Latina Lista: News from the Latinx perspective > Government > Special Washington forum brings together 2000 community leaders with Obama’s representatives to help shape future policy

Special Washington forum brings together 2000 community leaders with Obama’s representatives to help shape future policy

LatinaLista — President-elect Barack Obama made a lot of promises during his campaign that touched the minds and souls of every voter who cast their vote for him.
Among all these promises, there is one that people across the country took to heart and put their full trust in — that he would listen to the common people when it came to shaping public policy in Washington.

Well, today is the day President-elect Obama makes good on that promise. At 3 p.m. EST, over 2000 organizers and community leaders from 32 states and 3 countries will descend on Washington to talk with elected officials about what are the important issues that need workable and realistic policies and solutions.
The event has been dubbed Realizing the Promise: A Forum on Community, Faith and Democracy and will be livestreamed over the internet so those who can’t make the trek to DC can still be a part of it.

Valerie Jarrett and Melody Barnes, senior advisers to President-elect Barack Obama, engage more than 2,000 grassroots and labor leaders to hear their concerns and suggested solutions.
Moderated by seasoned journalist Juan Williams, the forum will touch on a range of issues including the economic crisis, healthcare, employment, immigration reform and the role of community organizations in government. Others participating include Representatives Chris Van Hollen (D-MD), Luis Gutierrez (D-IL), Donna Edwards (D-MD), and John Sarbanes (D-MD).

Historically, change doesn’t come quickly but with the speed Obama is appointing his Cabinet and how he has assumed an understated power of authority over our troubling economy, he is already illustrating that it’s not too optimistic to think that what will be said today will be heard by him and a rebirthing of this country will get underway.
Just by empowering the people again, change has already started.
Live streaming of Realizing the Promise begins at 3 p.m. EST.

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