Latina Lista > Columns & Features > Global Views > Chile: Obama is a person who sees opportunities and possibilities in the world, rather than threats

Chile: Obama is a person who sees opportunities and possibilities in the world, rather than threats

By Arttemisa

CHILE: In Chile, there’s little coverage in the on-air broadcast news programs about the North American presidential elections. I believe the editors of these segments are more focused on local matters, without leaving behind the most relevant news of international nature, being the U.S. elections not among them.
However, I learn about what happens in the U.S. through different digital media, either newspapers or blogs. There is a great interest from Chilean young people (at least the ones with Internet access) to learn and communicate about North American politics.
I usually use a web page named, which is a free microblog service, it also is a sort of social network, and allows its users to send text-based microposts, with a maximum length of 140 characters. Many of the user’s mini-posts are talking about the victory that Obama will have in the upcoming elections.
I did a search exercise on Twitter looking and joining words such as Obama-ganará, Obama-ganador, Obama-presidente (making the search in Spanish), and here are the results:

Obama ganara (Obama will win)
Obama ganador (Obama winner)
Obama Presidente
I believe that Chile will be clearly better off with Obama’s win, because he has the standpoint of being more open to dialogue. Latin America shouldn’t be a priority on his agenda at this moment, because comparing it with the problems he faces from other places, it is the least problematic region.
Obama understands the great divergences that exist in Latin America. In fact, he has said that he is willing to talk with all the leaders of the region, including President Chávez and the Cuban authorities.
Obama has a more sophisticated vision, and is more sensitive. He is a person who sees the world with more opportunities and possibilities, rather than threats.
The election of Barack Obama will benefit our country, mostly because of the fact that the Democrat candidate has made public he will not sign more Free-Trade-Agreements with countries of Latin America.
So Chile will continue having a comparative economic advantage with respect to the countries of the region that still don’t have a Free-Trade Agreement with the U.S.
Just a couple of days ago, I found a video about Obama that I really liked because of its simple, direct, and efficient style, which I would like to share with you.

Obama ’08 – Vote For Hope from MC Yogi on Vimeo.
We hope the people (in the U.S.) choose wisely, and that we all will be more happy!!!
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Greetings from Santiago de Chile!
I feel very honored to post in this website, I feel it as a huge opportunity and a responsibility, because I can reach many people through my words. I also think that through my writings many Latin-American women living in the US may learn how it is to live in América Latina.
I born 32 years ago on a cold winter morning in Santiago de Chile. I went to college for a Pre-K teaching degree, but my real passion is writing. I love writing, it frees my soul. For that reason, I write every chance I get on my blog La Voz de las Chicas.
I enjoy the simple things in life. I feel deeply happy walking in a park over dry leaves or walking on the beach staring at the horizon.
I ponder a lot and my life is center of my emotions and values.
I’m an eternal dreamer about a better world, more fair…. more happy!!!

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