Latina Lista > Palabra Final > Politics > Tancredo retires and some GOP colleagues still haven’t learned from his mistakes

Tancredo retires and some GOP colleagues still haven’t learned from his mistakes

LatinaLista — News this week that Colorado Rep. Tom Tancredo, one of the most visibly vocal, vile and staunchest hardliners against undocumented immigrants in Congress, was retiring hardly elicited a yawn.

Retiring Congressman Tom Tancredo
Democrats are too busy trying to jostle for attention from President-elect Obama to care and Republicans seem to be wishing he was gone already.
As Princeton University congressional historian Julian Zelizer said, “When he’s (Tancredo) discussed, he’ll be used I think as one of the examples of what was wrong with the Republican party. I think there’ll be a lot of people who will say his kind of politics didn’t sit well with a lot of Americans.”
Unfortunately and unbelievably, Tancredo’s kind of politics still persists.
It’s being perpetuated by ignorant Republicans in office who can’t seem to understand that the will of the people defeated other immigration hardliners like Tancredo in their respective runs for office — in some cases by landslides.
Yet, the rhetoric continues in state legislatures across the country.
What’s even worse, and what Tancredo’s retirement exposes, is that these anti-immigrant hardliners, in addition to illustrating to the Latino community that Republicans still don’t have a clue or sincere interest in repairing the shattered Latino-GOP relationship, have sufficiently poisoned themselves with their extreme rhetoric and actions that it eclipses anything else they do while in office — some of which would have been positive actions for their greater constituency.

If it weren’t for Tancredo’s incessant immigrant-bashing warpath, people would have learned that he actually did some good work — he sponsored the 2002’s Sudan Peace Act, and he worked to improve diplomatic relations with Taiwan.
Who would have known?
Yet, Tancredo retires disgraced in a lot of people’s eyes because of his compassionless and unrelentless attacks on undocumented immigrants.
Tancredo’s colleagues, who are still in office, would do well to open their eyes and learn from his mistakes and understand that to move the GOP forward, it’s time to stop trying to resurrect past tactics that failed and cost the GOP more than just votes but also the most important thing any political party needs to survive — trust of the people.



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  • Sandra
    December 9, 2008 at 9:45 pm

    Again, just who is anti-immigrant? Why the deceitful language?
    Tancredo not faring well with voters had little to do with his stance on illegal immigration. The polls show that most Americans are opposed to illegal immigration and for securing our borders.
    The Republican party fell out of favor with Americans due to the failure of the Bush Administration. It had nothing to do with their stance on illegal immigration at least not for most non-hispanic Americans anyway.

    December 10, 2008 at 2:52 pm

    Supporters of illegal immigration and illegal aliens will continue to put their “anti-immigration” spin on the problem of illegal immigration to keep the lines blurred. The vast majority of U.S. citizens are against illegal immigration and for secure borders. The will of the people also defeated the attempt to give mass amnesty to 20+ million illegal aliens and also defeated the Dream Act.
    Ignorant Republican immigration hardlines, as you call them, will continue to support secure borders and an end to illegal immigration. Obama will get slapped down hard if he tries to play racial politics for any particular ethnic group. As President, he will have to listen to the majority and refrain from being influenced by whinny special interest groups pushing their racial agenda. If he does go against the majority, he can look forward to a four year term and an end to any possibility of another Black President for many more years to come.

  • Michaela
    December 11, 2008 at 2:11 pm

    Eyes of Texas said:
    As President, he will have to listen to the majority and refrain from being influenced by whinny special interest groups pushing their racial agenda. If he does go against the majority, he can look forward to a four year term and an end to any possibility of another Black President for many more years to come.
    You are absolutely right there Eyes. Obama will never make it back into office if he goes against the will of the majority of Americans.
    These articles that demonize good Americans like Tancredo simply because he is against “illegal” immigration and wants our borders secured, are written by vicious, petty people who cannot accept that other Americans might have their own opinion. We are expected to respect THEIR opinion but we are villified if we express ours. That is childish beyond comprehension.

    December 11, 2008 at 4:10 pm

    Another great idea that has been put in place here in Texas is the special drivers license for foriegn visitors, whether they be here on a visa or are applicants for citizenship. Hopefully the license will include a vias date of expiration. The license is presented vertically similar to a license for a 16-18 year old driver. Such measures should be required on a national level and not just by state to state. This will make it very easy for a law officer to know a persons citizenship status without having to ask. As usual the Democrats in Austin are fighting to prevent this new law from going into affect on the grounds it is state sponsored racial profiling. If my 16 year old nephew has to carry a vertical license to drive, there should be no opposition to making foriegn visitors carry a vertical license.

