Latina Lista > Palabra Final > Politics > McCain selection of Alaska Governor Palin is an insult to women voters

McCain selection of Alaska Governor Palin is an insult to women voters

LatinaLista — As a woman, I am all for supporting my hermanas when it comes to pursuing opportunities and blazing their trails in politics and breaking the glass ceiling, which makes what I’m about to say all that much harder for me to say.

Republican Vice-President nominee Alaska Governor Sarah Palin
The selection of Sarah Palin as Sen. John McCain’s running mate is a stunt that is pandering for the gender vote, and that is insulting on so many levels.
Given McCain’s age and Palin’s documented limited experience in politics, it seems so obvious that all he wants is eye-candy. Palin would be given no real responsibility other than to be the public face of his administration to distract the American public and global allies to their policies.
There are many other Republican female politicians who would have been a much stronger qualified candidate for this position and maybe that was the problem. A 72-year-old former military officer probably doesn’t like being challenged by strong women whom he can’t control.
Anyone of the other Republican female politicians would undoubtedly have challenged him simply because of their experience. So, to appeal to female voters while still maintaining control, why not select a woman who has never been to Washington, doesn’t know the intricacies of diplomacy or how to operate in Washington circles?
The writing is on the wall as to what McCain would use Palin for — smile, shake hands and nod in agreement to everything.
If the selection of Palin was to soften the image of the hardline stance that the Republican Party has adopted when it comes to controversial issues, the insult lies in that this party doesn’t think women are smart enough to see through a smoke screen.
What we do see is that the Republican Party sees this selection as a non-entity in a McCain adminstration and if something should happen to where Palin does assume the presidency, she’s someone that can be a figurehead while others control the White House.
How sad that this race has devolved to such a point that the contest is already over before it began.

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    August 29, 2008 at 11:23 am

    There’s just no pleasing some people. McCain is playing the gender card the same way Obama is playing the race card. Sounds pretty even to me. Obama will pull in 90% of the black vote just because he is black, so now McCain will pull in more female/moms votes. McCain will also get more undecided male votes because she is an attractive woman. Don’t be too surprised to see McCain/Palin take a fast bounce up in the polls which will eventually end in a victory for them. Also, now Michelle will have another white person to hate and demonize with her filthy anti-American mouth. You are right the contest is over because the Obamas will start showing their true colors and voters will start pulling away from them at a break-neck pace.

  • Liquidmicro
    August 29, 2008 at 12:12 pm

    “Given McCain’s age and Palin’s documented limited experience in politics, it seems so obvious that all he wants is eye-candy.”
    Sounds like your jealous of her looks. As for her experience, she has more executive experience than Obama. She has actually done more for the people of her state than Obama has done for anybody but himself.
    “Palin would be given no real responsibility other than to be the public face of his administration to distract the American public and global allies to their policies.”
    Could it not be said then the same of Biden? How then could you contribute anything Biden says or has attempted to do to Obama?
    As a 22 year registered Democrat myself, I just leaned very far to the McCain ticket.

  • Thomas
    August 29, 2008 at 1:01 pm

    She has more experience than Obama. Plus she fought coruption in her own party and has experince on energy given she governs energy rich Alaska. She is also a Governor of not just one but 2 foreign countries. Canada and Russia. Russia being hostile to its neighbors these days. MCcain has the foreign experience and Palin has the executive experience. That makes a strong candidate to me.

  • El Loco
    August 29, 2008 at 1:32 pm

    I think gender had a lot to do with this pick, though not quite the way you suggest – besides, “eye candy” is in the eye of the beholder.
    This pick was made to try to reach out to various constituencies:(a) the Democratic women upset over Clinton’s loss; (b) the socially-conservative Republicans; and (c) the fiscally-conservative Republicans. She seems to be in good standing with the latter two constituencies.
    I think it is a poor choice. They just lost the argument that Obama lacks experience to be President because their experience is comparable. And that was the best argument the Republicans had against Obama.

  • Texano78704
    August 29, 2008 at 1:39 pm

    Talk about a “hail Mary pass.” McCain would have done better by choose Joe Lieberman, ha!

  • Morgan Scott
    August 29, 2008 at 2:50 pm

    Great post Marissa! Loved the eye-candy remark. Hope you don’t mind but I borrowed that phrase for my anti-mccain site:
    Morgan Scott

  • Irma
    August 29, 2008 at 3:29 pm

    First, I am surprised that you take the Obama tactic of not referring to Gov
    Palin as she rightly deserves. Look she has more executive experience than anyone on either ticket. She has been the Governor of Alaska for 2 years. Before that she was a mayor of a small town. The Obama campaign ridicules her mayorship experience and in the process insults
    rural America. This is polticially dangerous. It is also dangerous, to
    refer to her as Sarah Palin. She is Gov
    Palin not just some girl from Alaska.
    I agree she has no foreign policy. But Obama doesnt either. Joe Biden has it –
    he is the VP and not at the top of the ticket. In contrast, the Republicans have foreign policy and military experience at the TOP of the ticket.
    I am rather surprised that you dismiss
    Gov Palin as an airhead that John McCain can control. Is that what you think about successful women that a man will surely always have the upper hand?
    The Obama Campaign was all about getting away from the Washington insiders and then they turn out and pick
    Joe Biden. This decision everyone know that Obama never had any intention of honoring his promise of new politics.
    Gov Palin is the real McCoy. She is not a Washington insider. She is a self made woman, who went to college by winning a beauty contest college scholarship.
    Obama had a basketball scholarship.
    Same thing dont you think? FYI, she was the basket ball team captain in college too.
    She has a husband who has supported her career instead of parading her out
    to promote his. She is a mother of 5
    who happens to be an avid hunter.
    No Annie Oakley diggs here.
    For McCain this is a huge gamble.
    I plan to write in Hilary on my ballot,
    but I must say this pick took huevos.
    Biden cant go after Gov Palin like he did
    Anita Hill.
    The choice is clear do you want experience at top or the bottom of the ticket ?
    Obama, Obama, if you had picked Hilary – this thing would have been a slam dunk.

