Latina Lista: News from the Latinx perspective > Palabra Final > Politics > McCain’s “God’s children” ad is offensive to all Latinos and should be banned from airwaves

McCain’s “God’s children” ad is offensive to all Latinos and should be banned from airwaves

LatinaLista — A big part of politics, aside from the candidates stumping from city to city, are the campaign’s television advertisements. In some cases, these advertisements outlast the candidates and the race itself.
Usually, the advertisements spotlight the candidates’ interaction with the public and the issues of the day. The advertisements should be vehicles to move the campaign along.

Rio Grande Texan Navy veteran Virginia Torres died on July 4, 2008. She was given full military honors.
(Source: Rio Grande Guardian)

That’s why, the latest advertisement by the McCain campaign entitled “God’s Children” is a puzzlement and a sad commentary on the state of the Republican Party, not to mention, an offensive piece of footage to all Latinos, whether Republican, Democrat or Independent, who should demand for its immediate removal from the airwaves.

This morning, the McCain campaign held a press conference to talk about the “God’s Children” advertisement. Unfortunately, being 20 minutes late into the conference call, I found myself hearing someone, I’m assuming to be Sen. Mel Martinez, wrapping up the call by blasting an assumption that Obama works for immigration reform.
Yet, one has to wonder why a campaign would have to hold a special press conference on something that should be very self-explanatory since it’s visual media. Well, a quick scan of the ad’s script reveals all:

JOHN MCCAIN: My friends, I want you the next time you’re down in Washington, D.C., to go to the Vietnam War Memorial and look at the names engraved in black granite. You’ll find a whole lot of Hispanic names.
When you go to Iraq or Afghanistan today, you’re going to see a whole lot of people who are of Hispanic background. You’re even going to meet some of the few thousand that are still green card holders who are not even citizens of this country, who love this country so much that they’re willing to risk their lives in its service in order to accelerate their path to citizenship and enjoy the bountiful, blessed nation.
So let’s from time to time remember that these are God’s children. They must come into country legally, but they have enriched our culture and our nation as every generation of immigrants before them.
Thank you.
JOHN MCCAIN: I’m John McCain and I approve this message.

Why is this ad so offensive?
To begin with, anyone who is unfamiliar with the history of Hispanics in this country or Hispanics at all, would think after hearing the intro to this ad that everyone of us has just arrived on these shores — WRONG!
While the talk in the media is always about the undocumented immigrants, of which the majority are Latino, there are millions of families who have been here for generations. We have actually reached a point among U.S. Hispanics who have been here for generations where Spanish, beyond the Taco Bell menu, is unknown to our children.
The McCain ad makes it sound that every Latino soldier is an immigrant — WRONG!
While there are some notable examples of immigrant soldiers who are fighting for this country without the security of citizenship, compared to the overall number of Hispanic soldiers in service, they are a small fraction.
Finally, to have to remind viewers that these are “God’s children” is offensive on several levels:
1. Obviously, the ad is trying to gently scold those party hardliners and anti-immigrant extremists to show some compassion towards Latino immigrants. Yet, what this also says is that too many in the Republican Party, who must be reminded that Latinos are God’s children, will never act in the best interests of Latino constituents. This ad underscores just how relegated to the corner Latinos are by the Republican Party.
2. Because this ad endorses the false assumption that all Latinos are recent immigrants, it unfairly sets the mindset in those Americans who aren’t familiar with Latinos, to equate all Latinos with undocumented immigrants and the problems associated with them.
3. Finally, this ad marginalizes every single Latino in this nation, whether citizen or not. And what’s worse, is that it’s doing it to our children, husbands and wives who are serving in the military.
As a show of good faith, the McCain campaign should withdraw this offensive advertisement. LULAC, the American GI Forum and NCLR, to name a few, should also stand together in this affront to the proud legacy of Latinos in this country and also demand its removal.
This isn’t a harmless political advertisement — it’s a prejudicial endorsement of how Latinos are different (because there is no distinction between citizen and undocumented in these people’s minds) from mainstream society.
So different in fact that people have to be reminded that we are “God’s children” too?

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  • Evelyn
    July 11, 2008 at 2:08 pm

    Maybe he thinks God appointed him to decide who God’s children are. You know that Alzheimer’s thing.

