Latina Lista > Palabra Final > Politics > Hillary’s Been Busy Reaching Out to Latinos

Hillary’s Been Busy Reaching Out to Latinos

LatinaLista — Throughout this presidential election, Latina Lista will monitor when candidates specifically address Latinos and issues that impact our community.
The first one we note is Senator Hillary Clinton. She has been busy reaching out to Latinos.
Early last month, after the Univision debate, she sat with a one-on-one interview with Scripps Howard News Service writer Jose de la Isla.
Today, she can be found answering the hard questions from Juan Guillermo Tornoe at Hispanic Trending.
Who will be next?

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  • Frank
    October 1, 2007 at 10:14 pm

    Just what issues are impacting the Latino community? As I said before, don’t we all put on our pants the same way?
    I think it is divisive for a politician to play ethnic politics. We are all Americans and shouldn’t be thinking of our ourselves as anything else.

  • Deport Lou Dobbs
    October 1, 2007 at 11:03 pm

    I did not know you were the Wizard of Oz, the all-knowing wonder who can tell us what we should or should not be doing.
    The fact that you have to ask what issues impact the “Latino” community is reflective of your condenscending attitude about us. It must be a boring day, night, or life for you to be on these blogs to tell us what we should or should not do.
    I like to think of myself as an American first and foremost but my essence emanates from my indigenous Anahuacan ancestry.
    I did not put a hyphen to my American identity. But be realistic, it is there Mr. Wizard.
    I wonder if you go on any of the many anti-immigration White supremacist sites and tell them what they should or should not do for the sake of unity. Or do you not think they are divisive?
    You are beginning to sound like a troll.
    Good night.

  • Frank
    October 2, 2007 at 7:58 am

    Expressing one’s opinion isn’t telling one what to do or not do. You are expressing your opinion, aren’t you? Does that mean you are telling me what to do?
    Tell me what those issues are that only impact the Latino community then. I am listening.
    There aren’t any anti-immigration websites. There are however many anti-illegal alien websites. Why do you think they are just about white citizen’s views.
    Why am I sounding like a troll because I am for the rule of law and I have my own opinion on your so-called comprehensive immigration reform? Who determines if I am the troll but you are not for our opinion? You are race card pulling and that is what the pro-illegals always do because you have no valid arguments as to why we should tolerate an illegal invasion of our country and then reward them for it.

  • Frank
    October 2, 2007 at 8:03 am

    Another question, are you full blooded Anahuacan? If you are instead a Mestizo (native indian and white European Spanish), why do you identify with that part of you but not the white Spanish part of you? You cannot deny genetics no matter how you came about.
    Is it because if you only claim the indigenous part of you, you and yours think this gives you some kind of claim to the U.S.?

  • David O.
    October 2, 2007 at 8:58 am

    you wrote, “If you are instead a Mestizo (native indian and white European Spanish), why do you identify with that part of you but not the white Spanish part of you?”
    The same reason Blacks and Native Americans do not call themselves white. I don’t think that’s a hard one to figure out.

  • Frank
    October 2, 2007 at 1:56 pm

    Thats because Blacks aren’t white and full blooded indians are not white but Mestizos are a combination of native indian AND white. Gee, another no brainer.

  • David O.
    October 2, 2007 at 2:16 pm

    You missed the irony completely. There are many blacks of mixed blood and many Native Americans who fall in the same boat. Of met white Americans who are very proud of their Indian heritage, i.e. Cherokee, but I’ve yet to meet a Gabacho who is proud of any black blood in his bloodline.
    You need to do some research on Mexican history because you believe that all Mexicans are a mixed breed or European and Native Americans. There are many native Mexicans who do not speak Spanish and who are not white by anyone’s standard. Do you know who Benito Juarez is?
    Just curious, but what is your fascination with Mestizos anyway?

  • Frank
    October 2, 2007 at 9:26 pm

    I have no fascination with Mestizos. I am merely relaying the facts to you about what race most Mexicans are. Wikepedia states that 60% of Mexicans are Mestizos.
    Blacks mixed with White are Mullatos. I don’t mind anyone being proud of their heritage but it irks me when they are only proud of part of it and try to deny other parts of their genetic makeup. Such as the reconquistas who only want to claim their native indian blood but not their white European Spanish blood so they think they can lay claims to the USA.

  • adriana
    October 4, 2007 at 8:37 pm

    Most African-Americans have white blood. Frank, along with many other white folks, forget that the masters liked to rape the slaves. If you look at most African-Americans, who trace their ancestry back generations in America, you will see that they range in shades and hair textures, some lighter and some darker. Now, many African Americans don’t chose to identify with their “white” side for the obvious reasons… now ask yourself, why Mestizos (European and Native American) should do the same? The Spaniards raped and pillaged Native villages and employed their own forms of slavery… they weren’t exactly benevolent and kind to the Native Americans when they arrived.

  • Frank
    October 5, 2007 at 8:21 am

    The thing is though, is that Mexicans/Mestizos are denying their Spanish roots to lay claims on U.S. land. That isn’t about being ashamed of their Spanish ancestors that is about having an ulterior motive to reconquest parts of the U.S.
    As I said, it doesn’t matter anyway, no matter how you came into this world you are stuck with all of your genetics, not just the ones you choose to claim.

  • Horace
    October 5, 2007 at 9:36 pm

    “If you look at most African-Americans, who trace their ancestry back generations in America, you will see that they range in shades and hair textures, some lighter and some darker. Now, many African Americans don’t chose to identify with their “white” side for the obvious reasons… now ask yourself, why Mestizos (European and Native American) should do the same?”
    Frank is right. You can never escape your genetic roots, so if you’re genetically black and caucasion and deny one in favor of the other, you’re living a lie. It makes little sense for black people or Hispanics with caucasion genes to deny it, as it is in the very essence of their being. I’m half Irish and I’ve held the Irish in contempt for their inability to reconcile in Northern Ireland, but I can’t deny that I’m genetically one of them.

  • Angelo Mancuso
    November 10, 2007 at 10:45 pm

    Politicians and Americans for that matter should take a look at “American Harvest.” Its a non-partisan feature length documentary about immigration as it relates to agriculture. It presents the facts as they are without political bias.
    American Harvest Synopsis
    Anti-immigration sentiment sweeps across America. A journey from Florida to New York, including a trip to the Mexican border, reveals the lives and issues of legal and illegal migrants and farmers working toward a better life. Is the immigration system in America flawed? Immigrants are dying to feed America.
    American farmers and agriculture rely on immigrants to do jobs that Americans won’t do or feel that are simply beneath them. Some only see the problems in the news from the perspective of those extreme points of view of the left and the right side of our political system.
    Discrimination of immigrants has existed in the United States since the English persecuted the Irish. It was once generally considered that if you were Greek or Southern Italian you were not white.
    American Harvest points out the inconsistencies of the current policy on immigration. See the changing face of immigrant America as it relates to Agriculture.
    Follow legal and illegal farm workers and the farmers caught in the middle of a flawed immigration policy.

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