  • Tara
    August 29, 2008 at 11:44 pm

    I can’t believe you have already judged Ms. Palin so harshly. She has accomplished a lot as governor of Alaska and that position requires a lot of administrative ability. And to right away assume she is mousy and passive is ridiculous. She is none of those things. Give the poor lady a chance.

  • Keith Hoyt
    August 30, 2008 at 4:14 am

    the same thing was said if Obama was to have chosen Hilliry,you stand like you have the control, like really your Opinion matters, the way I see it you are a Demorat and you only point out what you want to see and what you want the world to see as long as it is your opinion they are looking at, Strong women? You? I think not. Conformist? Yes. Illegal alien with Blog? Maybe.

  • adriana
    August 30, 2008 at 10:57 am

    Keith Hoyt, Marisa’s opinion does matter to enough people that she is able to make a living with her writing.
    Your “illegal alien with blog” comment shows how ignorant and small minded you are. I know that Marisa is an American citizen, but I guess that outspoken Latino-Americans who don’t conform to your views will get labelled as “illegal” just out of spite and stupidity.

  • Marisa Treviño
    August 30, 2008 at 11:07 am

    Keith, please reread my post. If McCain had chosen Kay Baily Hutchison or any other female Republican that had more years in politics, I, nor others, would not react in the same way. In fact, it would garner my respect and I would say so. But this is such an obvious move to pander to the gender vote without sacrificing any of his position/power that it cries out for attention.
    Nobody is so stupid to think that McCain/Republican Party chose this woman because of her experience and what she could add to the Administration. She only brings one thing to the McCain campaign – she’s a woman.
    Even I need more than that.
    BTW, you think I”m an “illegal alien with blog”? That’s such a laughable statement – you must be a Republican.

  • Thomas
    August 30, 2008 at 12:37 pm

    You know whats funny? The dems complain she is a heartbeat away from the Presidency. You know who else said that.Mark Hanna on Theodore Roosevelt when they put him on the Mckinely ticket when they tried to neutralize him politically for fighting corruption in New York. Guess its true. History repeats itself in cycles.

  • Irma
    August 30, 2008 at 5:22 pm

    Wow, have everyone seen the stupid commercial that is the first Obama response to the Republican VP pick?
    Stupid, stupid, stupid…….
    Gov Palin has been reduced to “this”-
    nice way to treat a woman huh?
    But hey, we all know how the Obama
    campaign treats women. We are just for show ………

  • Irma
    August 30, 2008 at 5:58 pm

    Keith Hoyt,
    What kind of an American are you that you think anyone who is a Latino is an
    “illegal alien.” I lived in Boston for 10 years, half the construction workers
    are “illegal aliens” with names like
    Flanigan, Haggarty and O Riley.
    I dont agree with Marisa on a lot of things. She supports the Obama ticket- I think he is a fraud.
    We agree on the fact that McCain
    may not be good for our country-
    for different reasons.
    But Marisa, is a great journalist.
    She listens and publishes all opinions even those of people whose views are radically different from hers. She is more true to the real spirit of journalism than CNN, Fox news, CNBC and yes even the New York Times.
    They have lost all credibility in my view.

  • Alex
    August 30, 2008 at 7:01 pm

    It is very clear that Keith is from the Republiklan Party.

  • Evelyn
    August 31, 2008 at 2:25 am

    Watch the 3 videos, especally the one where she admits she lied.
    Sarah Palin’s Troopergate Scandal:
    85% of Alaskans Believe She Lied
    OK Long story short. Sarah Palin had a sister, her sister married a cop. They had a bitter divorce. Sarah Palin used her power as governor to put pressure on officials to have her brother in law fired from his position as state trooper. Then when they asked her about it she lied. But they had a tape recorded conversation of her surrogate trying to pressure an official to fire her brother in law so she admitted she did.
    Salin is showing that she is a classic Bush Repblican abusing power for personal vendettas than lying about it(Valerie Plame, fired DOJ officials). Is it even a scandal that a Republican is crooked anymore or is it just expected.
    The national media hasn’t been covering this but Alaska’s own KTVA has. They had a poll of all viewers on whether Salin was telling the truth about Troopergate and 85% of all the people thought she was lying here’s some good stuff on the scandal from KTVA.
    Listen to a Salin Surrogate Put Pressure on an Official to Fire Wooten (gets juicy 7 minutes in)
    Monegan says Palin administration and first gentleman used governor’s office to pressure firing first family’s former brother-in-law
    Investigation to begin into whether Governor Sarah Palin abused her power in firing Public Safety Commissioner Walt Monegan
    Governor and staff’s latest explanations leave more questions
    Troopergate Footage

  • Texano78704
    August 31, 2008 at 2:02 pm

    I find it hard to believe that anyone thinks Governor Palin has anything close experience. She was on the town council and mayor of a town of 8,000 people. She has less than two years on the job as governor of a state with one of the smallest populations, a state that has no real agriculture to speak of and a state with no large urban areas. To put it in perspective, there are at least fifteen US cities with a greater population than the entire state of Alaska. In my opinion, Palin in the ticket for show.