  • dee
    July 11, 2008 at 4:53 pm

    Marisa and Evelyn,
    You are both right.
    McCain just doesnt get it. Neither do the ANTIs.
    We have close to 50M Loyal, Patriotic and very Military Supporting Hispanic Americans who have contributed to the building of our nation and have resided here for centuries. Why do we go discounted by his campaign? It is clear. McCain and the GOP just dont get it!

  • adriana
    July 12, 2008 at 1:27 am

    I am turned off by the whole “God’s children” reference. When did he become Preacher McCain?
    I am also bothered that he uses the distinguished military service of Latinos to differentiate us as “foreign.” And most of us are not immigrants… I just heard McCain reference that he represents a state where Spanish was spoken before English. I see where he was going with this ad, but it isn’t a winner.

  • Frank
    July 12, 2008 at 7:21 am

    There are only about 40 million legal or citizen Hispanics in this country, not 50 million.

  • laura
    July 12, 2008 at 1:33 pm

    Two brief thoughts:
    1. McCain’s longtime close ally and present economic adviser, former Senator Phil Gramm, thinks Americans are whiners for suffering in this economy. He says there is no recession, just a “mental depression.” Foreclosed homes, lost jobs, soaring gas and food prices: just a “mental depression.” Of course his and McCain’s billionaire friends are not depressed: it is they who have pocketed the money taken from the rest of us during the Bush regime. So I wonder if he includes Latina/os who are turning against Bush/McCain in the bunch of American whiners?
    2. It is depressing that the only contribution of Latinos that McCain can think of is military service. How about the hard work that keeps this economy running? How about growing the food he eats? How about caring for our babies and our elders?
    I happen to think the attack on Iraq was a crime against humanity, because it was an unprovoked war of aggression. In the five years that followed, unspeakable war crimes have been committed there by Americans: just look at the pictures from Abu Ghraib. I am deeply saddened for every soldier who has or is taking part in this disaster, not least for the Latina/o soldiers in Iraq.
    All of us will pay heavily – in dollars and in health and happiness – for the crime of Iraq, started by Bush and – if he gets elected – continued by McCain.

  • LatinosforMcCain
    July 12, 2008 at 5:35 pm

    Why is that this is a Offensive to the Latinos, I don’t think so, it was generous of John McCain, at least he is speaking about the Latinos I don’t see OBAMA doing this. I just saying John McCain is for the Hispanic Community and OBAMA is not!!!!! Just ask the Puertorican people in NY that are die hard DEM but don’t trust a Rat like OBAMA and that is a fact. Latinos for McCain
    Hispanic people open your eyes OBAMA is not for US!!!! he Flip Flop on everything!!! and is a fruad!!!!

  • dee
    July 12, 2008 at 6:35 pm

    Frank, Sorry. The Census Bureau says you are wrong.
    44.3 million
    The estimated Hispanic population of the United States as of July 1, 2006, making people of Hispanic origin the nation’s largest ethnic or race minority. Hispanics constituted 15% of the nation’s total population.
    (as of July, 2008, the number is close to 50M)
    About 1
    . . . of every two people added to the nation’s population between July 1, 2005, and July 1, 2006, was Hispanic. There were 1.4 million Hispanics added to the population over the period.
    Percentage increase in the Hispanic population between July 1, 2005, and July 1, 2006, making Hispanics the fastest-growing minority group.
    102.6 million
    The projected Hispanic population of the United States as of July 1, 2050. According to this projection, Hispanics will constitute 24% of the nation’s total population by that date.

  • Marisa Treviño
    July 12, 2008 at 10:02 pm

    It is a universal truth that we are all God’s children. To single out Latinos begs to be asked, “Why?” Why must it be reiterated and reinforced of this universal fact unless there is doubt already in some minds.
    As I said, this ad merely reinforces this misguided way of thinking and is a sorry attempt to “be speaking about the Latinos.”
    No defense here whatsoever.

  • Frank
    July 12, 2008 at 10:07 pm

    I am sure they are counting the illegals in their final tally of the number of Hispanics in this country. They aren’t Americans.
    It isn’t only Hispanics that are doing those jobs or serving in the military, so why should they get special recognition for it? They get paid, don’t they?

  • Frank
    July 12, 2008 at 10:11 pm

    The census doesn’t ask for legal status when they are conducting their census. Therefore illegal aliens are counted along with citizens. Illegals aren’t Americans.

