Latina Lista > Palabra Final > Immigration > Not Everyone Believes Driving Out the Undocumented is the Best Solution to a Broken System

Not Everyone Believes Driving Out the Undocumented is the Best Solution to a Broken System

LatinaLista — It was only a matter of time before advocates for the undocumented realized that the government was not the cavalry to come charging to the rescue of millions of undocumented living in a state of limbo.
Just as states and towns have passed punitive ordinances and laws targeting immigrants, organizations have surfaced offering immigrants some hope against a forced oppression.

Because more and more town councils can’t seem to see past their own noses and keep approving that their local law enforcement act as ICE agents, some towns in California have gotten smart.
Knowing that immigrants are the prime targets for many scam artists and criminal predators, especially these days, but feel helpless in reporting such crimes because they fear they will be deported and separated from their families, the Mexican Consulate in California started a program called JURIMEX.

JURIMEX, a toll-free number that connects the caller with experienced lawyers based in Fresno and Bakersfield, is up and running. The program, which has already been launched in Los Ángeles and Northern California, is available Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., and on Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
“The callers will get information that is precise, certain and valuable,” said Rosas at a press conference last Wednesday to introduce the service that went into effect this week. “The community needs to know its rights, but also its obligations. They need to be better informed.”

Everyone agrees that people new to the country make for better citizens when they are informed and know what the laws and rules of behavior are. For that reason, several cities across the country are considering creating an office of immigration affairs.
Just days after Tom Leppert was elected mayor of Dallas, he was approached by some of the city’s immigrants to create such an office to help immigrants in the community to better assimilate.
Starting July 24 in New Haven, Connecticut, ALL residents can apply and receive a municipal ID card.

New Haven ID cards
Believed to be the first in the country, the card, though it doesn’t confer citizenship, it does integrate all residents into the New Haven community so none are left in the shadows.

Available to citizens, as well as the burgeoning population of illegal immigrants, the card is being offered as a public safety enhancement as well as a means of integrating all residents into New Haven’s civic life.
Necessary documentation is similar to requirements of financial institutions and the city hopes local banks will accept the card as a way for immigrants to open accounts to protect their earnings and make them less vulnerable to crime.

Unlike the demeaning and punitive measures now being passed targeting the undocumented, these measures address the reality that 12 million people are in this country, living, working and raising families — and they’re not going anywhere.

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  • Nash
    July 6, 2007 at 11:47 am

    This is not rocket science. If you come to a country, you do it the right way. You do not come to a country illegal, then raise hell that they give you rights as if you did everything the right way from the start. How hard is this to comprehend?
    If the US is this big bad mean-spirited monster, then take all the desire to work back to your country and make it a better place to live and work. Why drain and undermine another country when you could help your own?

  • Jesus B. Ochoa
    July 7, 2007 at 5:36 pm

    You may wish to read the following –
    – assuming that you have an open mind, which seems doubtful. But you should read it anyway, because sooner than later, this will be a majority brown country. Get used to it.

  • Horace
    July 8, 2007 at 4:25 pm

    The illegal alien amnesty advocates are pawns of the Mexican government. The Mexican plutocracy continues to drive the Mexican people over the border by its policies of perpetuatiing economic injustice. Well meaning Americans continue to swallow the concept that continued dependency upon the U.S. for remittances is good for Mexico. How is it logical that millions of Mexican nationals should give up the homeland that they claim pride in? How can the advocates of illegal aliens remain silent while a nation is being abandoned? Who will remain to fight for Mexico?

  • nezua limón xolagrafik-jonez
    July 11, 2007 at 7:28 am

    Horace, it’s so sweet of you to be concerned for Mexico and Mexicans! You darling man. Damn Mexican Plutocracy! Why on earth did they draw up NAFTA? And what makes those Mexicans think that money for their poor family will help them, you are so right. They don’t need remittances, they need deepthinking comments like yours. Keep up your hard work, and one day Mexico shall be free of remittances amen!

  • Horace
    July 17, 2007 at 1:37 pm

    Thanks, nezua limón xolagrafik-jonez, I love you too. Nobody forced Mexico to sign NAFTA, and if it’s not working out, then Mexico is free to withdraw from that treaty. Mexico will never be free without a revolution but president Bush and his cronies like to keep the status quo, so they can maintain their source of slave laborers. You advocacy groups are just unwitting dupes for ruling class gringos and the Mexican plutocracy.

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