  • Keth Hoyt
    August 31, 2008 at 2:15 pm

    I will give you this I am self described as a Centrist, but I am glad to see that you do believe in freedom of speech, by allowing my comment to remain on here you proved your ability to reasonable thought….
    “Today we are seeing ‘die-hard’ Democrats tell my blog and many other blogs that Obama is not their man and I also get conformist(s) that just to be politically correct they will vote for Obama.
    I see one of your other commenter replied: Ms. Palin is being judged harshly. She has accomplished a lot as governor of Alaska and that position requires a lot of administrative ability. (this I have to agree with)
    So when I judged you as a Illegal alien with Blog how did that make you feel? me being a man that read what you wrote and to be so harshly judged just on a few comment words, sounds stupid doesn‘t it?
    I have seen a lot of candidates over the past years with running mates that to me seemed weak with limited abilities and they turned out to be a great asset to the candidate and the American people.
    If you have a minute–Something else bothers me, Why latina-American and not just American, why must you as well as many others define them selves as something other then your given name, How would it sound if I said European Caucasian American…just something that I wanted nit pick about because when we define our selves as something other then our given names that leaves it open to racism and prejudice.
    “ By the way your opinion does matter and keep on speaking “
    Keith Hoyt…Will County Watcher

  • Irma
    August 31, 2008 at 5:02 pm

    Listen up people, you do your candidate no good by attacking their VP pick. Look what happened when Hilary tried to have a real political discussion with Obama. She was wrongly accused of racism while Obama got away with nauseating sexism. This is one of the reasons
    he lost my vote.
    Attack John McCain .
    And by the way – the cheap shots I have hearing, referencing McCain’s 4 bouts with melanoma should be avoided. Joe
    Biden has 2 brain aneurysms, one on each side of his brain. He has a CT scan
    (X-ray of his head) every 2 years to
    assess whether there have been any
    changes ( that is ,are they bigger and therefor more likely to burst).
    Remember Stephanie Tubbs Jones,
    she died SUDDENLY of one brain
    aneurysm , one that no one knew was there. So , Obama picks someone who
    is a walking time bomb ?
    My point is that both sides offer little this year. Inexperience at some level on the top or the bottom of the ticket-
    pick your poison.
    I will write in Hilary – I cannot vote
    for Barak Obama and I dont vote

  • Thomas
    August 31, 2008 at 6:10 pm

    Oh thats nice. Keith said his thoughts that the runner of this blog might be an illegal which cross my mind as well and you called him a republican with a k? I’m an independent but I know history about the American civil war and reconstruction so know this. The democrats created that domestic terrorist group the klu klux klan. Hell senator Byrd of West Virgina a democrat was a known klansman back in the day. Guess we don’t teach history in schools anymore.

  • Texano78704
    August 31, 2008 at 6:28 pm

    Besides “Troopergate,” there is Palin’s questionable judgement.
    Friday, April 18, 2008
    Just yesterday, Palin was in Texas at a forum on energy with Texas Gov. Rick Perry and executives from four other states.
    Palin was asked at the forum whether or not she would accept an offer by Republican presidential candidate John McCain to share the national ticket as vice presidential nominee.
    She said she would accept, according to reports from a Texas newspaper.
    The governor’s water broke during the energy conference but she stayed and gave a 30-minute speech before boarding an Alaska Airlines plane home to deliver the baby.
    Link at
    Now, it seems to me that waiting thirty minutes to give a speech after your water breaks, and then boarding a jet for an eight hour flight before going to a hospital to give birth shows a total lack of concern for one’s unborn child.

  • Michaela
    September 1, 2008 at 1:43 am

    I agree with Mr. Hoyt’s statement:
    “If you have a minute–Something else bothers me, Why latina-American and not just American,”
    When I was growing up we were ALL just Americans. Now it’s Black-American and Latino- American. This, in my opinion, is what is causing the balkanization of our country and it is truly sad.

  • Texano78704
    September 1, 2008 at 6:46 pm

    You are right, Irma. Let’s question McCain’s questionable judgment over his pick for the person who is to be “a hearbeat away from being president.” While I respect the fact that Sarah Palin was able to go from the mayor of town of 7,000 people to governor of Alaska, McCain’s choice is an insult to the people of this country.
    As far as the Democratic Party being the founder for the KKK, the current party in no way resembles the institution that embraced Dixiecrats, who only joined the party because Lincoln was a Republican. You will be happy to know that all the Dixiecrat racists have thankfully left the party and are all now registered Republicans.
    The last time I checked this was a web site targeted at a special interest group. It even says so on the masthead: a viewpoint on anything and everything from a Latina perspective. If you have a problem with the use of “Latina” or “Latina American,” maybe you should move on.

