves.
    That is true. You choose to believe people like you, who have an ethnocentrists opinion like you.
    I chose to believe those who find facts by doing studies and using experts in whatever field the issues are.
    As for the GAO report and the minor children and there parents receiving the monies, yes, the parents receive the money to raise the child, monies that they would not receive if they were not here, monies they receive just by having a child on our side of the border, monies the parents are not entitled to, thus the term ‘anchor baby’, its free money to mommy and daddy, paid to have a child here without having put into the system in most cases.
    What do you expect them to do give the money to the American Citizen baby.
    Who gives a rats azz if the ethnocentrists in AZ. want to participate in discriminatory behavior.
    The births are registered at the state capitol anyway.
    HA! HA! That’s funny I didnt know they did that! Tell me what did they gain besides making themselves look more stupid?
    I am well aware of the fact, you want to rid the country of bronze babies because of your racism, the fact that you say it out in the open is what shocks every American who doesent believe people like you exist.
    YES! YES! YES!
    You are under the assumption that we need there labor here.
    No I am not, 85% of the economists are.
    You are under the assumption that we dont need this labor. Your opinion is just that. Stick to plants then I will believe you.
    Your donations to the ACLU?? so what, why don’t you instead do something to better there lives in the countries that they come from?
    It’s funny you should ask that when just a few days ago I wired a large amount of money collected at my business, including a large donation by me to Mexico to an orphanage that is almost totally funded by my deceased husbands extended family.
    The money will be used to buy more beds and bedding.
    When I go there I also teach English classes.
    Did the minuteman fence project you donated to steal yours? I heard they were getting sued because of all the corruption.

  • Liquidmicro
    September 7, 2008 at 8:08 pm

    Your vile ignorance is hilarious. You should do comedy. It’s never you who says anything, it’s always anothers opinion that you print, how fortunate for you. Keep standing behind the facade, out of sight, shows how truly brave you are, coward!!
    As I have stated before in this blog, I spend 1 month a year in Honduras bettering the lives of the peoples of that country, my donations go to other countries.
    Your fanatic response to calling me a racist is even more hilarious. Not all births are recorded at the state capitals, but you new that, right??
    Ridding the country of bronze babies?? who dipped them?? I have bronze shoes, how can I get a bronze baby?? Who sells them?? Get real, your rhetoric matters not.
    As for economists, there bottom lines are all that matter to them, low expenses, high profit, poor choice in your beliefs. How shall your fleece be trimmed madame sheeple??

  • Liquidmicro
    September 7, 2008 at 8:52 pm

    Evelyn says:
    “The births are registered at the state capitol anyway.”
    That may be true for a good number of them, however, what they need is the following:
    Arizona is a “closed record” state. That means that vital records are not public record.
    Applicants must submit a copy of picture identification or have their request notarized and provide a family tree sketch to illustrate the family connection and possibly provide proof of family connection such as a birth certificate. Only the registrant or an immediate family member may receive copies of Birth Records.
    I’m sure this deters many of them from obtaining the certificate for fear of being turned over to ICE and/or trying to provide the correct documentation as is the case of a woman on the east coast that was recently in the papers.

  • Evelyn
    September 7, 2008 at 10:53 pm

    liquid said
    Applicants must submit a copy of picture identification or have their request notarized and provide a family tree sketch to illustrate the family connection and possibly provide proof of family connection such as a birth certificate. Only the registrant or an immediate family member may receive copies of Birth Records.
    I’m sure this deters many of them from obtaining the certificate for fear of being turned over to ICE and/or trying to provide the correct documentation as is the case of a woman on the east coast that was recently in the papers.
    You should have checked your facts before making that statement.
    This from AZ. vital statistics.
    The parents can go to a notary public with their birth certificate and sign the application in front of the notary. Simple enough.
    Parents of a child are eligible to receive a certified copy of a birth certificate if all of the following criteria are met:
    The parent is named on the birth certificate.
    A father who is not named on the birth certificate is eligible if he provides a court order naming him as the father of the registrant
    If the court order provided directs the Office of Vital Records to add the father to the child’s birth certificate, the certificate must be amended to include the father before the certificate is issued.
    The parent submits a signed application.
    The parent provides valid government issued identification or notarized signature on the application.
    The parent submits the appropriate fee(s).

  • Liquidmicro
    September 8, 2008 at 2:27 pm

    You have said nothing more than what my paragraph has stated.
    From your own link:
    Left window pane – Quick links – Acceptable Identification
    Acceptable and Non-Acceptable Identification for Requesting Birth & Death Records
    Specific forms of identification that ARE acceptable include the following:
    • United States issued Drivers Licenses
    • United States issued Identification Card
    • United States Territories Drivers License or Identification Card
    • Tribal Identification Cards that contains bearer’s signature
    • U.S. Military Identification Cards that contains bearer’s signature (some do not)
    • Passports-United States or Foreign issued
    • Visa –In a passport and the bearer’s signature is on the passport not the Visa
    • Foreign Consulate Identification Card
    • Resident Alien Card (Form I-551)
    • Employment Authorization Card (Form I-766)
    • Employment Authorization Card (Form I-688A)
    • Employment Authorization Card (Form I-688B)
    • Temporary Resident Card (Form I-688)
    Specific forms of identification that ARE NOT acceptable include the following:
    • Mexican Voter Registration Card “Credencial Para Votar”
    • Permanent Resident Card (Form I-551 does not have a visible signature)
    • Alien Registration Receipt Card Form I-151 (was replaced by the I-551)
    • USA B1/B2 Visa/BCC (Form DSP-150)
    • Non-resident Border Crosser Card (Form I-586)
    • Non-resident Alien Mexican Border Crosser Card (Form I-186)
    • Non-resident Alien Canadian Border Crosser Card (Form I-185)
    • U.S. Citizen Identification Card (Form I-197)
    • Arizona Department of Corrections Released Offender Card
    • D.E.S. Food Stamp Card
    • School Identification Card
    • Tribal Identification Cards that DO NOT contain bearer’s signature
    • U.S Military Identification Cards that DO NOT contain bearer’s signature
    • Foreign Drivers License
    • International Drivers License

  • Evelyn
    September 8, 2008 at 7:33 pm

    This is what the vital statistics website says the parents can send to ask fot the baby’s birth cirt.
    The parent provides valid government issued identification
    OR notarized signature on the application.
    The parent takes there birth certificate to a notery they sign the application in front of the notery and send it with the fee for the child’s birth cirt. Simple!
    You also provided the following.
    Specific forms of identification that ARE acceptable include the following:
    • Foreign Consulate Identification Card
    aka Matricula Consular
    Which can be obtained at any Mexican Consul here in the states.

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