  • Frank
    July 13, 2008 at 8:34 am

    McCain singled out Latinos because they make up the majority of illegals in this country. He was trying to express sympathy for them by his statement so that Hispanic citizens would vote for him. It was so obvious what he was doing that I can’t believe that you can’t figure that out.

  • Alex
    July 13, 2008 at 2:27 pm

    On a USA Today press article, I think, last week, states that immigration is no longer the main reason for hispanic population growth, is birth rate. Frank, Horace, Granma, Liquidmicro and the racist groups they belong to might be banging their heads for it. What are they going to advocate now?, forced abortion on latinos, limit the number of children they can have, like in China, what is your racist agenda going to do?

  • Evelyn
    July 13, 2008 at 8:40 pm

    Illegals aren’t Americans.
    I agree, they are Europeans.

  • Evelyn
    July 13, 2008 at 9:26 pm

    McCain singled out Latinos because they make up the majority of illegals in this country. He was trying to express sympathy for them by his statement so that Hispanic citizens would vote for him. It was so obvious what he was doing that I can’t believe that you can’t figure that out.
    It is because McSame has the audacity to think Hispanics
    ‘need’ or even want his sympathy that they are outraged. Not because they couldn’t figure it out. LOL!
    Who is McSame that he thinks any group of people need his sympathy, or his support, or even want it.
    Maybe 1/4 of his intentions are good. Even if that was the case his party is full of KKKers. He will support them first and ignore others as he has shown.

  • Santo Gay
    July 14, 2008 at 12:10 pm

    Leave his ad on the air so people can see for themselves.

  • challis
    July 14, 2008 at 12:11 pm

    WOW, I really didn’t read all of that into this ad.
    I absolutely don’t agree that the ad makes it seem like all the Hispanics have just arrived.
    It does make it seem like all Latinos are immigrants to this country, which is not true. (the border jumped many)
    I think that he (his advisors) are responding to the very real discriminiation that is happening in the US right now, and THAT is why he/they feel they need to remind people that they are “God’s Children”.
    Do I like the ad? no.
    Do I think the ad is offensive to Latinos? eh…why are we trying so hard to look for something to hurt our feelings? geeze.

  • Frank
    July 14, 2008 at 3:23 pm

    Alex, are these birthrates from illegal alien Hispanics though rather than citizen Hispanics? In the Parkland Hospital alone the number of births from illegal alien mothers is astounding!

  • Frank
    July 14, 2008 at 3:26 pm

    Anyone born in this country is not an illegal a Euro or anything else, they are an American, period! However, I do think that the 14th Amendment dealing with birthrite citizenship needs to be modified whereby one parent has to be an American in order for a newborn to qualify for that priviledge.

  • Buddy
    July 15, 2008 at 12:14 pm

    McCain makes the point to remind the rest of his republican “friends” that latinos are human beings too. This is because they need to be reminded. You know the issues that affect the latino community are different from the rest of america(according to McCain the preacher).

  • Nancy
    July 16, 2008 at 12:53 pm

    This is in response to the socalled blogger named latinosformccain. the flipflopper on every level has been mccain, pandering every chance he gets. this ad is a classic case of pandering. if you are latino/a and for mccain, then you are voting against yourself, plain and simple. so wake up and smell the coffee.
    obama represents every race, sex and creed. obama worked for decades with blacks/whites/latinos who were suffering from steel plant shutdowns in chicago. they were his constituencies at the time. now his constituency has grown to the entire country and his message is still the same. unity through hardwork!
    if you know what’s good for you and the rest of the country, you will stop lying to yourself and recognize a vote for obama is a vote for prosperity for all in this country.

  • Alex
    July 16, 2008 at 5:19 pm

    Frank, parents status does not matter, the children are born here, so they are U.S. citizens with all the rights adherent to it. Hispanics, most of them catholic, have deep religious morals and respect for life, from conception to natural death is supported. They understand that abortion is a deadly sin.

  • Horace
    July 17, 2008 at 8:40 am

    “There are only about 40 million legal or citizen Hispanics in this country, not 50 million.”
    And one in four have only been here for less than 15 years and have arrived by sneaking across the border, like common criminals. This segment is the bone of contention La Raza is wrestling for to accelerate its rise to power as a political entity, and the true motivator of CIR.
    The exact number is irrelevent.