  • laura
    September 1, 2008 at 11:27 pm

    I still don’t understand why any sane woman would support a politician because that politician is a woman. Just like no self-respecting black American supported Clarence Thomas for the Supreme Court because Clarence Thomas is black.
    Just like no self-respecting Latina/o supported Alberto Gonzales (“Torture is Legal”) for Attorney General. Janet Murguia, President of National Council of La Raza, actually did support him for Attorney General. She supported him for one reason: because he is Latino – not only that, she threw the whole weight and honor of the organization behind him. When he was forced to resign in disgrace a couple of years later, not a peep of regret or apology was to be heard out of her.
    Women who vote for a politician because she is a woman deserve the same shame that Janet Murguia carries on her head. The shame of bringing disaster down on themselves and others, because they didn’t bother to look beyond the person’s “identity.” If we don’t look at a candidate’s political beliefs, policies, votes, and practices, we deserve the disasters we get. That’s how we got 8 years of George W. Bush. Maybe now we’ll get 4 more years of him for the same reason.
    Why don’t we vote for Ann Coulter for President. She’s a woman.

  • Evelyn
    September 2, 2008 at 1:16 am

    In accepting the beauty queen as the next nominee for VP for their party the party of hypocrites threw one more of their family values out the window.
    Palin’s 17 year old kid is going to have a kid. If Palin is not qualified enough to say the right things to keep her daughter in line, how can she be qualified to run a country?
    Maybe it just shows very poor judgement on her part.
    Either her family is going to suffer her absence while she is trying to run a State or the State will suffer while she is attending to her family.
    Bad judgement. A responsible person with an education doesent just have 5 kids and leave them to go off to do a job that requires attention 24/7, or any other reason for that matter.
    That is something only uneducated people from Mexico do according to some people who point this out often on this blog.
    Obama being the gentlemen he is, asked the media to lay off the kid issue.
    I sure am glad I am not the media and I will not let the “do as I say” party off the hook.
    In fact I cant figure out why this administration is still in the White House and not in jail!

  • Roberto
    September 2, 2008 at 7:57 am

    Only in the backwards mind of a Liberal Democrat could the nomination of a woman to the second highest office in our land, be seen as an insult.

  • Roberto
    September 2, 2008 at 12:13 pm

    The fact that Gov. Palin was Miss Wasilla in 1984, and later a runner up for miss Alaska has no bearing on upon her ability to be Vice President.
    In regards to her pregnant teen daughter,there are plenty of people in prominent positions of great responsibility who’s children have problems. Do you actually think that Gov. Palin had such absolute power and control over her daughter that she could have stopped this pregnancy?
    Even the best of parents who instill proper family values and morals in their children have kids who make mistakes. Sen. Obama made a speech about what he would want for his daughters if they were to make the mistake of having an unwanted pregnancy.
    What he would want is not my point though. My point is that Obama acknowledged that his kids could indeed make the same mistake. Does this make him less qualified for the Presidency?
    You also mention her supposed “absence” from her family. You do know that if she becomes VP, her family will live with her in Washington. She wont “just leave them”.
    There are plenty of incredibly important and busy people in government who have kids, and they are quite capable of doing their job as well as spending time with family. It’s not an either-or situation.
    You also seem to be ignoring that fact that her husband is also a parent to their kids. It’s not like she’s some single mom who will be ignoring her children.
    Who are you to judge her on how many kids she should or should not have? Who are you to try to judge what Palin is capable of doing as a politician and a mother?
    It’s obvious that you don’t like her, and that’s OK. But you would make your opinion more credible if you were to speak of what political issues and policies she has that you don’t like, rather than making guesses about the home life and parenting skills of a person you do not know.

  • Michaela
    September 2, 2008 at 12:38 pm

    I think it is interesting to note that Gov. Palin’s nomination was just barely “announced” on Friday, August 29 and within just a couple hours people were already blogging and cricizing about her “lack of experience.” How you you give an educated opinion about someone or something in such a short period of time?

  • Texano78704
    September 2, 2008 at 1:38 pm

    Ah, the right-wing plays the gender card (or needs to get a clue).
    Roberto, the issue isn’t the fact that Palin is a woman, it is her obvious lack of qualifications and history of questionable judgment. And that is insulting, yes.

  • Evelyn
    September 2, 2008 at 1:46 pm

    Now this. This just made me hate the woman! No respect for nature.
    1: Palin supports gunning down wolves from planes
    Sarah Palin is no friend of wildlife. And let’s not blame this on her being a hunter. Plenty of subsistence hunters respect animals. But Palin reportedly came out against legislation introduced by Rep. George Miller, a member of the House Natural Resources Committee, that would “end Alaska’s policy of allowing people to shoot wolves from airplanes.”
    Miller is among a large number of folks who believe the practice is not only cruel, it’s unnecessary (proponents say it is to keep caribou and moose numbers up for other hunters) and a violation of federal law banning airborne hunting.
    Palin has also tried to make gunning down wolves (and even bears) from the air easier and financially rewarding.
    As the Huffington Post reported:
    Last year, the state offered a $150 bounty as an incentive for pilots and aerial gunners to kill more wolves. And leading up to this week’s statewide vote on Measure 2 to stop the aerial shooting of wolves and bears, Palin’s Board of Game spent $400,000 of public money on brochures and radio ads to influence the election. She not only took an inhumane and unsporting position at odds with the principles of wildlife management and fair chase, but did it in an undemocratic and underhanded way.
    Palin has been said to have a “failing record” on wildlife — including being in favor of drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge — and she has opposed efforts to protect beluga whales in the Cook Inlet (whose numbers have dropped to just 375) because it might adversely affect the oil and gas industries.
    Top Ten Most Disturbing Facts and Impressions of Sarah Palin
    By AlterNet Staff, AlterNet. Posted September 2, 2008.

