Latina Lista: News from the Latinx perspective > Life Issues > Human Rights > New video site serves as “The Hub” for posting human rights abuses

New video site serves as “The Hub” for posting human rights abuses

LatinaLista — While YouTube has been the premier choice outlet to post videos, the audience is not always so kind in their remarks when seeing those videos that promote human rights or deal with issues like immigration, police brutality, etc.
As a way to counter that negativity that seems to sprout on YouTube in response to such films, viewers and filmmakers who would like to see/post video, pictures or hear audio dealing with important humanitarian issues now have a new outlet.
It’s called The Hub and it’s being billed as “the world’s first participatory media site for human rights.” It’s run by the non-profit group Witness which encourages the use of multimedia to document human rights violations.
Though it’s still in the beta stage, they’re inviting people to upload their videos/audio/photos that deal with human rights violations so as to help draw global attention to these issues.
In this way, the hope is that through such a visual and audio mediums, real change can occur.
We can only hope.

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  • Matisse
    April 14, 2008 at 12:24 pm

    Hey Marisa,
    so appreciate the shout out for the Hub and hope that your loyal readers will check out the Hub and join the discussion, community, and take action there.
    I also want to encourage people to think about social justice issues affecting us right here in the U.S. and if you’ve got short videos, interviews, etc. about those issues- please upload them to the Hub. (Its also multilingual at least in navigation and we’re always on the hunt for more media items in as many languages as people are producing them in)…
    mil gracias!

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