  • Horace
    July 17, 2008 at 8:51 am

    By your measure, you have no legal right to own your home or the property on which it sits. Being of Central American origin, I’m sure that your family never occupied your poperty in the U.S., so you would hold no more right to a claim than the Europeans. I’m sure we could find some Amerindian from some tribe in the U.S. who would love to say that Central Americans are occupying their former tribal lands and sue to evict you. How would like to be displaced by the settlement of some claim to ownership originating two hundred years ago? For that matter, most Hispanic families who’ve held Spanish land grants for hundreds of years would be vulnerable for removal as well. I doubt many Hispanics would agree that we should be disputing land titles this late in the claim, making your statements just so much hollow rhetoric. Once again you prove yourself the ass.

  • Horace
    July 17, 2008 at 10:32 am

    “if you know what’s good for you and the rest of the country, you will stop lying to yourself and recognize a vote for obama is a vote for prosperity for all in this country.”
    If you vote for Obama, you’ll be voting for a socialist state where taxing the productive part of society will only discourage the national initiative for self-improvement. The Democrats believe in the transfer of wealth between the rich and the poor, an approach that has only resulted in the movement of capital overseas, as it has in Europe. The Democrats in general do not believe in personal responsibility, an approach that has taken the onus off of families to promote educational achievement and good work ethics. The state becomes the nanny but is ill equipped to accomplish the mission. Obama, to his credit, does refute Marisa’s claim that the state is responsible for all the failings of society, as he advocates family responsibility. His opinion runs counter to the central theme of another of Mariza’s blogs, where she blames the teachers, representatives of the state, for low expectations, based upon polling the students themselves. What an easy mark the teachers are. Which would we expect them to criticize first, their parents, the teachers or themselves? Would we think of blaming the teachers for the high out-of-wedlock birthrate of young Hispanic woman? I think not, as this is evidently a cultural of parental failing. Both educational and child pregnancies are more likely derived from the same source, the failure of family values.
    I see no light of prosperity at the end of McCain or Obama presidencies. Either of these two will be one termers with little accomplishment to their credit. We can only hope that they do the minimal damage to our nation during their term.

  • Evelyn Chavez
    July 17, 2008 at 10:26 pm

    Posted on 17 de Julio 2008 08:40
    Horace :
    By your measure, you have no legal right to own your home or the property on which it sits.
    Being of Central American origin, I’m sure that your family never occupied your poperty in the U.S., so you would hold no more right to a claim than the Europeans.
    The majority of Central Americans are Native Americans. Study true history not the whitewashed lies on you-tube.
    To Native American/ Irish, raised as Native American like me, Euro-centrist borders mean nothing.
    All Native Americans should have a right to go and be wherever they want on their land (this Continent).
    Euroamericans came from across the ocean and settled on this land. Why cant Native Americans do the same.
    Remember equality and justice? Whats good for the goose is good for the gander!
    I’m sure we could find some Amerindian from some tribe in the U.S. who would love to say that Central Americans are occupying their former tribal lands and sue to evict you.
    True Native Americans want people like you evicted. Not other Native Americans.
    How would like to be displaced by the settlement of some claim to ownership originating two hundred years ago?
    If I was racist, I wouldent risk it. I would change my behavior and become tolerant of all races and judge people as individuals instead of the color of their skin.
    Only racist who are not tolerant of other people because of their race, skin color, language and culture should be evicted to isolation with a fence around themselves so they couldn’t escape to spread their hate.
    For that matter, most Hispanic families who’ve held Spanish land grants for hundreds of years would be vulnerable for removal as well.
    They were already removed when the U.S. gov. violated the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo.
    The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
    In 1848, at the conclusion of the U.S.- Mexican War, the two countries signed the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo. The treaty called for Mexico to give up almost half of its territory, which included modern-day California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas and parts of Colorado, Nevada, and Utah. In return, the U.S. paid $15 million in compensation for war-related damage to Mexican land.
    Among the notable aspects of the treaty, it set the Texas border at the Rio Grande; it provided for the protection of the property and civil rights of Mexican nationals who would now be living on U.S. soil; the United States agreed to police its side of the border; and both countries agreed to compulsory arbitration of future disputes. However, when the United States Senate ratified the treaty, it erased Article 10, which guaranteed the protection of Mexican land grants; Article 9, which deals with citizenship rights, was also weakened. This in turn created an anti-Mexican atmosphere that spurred the violation of their civil rights. In Texas, Mexicans were restricted from voting. In New Mexico, Mexicans were the victims of violence, while in California, laws against them were passed, some of which were known as the Greaser Laws.
    At the time of the treaty, approximately 80,000 Mexicans lived in the ceded territory, which comprised only about 4 percent of Mexico’s population. Only a few people chose to remain Mexican citizens compared to the many that became United States citizens. Most of the 80,000 residents continued to live in the Southwest, believing in the guarantee that their property and civil rights would be protected. Sadly, this would not always be the case. By the end of the 19th century, most Mexicans had lost their land, either through force or fraud.
    In the Chicano movement in the late 1960s, New Mexico land rights leader Reies Lopez Tijerina and his Alianza movement cited the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo in their fight to regain American-seized Mexican land. In 1972, the Brown Berets youth organization also cited the treaty in their takeover of Catalina Island.
    In terms of property ownership, many property rights existing under Spanish and Mexican land grants were not recognized by the United States. In California, approximately 27 percent of land grant claims were rejected; in the territory of New Mexico, some 76 percent of such claims were rejected.
    I doubt many Hispanics would agree that we should be disputing land titles this late in the claim, making your statements just so much hollow rhetoric. Once again you prove yourself the ass.
    Do your homework before you make a fool of yourself again. GEEZZ, I am getting tired of repeating that!!!