  • Michaela
    September 2, 2008 at 1:57 pm

    Palin’s 17 year old kid is going to have a kid. If Palin is not qualified enough to say the right things to keep her daughter in line, how can she be qualified to run a country?
    You can’t be serious here Evelyn. Most parents know that all you can do is give your kids the birds and bees talk and hope for the best. Millions of girls accidently get pregnant, so what? I would say MOST of us are here by accident. That’s life.
    Either her family is going to suffer her absence while she is trying to run a State or the State will suffer while she is attending to her family.
    Why are you making such a big thing about this? She has a husband right? He is a parent right? Are you insinuating he is too stupid to take care of his own kids? He sounds like an incredibly supportive husband and backs his wife 100%.

  • Michaela
    September 2, 2008 at 1:59 pm

    Roberto, I think a lot of their problem with Sarah Palin is because she is white.

  • Irma
    September 2, 2008 at 2:34 pm

    I do not support the McCain/Palin ticket.
    Please, leave out the beauty queen sarcasm. Being pretty doesnt mean that one is stupid and without accomplishments. Look there are lots of
    women out there with a genius IQ ( over 160 by Stanford Binet) that are beautiful as well : Bess Meyerson ( former Miss America), Brooke Shields ( Princeton grad),
    Jean Harlow (actress), etc.
    Besides, the Democratic Presidential nominee got into college on a yes , its true a basketball scholarship. This is
    better than a beauty queen scholarship?
    Money is money.
    I agree that Palin has too much on the plate as it is and probably shouldnt complicate her life by running for VP.
    But that is her mistake to make.
    Do not however judge Palin’s fitness as a mother. Short of chaining her daughter to a bed post until she reached eighteen – kids will do what they want.
    Focus on McCain. Obama is going to need all the help he gets, since this
    Democrat wont vote for either of them.
    You see, I dont happen to think Obama
    is a gentleman – not after the way he and his campaign
    treated my choice for President.

  • Irma
    September 2, 2008 at 4:48 pm

    Barak Obama is on the record for equating the running of a political campaign to governing a state ! This is shockingly arrogant and INANE.
    Lets see, Barak ‘s campaign had no bills until it made them, Palin INHERITED bills she had nothing to do with- yet she has to figure out a way to pay for them. Barak can fire anyone that doesnt agree with him pretty much like a despot, in a democratic
    state government you cant do that.
    All of the money in Barak ‘s campaign is for Barak Obama, state coffers are for the public good.
    Barry, Barry – and we thought it was Biden’s mouth that needed to remain closed.

  • Michaela
    September 2, 2008 at 10:44 pm

    Palin is governor of Alaska. That means she runs the WHOLE state, which is the biggest state in our country. That is nothing to take lightly. She is obviously more qualified than Obama.

  • Evelyn
    September 3, 2008 at 7:30 am

    You can’t be serious here Evelyn. Most parents know that all you can do is give your kids the birds and bees talk and hope for the best. Millions of girls accidently get pregnant, so what? I would say MOST of us are here by accident. That’s life.
    Either her family is going to suffer her absence while she is trying to run a State or the State will suffer while she is attending to her family.
    I, am not the only person who thought of this issue. Open your eyes, it’s all over the news.
    People who are educated and responsible also see this as an issue.
    Do you want a part time President? If she is McSame’s VP you could get one, if she acquires any sence and decides her family is more important, especially the baby!
    Why are you making such a big thing about this? She has a husband right? He is a parent right? Are you insinuating he is too stupid to take care of his own kids? He sounds like an incredibly supportive husband and backs his wife 100%.
    In this day and age How does a girl with 2 parents who have taught her how to be responsible get pregnant by ACCIDENT?
    If the girl is pregnant at 17 YES, he was too stupid just like his wife was too stupid, just like anyone that thinks talking about the birds and the bees and praying that your teenage son or daughter with raging hormones not on the pill not given condoms will not get pregnant!
    They are definitely WAY TOO STUPID!!!
    The proof is in the girls belly.
    Millions of girls accidently get pregnant,
    Millions of girls Mothers are not running for VP and cannot one day become President.

  • Evelyn
    September 3, 2008 at 7:55 am

    Michaela said:
    I think a lot of their problem with Sarah Palin is because she is white.
    Then your thinking is wrong.
    I support Obama as do many of us. Biden is his VP pick. Biden is more white then Palin as far as skin color goes.
    Obama is also half white.
    Biden compliments Obamas Ticket. He has an abundance of experience in what all the neocons are screaming that Obama doesent.
    I like the fact that Obama isnt corrupted by Washington, but some dont, so Biden takes up the slack.
    Palin brings a trunk full of junk to the Mc Same ticket.
    Most Americans wont select a person with a trunk full of junk for VP no matter what color she/he is.
    Next time come up with something viable.

  • Thomas
    September 3, 2008 at 1:00 pm

    Well the dems have sunk to a new low. Attacking her daughter and son. Giving out her social security number. Typical liberal fascist. I’m so glad I left that party years ago. I never seen anyone sunk so low.

