Latina Lista > Palabra Final > Politics > Obama wins Texas. Is this a Sign for Clinton to Concede?

Obama wins Texas. Is this a Sign for Clinton to Concede?

LatinaLista — The AP reports that the final result of the now infamous Texas two-step has resulted in Obama winning 99 Texas delegates to Clinton’s 94.

Sen. Hillary Clinton

Given the fact that Clinton won the popular vote with a slim 51% of the vote versus Obama’s 47%, it’s hard to make a strong case that Texas LOVES Clinton.
Sure there are pockets of the state who each love their own candidate but the Texas announcement now puts Obama ahead in the delegate count with 1,631 delegates versus Clinton’s 1,501. While it’s only 130 delegate difference, it’s still 130.
Clinton reiterated that she’s not going to quit the race — and who can blame her? This is something that she has aspired to all her life. If she doesn’t go to the end, she will be forever haunted not knowing if her fortunes could have changed in the final hours.
Latina Lista supports Clinton’s stay in the race for three reasons:
1. Having two strong Democratic nominees, each instilling their own brand of passion and determination and, in turn, motivating people of all ages to come out and get involved in the election process, is nothing but a good thing.
2. Because of both candidates involvement, every primary/caucus has the feeling that it is important and that those votes matter. Because of that, more people care about the election process and are feeling the power of their votes.
3. Everyone should be allowed to follow their dream to see where it will lead them.


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    April 2, 2008 at 8:09 am

    This is the right thing to do for Hillary. Her decision to remain in the race will give her and Obama more time to reveal their true selves. It will be fun to watch them tear each other apart so it will become obvious that neither one is fit to be the President. The only person that is going to benefit from her decision is John McCain and the Republican Party.

  • Irma
    April 2, 2008 at 5:31 pm

    Obama’s “win” in Texas is questionable
    for several reasons :
    1. It is not large. Here is the number crunch
    Total # of Delegates= 94+99= 193
    So Obama got : 99/193= 51.3% of the delegates
    Clinton got : 94/193= 48.7% of the delegates.
    That is a 2.6% difference between
    Obama and Clinton if you count
    the caucus.
    She WON the popular vote by 4%, a larger number than Obama’s 2.6% which includes caucus and primary.
    In November there are NO Caucuses
    only the popular vote.
    Since Obama needs a combination of
    popular vote and caucus to barely
    win Texas, it begs the question as to whether he should be on the ballot in
    In terms of total delegates nationally so
    far Obama has 8% more delegates than
    Clinton. But wait, there is still Pennsylvania, Kentucky , W Virginia
    Puerto Rico, and Indiana. The polls
    indicate that Clinton is FAVORED in
    those states over Obama. He has
    the advantage in North Carolina.
    There also remains Florida and Michigan. Obama will need those
    states in November even if he doesnt want them now.
    I do not think that Obama has made a case for securing the nomination yet.
    He has not won a significant number of the battle ground states. Moreover, polls suggest that most of the states
    that he carried in the Democratic
    primary race will go Republican in
    November. He still needs to prove
    that he can win every segment of the
    core Democratic constituency.
    This means blue collar working class
    people, the elderly and ethnic minorities. Here he still has a lot of work to do.
    Hilary on the other hand has demonstrated that she can carry most of the core Democratic base with the
    exception of the African American vote.
    At the convention, the Democrats should put forth a candidate that
    broadly appeals to all Democrats –
    thus far Obama has failed to meet that standard.

  • Horace
    April 2, 2008 at 7:09 pm

    You’re right, EOT, it should be a very entertaining if destructive battle to come. What next for Hillary, an account of how she came face to face with Osama Bin Ladin, and missed doing him in when her Glock misfired? The Democrats are so blinded by their ga, ga love affair with Obama that they can overlook his affection for a church that’s demonized the white man for 20 years. Can you imagine how a Republican would fair under the same circumstances. And Obama’s equivalency of his grandma’s expressed semi-private prejudices with that of a preacher who publicly spread hate and dissension to thousands over a 20 year period is astonishing. What makes it worse for this character is that he exposed his young children to this same shrill ranting. It couldn’t be better for McCain as an issue if it were scripted in Hollywood.

