Latina Lista > Palabra Final > Immigration > Immigration reform is a promise waiting to be filled

Immigration reform is a promise waiting to be filled

LatinaLista — President Obama has lost no time in reversing policies and addressing campaign promises. Yet many in the Latino community wonder how long it will be before immigration reform becomes politically cool enough for the new administration to handle.
With each stroke of his pen, every transatlantic call made and all the bipartisan meetings he’s resided over so far, President Obama is on track to fulfill his campaign promises.
Only a week into the job and Obama has already reversed policies on carbon dioxide emissions, signed orders to close the Guantanamo Bay detention camp, extended an invitation to dialogue with the Muslim world and started the discussion for the drawdown of American troops from Iraq.
Of course, that’s only the beginning. Every day brings another new piece of action from the President and his administration, along with, hope from any one of several advocacy groups that their particular issue is next on the table. So, it’s not unreasonable for those in the Latino community, who fully supported Obama’s candidacy based on his immigration reform platform, wonder when their concerns will be put on the administration’s to-do list.
Unfortunately, that answer may already have been delivered.
If Obama wanted a litmus test to see how “palatable” the immigration reform issue is now compared to during the campaign, he doesn’t have to look any farther than the recent happenings in Congress.
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