Latina Lista > Palabra Final > Politics > Just how long can Sen. McCain hold a grudge against Latinos?

Just how long can Sen. McCain hold a grudge against Latinos?

LatinaLista — Latino cyberspace has been “aflame” with Sen. McCain’s unfortunate weekend comments blaming undocumented immigrants for starting the fires raging across Arizona.

mccain.jpgTo his discredit, McCain immediately politicized a tragic event by coupling it with two contentious issues facing Congress — immigration reform and border security. However, according to local media, the US Forest Service has not said undocumented immigrants started these fires.

Sen. John McCain purposely linked undocumented immigrants to Arizona wildfires.
(Photo: AP photo)

McCain’s eagerness to assess blame before the facts are in further detracts from his reputation as a guy who use to analyze the bigger picture, gathered his facts and rendered analysis or decisions based on all the evidence.

Ever since his loss to President Obama, Sen. McCain has been increasingly seen as someone who has a vendetta against the Latino community for choosing his opponent over him.

If that isn’t the case, McCain has a very strange way of showing it otherwise.

With every statement he utters regarding issues he knows are important to Latinos and with every act he commits towards DREAM Act students, McCain shows the depth of contempt he feels towards Latinos nowadays — and just how long he can hold a grudge.

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