  • Frank
    April 3, 2008 at 8:03 am

    We will see how Obama’s religious affiliation comes into play if he gets the nomination. I never cared for Obama but now that he has been exposed, I actually have nothing but comtempt for him.

    April 3, 2008 at 1:44 pm

    Clinton is a liar and actually believes the public is stupid and will accept everything she says as truth. Obama has been exposed as someone with a shady past with a relationship to a racist anti-American reverend. The Democraps are pretty much on a down hill slide at this point and plenty of time left to do further damage to themselves before the election.

  • Irma
    April 4, 2008 at 12:34 pm

    To the Eyes of Texas:
    I happen to be from Texas too.
    But be fair – HIlary Clinton is no more a liar than McCain or Obama. They all have
    been caught in various lies. None of them believe that all the American people
    are stupid – lets face it SOME of them are.
    So the gullible population will swallow
    the stupid. idea that just Hilary will stop at nothing to get elected. Look Obama
    sold out his own grandmother to gain a few political points. McCain cozied up to
    George W. Bush , a man who skewered him politically the last time McCain ran for president. Where is his pride ?
    Be fair – these politicians are pretty much all the same. Pick your poison.

  • Alessandra
    April 4, 2008 at 4:05 pm

    Irma, I very much agree with your assessment. Which is why I, as a young voter, have not aligned myself with any party; although I grew up in a Democratic family.
    I have come to believe that it is all about attaining power for both parties and not doing what is in the best interests of the country as a whole.
    All the pandering to special interest groups which goes on in both parties is disheartening to me. I do not like the big government nanny state which the Democrats seem to want, but I do not like the predatory corporatism which some Republicans seem to support along with unfettered free trade.
    I really would like to see a viable third party, but don’t know if our system is geared towards that.

  • Horace
    April 5, 2008 at 8:52 am

    Hillary, realizing that military experience is a strong point for a candidate, tried to ingratiate herself with those who have had such experience (look at me, I’m one of you) and impress women that already see her as courageous. It turned out to be a lie. This wasn’t a senior moment of a delusional senior citizen, but of someone who believes that she has the ability to govern this country. Does anyone really believe that Billary would’ve corrected the record if she hadn’t been caught by the press?

  • Frank
    April 5, 2008 at 9:03 am

    I also agree with both of you. There isn’t a viable candidate in this race. I guess out of the three, I would pick Hillary though. Don’t ask me why, lol.
    I object to Obama because of his inexperience and I don’t trust him after the incident with his pastor and his views on the issues. I don’t like his healthcare plan either.
    I object to McCain because of his stance on the war, he has no healthcare reform plan and this anger thing with him really bothers me. Something about him really makes me uncomfortable.

  • The world is watching
    April 11, 2008 at 7:25 pm

    Latinas have a unique opportunity in this election. ?Are we ready to embrace the unique moment in history to support a capable women as the leader of the most powerful nation in the world?… “Less an more developed” countries have done it (Argentina, Chile, Germany and others)…. What “attracts” the public and media: denigration of the person, scandals -“better” if of sexual nature, people’s income, appearance, spouses, should not be our focus but the IDEAS and CONCRETE PROGRAMS offered by the candidates, and HOW these ACTIONS will impact our families, lives and future as women and as part of an important minority group in the USA.
    Not to follow the example of leaders such as Governor Richardson who enforced a negative latino stereotype of “viveza/ oportunismo” when he kept the nation in “suspense” while deciding which candidate was better for HIM, his career/political future.. choosing against his constituency and the interest of the latino community that he should have always represent. We can be different: our diversity is our strenght if we are united for our CONCRETE interests as latinos/as.

  • Frank
    April 12, 2008 at 8:26 am

    “Interests of the Latino community”? Can’t you see how divisive that statement is? What about we as Americans stop slicing and dicing ourselves up into ethnic groups and just think of ourselves as united Americans?

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