    September 3, 2008 at 3:29 pm

    “TRUNK FULL OF JUNK” Well thats a fine way to talk about your next VP. If you really want to see some junk, check out the question that all of America needs an answer to:
    “Obama speaks in slogans and never explains the thinking that goes into his statements. That’s what we need to know: To what extent do these people influence him — the communist Frank Davis, the neo-communists Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn, the anti-Semitic pro-Arab terrorist groups that he met with in Chicago. To what extent do they influence his thinking, and will he repudiate those people?”
    We need answers now and not more blah-blah-blah happiness, hope, change, unicorns and beautiful rainbow BS out of Obamas media created fraudulent inexperenced unproven mouth.
    I’ve got a standing bet of $100.00 that even with his old frail diseased cancerous body, McCain will out live Obama if Obama is elected President. Any gamblers out there?

  • Michaela
    September 3, 2008 at 5:43 pm

    In this day and age How does a girl with 2 parents who have taught her how to be responsible get pregnant by ACCIDENT?
    What an appallingly ignorant comment Evelyn. God help your girls, if you have any, if they ever become pregnant because IT WILL BE ALL YOUR FAULT!!!

  • laura
    September 3, 2008 at 7:23 pm

    Michaela, you say; “Palin is governor of Alaska. That means she runs the WHOLE state, which is the biggest state in our country. That is nothing to take lightly. She is obviously more qualified than Obama.”
    Since Alaska is not only the biggest state, but is also closest to Russia of all the states in our country, Ms. Palin clearly has the most foreign policy expertise. Biggest and closest! Nothing to take lightly. She is obviously more qualified than Senator Obama.

  • Evelyn
    September 3, 2008 at 9:00 pm

    Roberto said
    The fact that Gov. Palin was Miss Wasilla in 1984, and later a runner up for miss Alaska has no bearing on upon her ability to be Vice President.
    Because the McSame camp decided to include it in her qualifications for VP, they left it open for ridicule.
    That would be like saying that because Biden won the title of Mr Fitness, he is better qualified then Palin to be VP.
    In regards to her pregnant teen daughter,there are plenty of people in prominent positions of great responsibility who’s children have problems. Do you actually think that Gov. Palin had such absolute power and control over her daughter that she could have stopped this pregnancy?
    Even the best of parents who instill proper family values and morals in their children have kids who make mistakes.
    Those Families are not running for VP.
    This explains it better.
    Speaking of unsound judgment, Palin’s daughter’s pregnancy demonstrates seriously poor decision making — not on the part of Bristol but by conservative politicians like Palin and McCain, who have decided that the best way to ensure kids learn about sex is by depriving them of information.
    Palin is a firm supporter of abstinence-until-marriage sex education, despite the fact that numerous studies show that abstinence-only sex education does not delay sexual activity and may in fact lead to unsafe sex practices.
    It would be cheap to trade on the irony that a firm backer of abstinence-only sex ed is now the mother of a pregnant teen. But it does need to be noted that many pregnant teens do not have the financial and emotional supports that Bristol appears lucky to have.
    Palin’s abstinence-only stance on sex ed, like McCain’s, is wrong because it puts everyone’s kids in danger.
    Sen. Obama made a speech about what he would want for his daughters if they were to make the mistake of having an unwanted pregnancy.
    What he would want is not my point though. My point is that Obama acknowledged that his kids could indeed make the same mistake. Does this make him less qualified for the Presidency?
    No. Because I know that along with that talk about the birds and the bees Obama is going to take his daughter to the doctor for birth control and also give her a box of condoms.
    In this day and age any parent who thinks their teenager with raging hormones is going to stick to abstinence only is totally Irresponsible.
    I will know that if Obama’s daughter gets pregnant at least he was responsible and did everything possible to prevent it.
    You also mention her supposed “absence” from her family. You do know that if she becomes VP, her family will live with her in Washington. She wont “just leave them”.
    Of Course I Do, but when she gets sent to Egypt or Israel etc, she is not going to be able to take her family with her. That is mostly what a VP does travel representing the U.S.A., you do know that?
    There are plenty of incredibly important and busy people in government who have kids, and they are quite capable of doing their job as well as spending time with family. It’s not an either-or situation.
    Being President of the most powerful country in the world is not just a job. It requires much travel and being on duty 24/7. A healthy baby is a 24 hour job. A baby with downs syndrome needs special care and more attention.
    They must teach them early if they are to develop to the fullest of their limited potential.
    It is interaction with the mother and special treatment she can learn that helps these children thrive.
    You also seem to be ignoring that fact that her husband is also a parent to their kids. It’s not like she’s some single mom who will be ignoring her children.
    Well heck if that is the case and she doesent mind depriving her children of their mothers presence because you think he can replace her then heck there are many nannies who could also do that. I on the other hand think if a parent is able, they should put their children first. As a mother I would never choose such a demanding job over my care and time spent with my children.
    Who are you to judge her on how many kids she should or should not have? Who are you to try to judge what Palin is capable of doing as a politician and a mother?
    Calm down. This is a blog where everyone is able to give their openion, or did I miss something. Did God die and appoint you judge?
    Look around, there are millions of people who are asking the same questions I am. If on the other hand you or someone else can prove my questions are invalid and my opinions are wrong, maybe I will change my mind.
    It’s obvious that you don’t like her and that’s OK.
    You are right about that. Any person that kills for sport (wolves) shows they have no respect for nature and all things living. They definitely don’t deserve respect either. Respect is something that is earned.
    But you would make your opinion more credible if you were to speak of what political issues and policies she has that you don’t like, rather than making guesses about the home life and parenting skills of a person you do not know.
    You are entitled to give your openion on what my openion should be, I dont think I will accept it. I will make that decision myself.
    What??? Every article in here about her political issues and policies was brought in by me.
    As for her lack of parenting skills the proof is in the fact that she doesent mind putting her small children second to her ambitions and also in the baby bump her 17 year old daughter has.
    It also shows in the fact that she is willing to sacrifice daughter in marriage.
    This explains it in more detail.
    Bristol’s 18-year-old boyfriend, Levi Johnston, is a guy who uses the “f” word as his major descriptive adjective on his MySpace page. He also until yesterday described himself as someone who “likes to hang out with the boys…and just f—in chillin,” and who doesn’t want kids on that same page, until it was yanked off of public view.
    What kind of parents today — this is 2008 — want to doom their daughter to a “shotgun” marriage with a guy who doesn’t want kids? It’s going to be tough enough for Bristol to finish high school, let alone go on to college and realize any ambitions of her own, without being trapped in a marriage that neither young person is probably ready for. And if self-described “redneck” Levi isn’t happy about being pushed into parenthood and marriage, you can “f—in” expect he’ll make sure that Bristol knows about it.
    “Girls pick the wrong college for themselves all the time. How can they pick the right husband for themselves at 17?” points out Rubenstein.
    I bet that poor Bristol Palin probably doesn’t feel like she has the right to object to anything her mother and father are doing or saying right now. Like most teenage girls she is probably insecure and is blaming herself for her own predicament.
    Blaming herself for not being abstinent and instead being one of the 60% of American high school seniors who are sexually active. Blaming herself for getting pregnant like many American teen girls do each year. And now blaming herself for possibly derailing her mother’s vice-presidential ambitions because of that pregnancy. There’s no way that she’s not going to do what her parents want, in order to bolster her mother’s image, even if that means supporting her mother’s platform and getting married at 17.
    And just imagine if John McCain and Sarah Palin are elected to two terms in office. Bristol’s every move as a teen mom will be under scrutiny — Britney-style. Her marriage to Levi Johnston, will HAVE TO WORK or her parents’ image will be tarnished. Talk about pressure, Bristol.
    Sarah Palin also needs to ponder this: if she succeeds in “normalizing” her daughter’s pregnancy, making it almost seem sort of glamorous, will other teen girls look at this and say what is the problem with having a baby? asks Sarah Brown, the CEO of the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancies.
    In that case, Palin’s exploitation of her daughter hasn’t just hurt Bristol’s own young life, she’ll hurt countless others.