  • Frank
    July 17, 2008 at 10:54 pm

    Alex, it is true that the way the 14th Amendment has been erroneously interpreted, the children born from illegal aliens on our soil are granted intstant U.S. citizenship and I never said that I don’t consider them to be as the Amendment is being interpreted in it’s present form but that doesn’t mean it can’t be changed and should be for the future. Afterall you are seeking change to our immigration laws, aren’t you?
    Most countries do not allow birthrite citizenship unless at least one parent is a citizen of said country. That makes more sense than the way we are doing it. Illegal parents are taking advantage of it also to gain a foothold in our country by their U.S. citizen born children.
    I don’t know why you are bringing up abortion. I am a pro-lifer myself. I don’t believe in abortion. Hispanics aren’t the only ones who respect life and have deep religious morals.

  • Jax
    July 19, 2008 at 7:53 pm

    Obama will be the next President. Get used to it.

  • Liquidmicro
    July 21, 2008 at 5:03 pm

    Evelyn Says:
    “I would change my behavior and become tolerant of all races and judge people as individuals instead of the color of their skin.”
    Thats exactly what we are doing, judging them as individuals. As they are “Illegal Immigrants” they disobeyed our laws, therefor there crimes are being caught and they are being repatriated as the extent of their crimes. Now you, in your own words, should understand exactly what you have stated, it’s not about the color of ones skin, it’s abut the violation of our laws.

  • Evelyn Patrick
    July 22, 2008 at 1:36 am

    Are you going to vote in these elections Horace? I ask because you dont like ether of the canidates the people have chosen. For shure one of them is going to be president. Unless some crazy idiot tries to assassinate Obama.

  • Horace
    July 25, 2008 at 6:18 pm

    True Native Americans want people like you evicted. Not other Native Americans.”
    Ha! Ha! OMG! Evelyn, now you’re the arbiter of which native Americans are legitimate. When did you become spokeswoman for the American Indian nations within our national boundaries? The truth is that you speak for your pathetic self and no other.

