Latina Lista > Palabra Final > Immigration > Neal Boortz’ Anti-Immigrant Comments Still Keep Him in the Running for Georgia Radio Hall of Fame

Neal Boortz’ Anti-Immigrant Comments Still Keep Him in the Running for Georgia Radio Hall of Fame

LatinaLista — The Georgia Radio Hall of Fame is not short on worthy nominees for their annual Career Achievement awards.

So, it’s puzzling why they would include syndicated radio host Neal Boortz in light of his decidedly anti-Hispanic (immigrant) remarks.
Last Latina Lista checked, Georgia is home to almost half a million Latinos (435,227 according to a 2000 Census report). A good portion of those are undocumented but they are keeping the Georgia economy competitive by supplying some much needed labor.
Yet, that factual tidbit doesn’t seem to matter to the Georgia Radio Hall of Fame organizers.

That they would think Boortz is worthy of such an honor after making on June 18 the following statement:

“I don’t care if Mexicans pile up against that fence like tumbleweeds in the Santa Ana winds in Southern California. Let ’em. You know, then just run a couple of taco trucks up and down the line, and somebody’s gonna be a millionaire out of that.”

Leaves me not only wondering what the calibre of professional criteria there exists for qualifying to be a nominee but that the organizers would include such a person who obviously holds such racist perspectives and uses his national platform to further divide the country by promoting blatant discrimination.
Because the trouble with Boortz’ comments is that he nor anyone else can tell the difference between a Mexican and a Mexican-American. By filling the airwaves with such irresponsible remarks, he is laying the foundation in the minds of his listeners that it’s okay to talk about Latinos like this.
And when there is disrespect for another person, there usually follows a show of force to put them in their place and show them who’s boss.
It’s a shame that the Georgia Radio Hall of Fame organizers want to continue promoting a legacy of hate against people of color by including Boortz’ nomination along with more deserving nominees.
But what’s worse is that if Boortz should win, they would be making him a part of an elite group looked upon as role models and broadcasters who set the standard for their local industry.
If this is setting the standard in Georgia, the only direction to go is up.

Neal Boortz: Listen to his comments regarding Mexicans and the border.

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  • Amanda
    June 25, 2007 at 7:25 pm

    It is a shame, especially for those of us who live in Georgia. But what’s even worse is that Boortz has tons of listeners outside of Georgia.

  • jim hughes
    July 2, 2007 at 12:56 pm

    I, as a natural born citizen of the U.S., should be able to cheat in my income taxes for 20 years and only get a reprimand.
    isn’t that how amnesty works or am I not as important as illegal aliens?

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