  • Evelyn
    September 4, 2008 at 8:36 am

    Michaela :
    In this day and age How does a girl with 2 parents who have taught her how to be responsible get pregnant by ACCIDENT?
    What an appallingly ignorant comment Evelyn. God help your girls, if you have any, if they ever become pregnant because IT WILL BE ALL YOUR FAULT!!!
    Let me guess, You base that assumption on ???????? all the lies and BS you spew.
    If you can come up with a better reason, I sure would like to hear it!
    My daughter will be graduating from Law School next June. She has turned down the offer of a position from a well established Law Firm to work with her boy friend on a reservation protecting rights of indigenous peoples.
    I think I hear wedding drums in the near future!!!
    He asked her last Christmas but she wanted to wait.

  • Evelyn
    September 4, 2008 at 8:51 am

    Thomas said:
    Well the dems have sunk to a new low. Attacking her daughter and son. Giving out her social security number. Typical liberal fascist. I’m so glad I left that party years ago. I never seen anyone sunk so low.
    Obama is the highest ranking member of the democratic party as he is there president elect.
    Tell me exacally what it was he said in referance to Palin that you saw as an attack?
    The media and others cant talk about Republican policies on Issues because like they admit, they have non.
    Rick Davis, campaign manager for John McCain’s presidential bid, insisted that the presidential race will be decided more over personalities than issues during an interview with Post editors this morning.
    “This election is not about issues,” said Davis. “This election is about a composite view of what people take away from these candidates.”