  • Evelyn
    July 26, 2008 at 2:13 am

    Horace said
    “Evelyn, now you’re the arbiter of which native Americans are legitimate. When did you become spokeswoman for the American Indian nations within our national boundaries? The truth is that you speak for your pathetic self and no other.”
    You Think Horace?
    Recently hero father Manuel Jesus Cordova Soberanes gave up his attempt to come to the United States and instead turned himself over to the Border Patrol, all to save the life of a injured nine-year-old American boy.
    Cordova found the boy wandering in the Arizona desert after the boy’s mother was killed in a car crash on Thanksgiving Day. Cordova, who was promptly deported, was a noble good Samaritan–to learn more, see my recent blog post Illegal Immigrant Hero Father Deserves Medal and Visa, not Deportation.
    The Mexican consulate in Nogales is trying to obtain a short-term visa for Cordova so he can come to Arizona and be recognized for his actions. I suggested instead that the US government should send him a legal permanent Visa and invite this hero to come to the US. I noted, “The next time you hear some immigrant-basher refer to ‘those f***ing Mexicans,’ think of Manuel Jesus Cordova Soberanes.”
    (I do understand and respect critics of immigration who say “yes, we can understand why people from poorer countries would want to come here for a better life, and we sympathize, but we do need to do something to control immigration”.)
    Most readers were very supportive of Manuel Jesus Cordova Soberanes, but any discussion of immigration invariably brings forward a few racists, and this was no exception. One commenter wrote:
    “Who’s to say the crash most likely happened when the poor woman lost control trying to avoid one of these criminal vermin, resulting in her death? Look, it’ nice that he stayed and did the right thing while the other cowards took off and fled but he is an illegal thief breaking the law and needs deportation. I say we don’t bust his head in with a baseball bat like we should to the rest of them as we kick their worthless asses out.”
    Kelly, a Native American long-time reader of mine, wrote back a scathing remark which merits a post:
    “Wow, these comments make me proud to be an American sometimes, sort of. I am a Native American. Let me tell you what I think of you pathetic immigrant bashers. You and your families have no right to be here.
    and should be deported. You are the descendents of liars, thieves, and genocidal murderers. Your ancestors have no honor. We gave you help, food and shelter when you needed it, and guided Lewis and Clark across the continent. In return, you broke every promise you ever made, shot us in back whenever you could, cut down the forests, killed the wildlife, and stole everything that was not nailed down.
    “Laws, treaties, boundaries, borders, and promises meant nothing to you if you thought that, as a white man, you deserved to have it. Gold on our sovereign land, here comes the white man! Shortcut to the West, we don’t need to pay any damn Indians no damn toll fees. There is very little moral difference between your ancestors’ actions and some gang member who is helping himself to your grandma’s wallet. A squatter is a squatter. So I tell you squatters to get off your high horse. Unlike your ancestors, Mr. Soberanes didn’t murder anyone while he was here.”

  • Frank
    July 26, 2008 at 5:11 pm

    Again back to accusing every white person alive today of having “ancestors” who were “theives, liars, and genocidal murderers.” Talk about divisive! And let’s talk about how beneficent the “Natives” were to the white settlers. Many settlers were brutally tortured and slaughtered, even children, because the Native Americans saw them as invaders. So, let’s just stop with the one-sided brown-washing of history. And once again, the Natives weren’t all sitting around smoking a peace pipe and singing Kumbaya with each other either! They fought over hunting grounds, land, and resources also and brutalized one another’s tribes.
    Lastly, the ancestors of many white American citizens were not guilty of any of those things. Many came at the turn of the last century, through Ellis Island and other ports of entry, in accordance of the U.S. immigration laws in place at the time and had not even the knowledge of any of these things. My ancestors were among those and faced their own discrimination upon their arrival. I for one highly resent this constant demonization of my ancestors since we are talking about people being demonized.
    Obviously, there are those who cannot let go of the past. It makes no sense to me to continue to import millions of an ethnic group who have such a hostile mindset. I’d rather import peoples who do not have such an ax to grind.
    To me, the issue isn’t really if they have a “right” to feel as they do. That is neither here or there and not for us to judge. The point is that some of them *DO* have these hostile feelings. Therefore, given that fact, it is just national suicide to admit people who are so hostile and resentful towards us. We might as well take a knife out and slice our own children’s throats.
    Thank you, once again, Evelyn for strengthening our resolve to protect our nation.

  • Evelyn
    July 29, 2008 at 12:15 am

    Frank: said
    Obviously, there are those who cannot let go of the past. It makes no sense to me to continue to import millions of an ethnic group who have such a hostile mindset. I’d rather import peoples who do not have such an ax to grind.
    To me, the issue isn’t really if they have a “right” to feel as they do. That is neither here or there and not for us to judge. The point is that some of them *DO* have these hostile feelings.
    ( Therefore, given that fact, it is just national suicide to admit people who are so hostile and resentful towards us.}
    What do you mean admit? Didn’t you read the article? Here is the part that tells her name what nationality she is and where she came from.
    Kelly, a Native American long-time reader of mine, wrote back a scathing remark which merits a post:
    “Wow, these comments make me proud to be an American sometimes, sort of. I am a Native American. Let me tell you what I think of you pathetic immigrant bashers. You and your families have no right to be here
    Her name is Kelly, she is American, Native American!
    We might as well take a knife out and slice our own children’s throats.
    Racism doesent pay!

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