  • laura
    September 4, 2008 at 8:52 am

    Michaela, you say; “Palin is governor of Alaska. That means she runs the WHOLE state, which is the biggest state in our country. That is nothing to take lightly. She is obviously more qualified than Obama.”
    Sorry Michaela. In my last post I forgot to mention a few more points that make Governor Palin much more qualified to be President than Senator Obama.
    Biggest state. Definitely biggest executive experience in the country. Closest state to Russia. Obviously the most foreign policy expertise in the country.
    But not only that. Together with Senator McCain, Governor Palin is uniquely qualified to continue four more years of our greatest President ever, George W. Bush. President Bush started two winning wars, in Afghanistan and Iraq. We are winning over there, and we need to talk about victory. Anyone who talks about pulling out of Iraq is a terrorist who wants Al Quaida to win.
    President George W. Bush successfully held the line against those suspicious foreign countries that want to destroy our economy by decreasing greenhouse gas emissions. There is no global warming, and if there is, it has nothing to do with human activity. Governor Palin agrees 100% on this with President Bush, and will continue to encourage Americans to drive SUVs. To get the oil we need for our SUVs, she will drill in the nature preserves in her home state, Alaska (Biggest!). That will bring down the price of gas straightaway and keep it down for the next 100 years.
    Speaking of non-existent global warming, big storms like Katrina have nothing to do with non-existent global warming and President Bush did the right thing to just ignore it. Most people who drowned there were asking for it anyway since they never bothered to buy SUVs with which to leave the city. As Barbara Bush said at the time, those people that did get brought out of New Orleans to big shelters in Houston were lucky to be there since that was an improvement over their previous life. They were just losers – too poor to buy an SUV and they should have been grateful to be in a shelter in Texas.
    Speaking of losers – President Bush is our greatest President for not coddling those who are losing their houses these days. After he deregulated the mortgage industry, clever mortgage brokers were allowed to persuade the losers who don’t read the fine print to take on mortgages that suddenly went up after two years. Now those people are losing their homes – whiners, like Phil Gramm, Senator McCain’s economic adviser, rightly calls Americans!
    I don’t have the time to list all of President Bush’s other great accomplishments for OUR COUNTRY FIRST! Just to say that Governor Palin and Senator McCain are the best qualified to continue them for FOUR MORE YEARS! Best of all, President Bush turned a 4 billion dollar federal budget surplus into a 4 trillion dollar federal budget deficit in just seven short years! Governor Palin and Senator McCain are right on track to turn that into a 40 trillion dollar deficit, since they want to stay in Iraq for a hundred years. Right now, we (and our unborn great-grandchildren) are paying 10 billion dollars a month for the US Army in Iraq. 10 billion a month! For a hundred years! Victory! The surge is winning! Four more years!
    Nothing to take lightly! Obviously Governor Palin is more qualified to lead our country in the direction led by President Bush than Senator Obama.

  • Evelyn
    September 4, 2008 at 9:18 am

    Irma :
    I do not support the McCain/Palin ticket.
    Please, leave out the beauty queen sarcasm. Being pretty doesnt mean that one is stupid and without accomplishments. Look there are lots of
    women out there with a genius IQ ( over 160 by Stanford Binet) that are beautiful as well : Bess Meyerson ( former Miss America), Brooke Shields ( Princeton grad),
    Jean Harlow (actress), etc.
    Please show me where I stated that being pretty ment she was stupid.
    What I did say is that her beauty is not a reason to indicate she would make a good VP.
    Focus on McCain. Obama is going to need all the help he gets, since this
    Democrat wont vote for either of them.
    You know what they say, People who dont vote dont have a right to give their openion. In sum, voting is the least a citizen can do for his or her country, and it is not unreasonable to ask U.S. citizens to do this minimal thing.
    This country should take first place in the world in voter participation – not compete with Zambia and others for last place.
    Are you going to throw your vote away on one of the other candidates? Just wondering.

  • Texano78704
    September 4, 2008 at 11:11 am

    As usual, bien hecho, Evelyn. Glad to see you are still here. And then there’s this:
    “I’ve got a standing bet of $100.00 that even with his old frail diseased cancerous body, McCain will out live Obama if Obama is elected President. Any gamblers out there?”
    Sorry, I don’t gamble with the devil or his agents, people that advocate for murder in place of the democratic processs.

  • Evelyn Chavez
    September 5, 2008 at 10:15 am

    Gracias Texano
    I just wish I had known about LL back in 06 when the first lies about immigrants started being spewed.

  • Amber
    September 5, 2008 at 1:19 pm

    I don’t think being a Mayor of Alaska for 2 gives her – or anyone enough experience to become the Vice President of our country.
    That stated, I completely agree with you about her being appointed by McCain being an insult. Is it. He only elected her because she is a woman. He wanted to win over Hilary voters, and he used her because of her sex. Not because of her brains.

  • Roberto
    September 7, 2008 at 1:46 pm

    “The selection of Sarah Palin as Sen. John McCain’s running mate is a stunt that is pandering for the gender vote, and that is insulting on so many levels.”
    You could not be more wrong about the pandering (you may be insulted but that is only relevant to you). Check the polling numbers at Rasmussen (the most accurate polling company)
    Palin leads all candidates in popularity. She earns positive reviews from 65% of men and 52% of women. Popularity equals votes. The name of the game is to get elected. Palin will hold her own as VP and eventually President as well.

  • Marisa Treviño
    September 7, 2008 at 5:55 pm

    An ironic poll seeing that all she has shown thus far is that she can deliver zingy one-liners to put people in their places but as yet has said anything of substance to show us what her positions are on the issues. It will help when she does finally face the media to start answering questions and stop letting canned speeches speak for her.

  • Irma
    September 7, 2008 at 6:32 pm

    You dont ascribe to the philosophy of
    Mahatma Ghandi . Sometimes inaction
    is quite powerful. I will vote for a Democratic congress and thereby send the Democratic a message. That message – voting is sacred and not something to manipulated for the sake of affirmative action.

  • Evelyn
    September 7, 2008 at 10:33 pm

    I do understand your point, but a democratic congress isn’t going to do any good because the GOP will simply override laws like they do now.
    Congress wont be able to get anything done again because Republicans refuse to work across the isle.
    This country will go to heck if McSame gets in. The war he wants to sustain will break us.

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