  • Texano78704
    December 11, 2008 at 4:38 pm

    The vast majority of U.S. citizens are against illegal immigration and for secure borders.
    I’m still waiting for you to prove both parts of this statement — have been for quite some time now.
    Ignorant Republican immigration hardlines, as you call them, will continue to support secure borders and an end to illegal immigration.
    …even as they get slapped down and voted out of office by “the vast majority of the electorate.” At least that’s a finite prediction.
    As President, he [Obama] will have to listen to the majority and refrain from being influenced by whinny [sic] special interest groups pushing their racial agenda.
    So Obama will become the president and you are no longer in denial about it? Welcome to reality. Since when did horses, the only animals that I know of that whinny, obtain their own special interest group?

  • Sandra
    December 12, 2008 at 7:51 am

    Read again what was stated. “The vast majority of Americans are opposed to illegal immigration and want secure borders.” Are you saying that the vast majority of Americans want illegal immigration and don’t want secure borders? You’re kidding right? One has to prove THAT? Every reputable poll shows the former not the latter and it only common sense!
    The Republicans lost because of the failure of the Bush Administration. There was no other reason.
    Who is talking about animals in regards to whining? Are you saying that humans don’t whine? Special interest groups are always whining.

  • Texano78704
    December 13, 2008 at 1:21 pm

    Way to go Sandra, all you did was repeat the same thing over again. I just asked for proof of his statement.
    How about this statement:
    The majority of people in this country are in favor of some type of amnesty.
    And EOT said “whinny,” not “whiney.”

  • Michaela
    December 13, 2008 at 1:33 pm

    Texano78704 :
    The vast majority of U.S. citizens are against illegal immigration and for secure borders.
    The proof, Texano, is that Americans raised holy hell when Congress tried to pass amnesty again. That is the proof!

  • Sandra
    December 14, 2008 at 10:19 pm

    What is more important, gaining control of the border or legalizing undocumented workers?
    Gaining control of the border
    Legalizing undocumented workers
    Source: Rasmussen Reports
    Methodology: Telephone interviews with 1,000 American adults, conducted on Nov. 28 and Nov. 29, 2006. Margin of error is 3 per cent.

  • Sandra
    December 16, 2008 at 6:47 pm

    Results of the latest Zogby poll on illegal immigraton (Nov. 2008):
    — 60% of voters said reducing illegal immigration and cracking down on
    employers who hire them is important to them, while only 21% supported
    “legalizing or creating a pathway to citizenship” for illegal aliens.
    — 57% of voters stated that amnesty would harm American workers and
    further strain public resources, while only 26% believe amnesty would
    aid economic recovery and ease public burdens

  • Texano78704
    December 17, 2008 at 12:45 pm

    Results of the latest Zogby poll on illegal immigraton…
    You forgot to add, “commissioned by FAIR.” FAIR is a notorious, anti-immigrant group with ties to white supremacist. I believe that FAIR, with obvious ties to John Tanton, is considered to be a hate group.
    Why is it that when FAIR commissions a poll on immigration, the amnesty results are usually the mirror opposite of other polls on that specific issue?
    And speaking of poll results, it is no secret that the Democratic Party in general and president-elect Obama in particular, support amnesty. What would be your interpretation of the poll results of the November 2008 election?

  • Sandra
    December 18, 2008 at 1:52 pm

    It doesn’t matter who comissioned a poll. What matters is if the polster is a credible and respected one. Zogby is definately among the finest. Rasmussen is also another reputable one and they came up with the same results and I posted them also.
    Obama getting elected had nothing to do with his stance on illegal immigration. McCain also promised amnesty for illegals and in fact co-sponsored a bill with Kennedy to see that it happened.
    Obama got elected for several reasons but mostly because of the failure of the Bush Administration. Americans wanted a change from the Republican party and McCain looked like more of the same.

  • Texano78704
    December 19, 2008 at 3:35 pm

    Sure it matters who commissions a poll, because the guy that writes the check has the ultimate decision on how the questions are asked and which questions are asked.
    With regard to the Rasmussen poll, it really does not say what you think it says. When asked to choose between the two, “controlling the border” or “legalizing undocumented workers,” the results are pretty obvious. That is a poll question phrased to give a positive skew to “border control.”
    Obama got elected for several reasons but mostly because of the failure of the Bush Administration. Americans wanted a change from the Republican party and McCain looked like more of the same.
    So, the need for change in all policies, which would probably include amnesty for undocumented workers, was far more important than Bush’s immigration agenda which was looking very much like amnesty? His “guest worker” solution would have kept all 12 million undocumented workers. I believe McCain was promoting some sort amnesty as well.
    It is hard for me to believe that this issue is as serious as you say it is and then have you tell us that it really was not an important factor in the presidential election.
    So which is it?

  • Sandra
    December 20, 2008 at 4:23 pm

    All I can say is that you are wrong if you think that most Americans want amnesty or your version of a CIR to pass. But do dream on.
    Immigration took a back burner to the Iraq war, the economy, healthcare and education. Even when Obama was asked after he was elected to prioritize the issues above, he totally ignored the immigration issue and wouldn’t even include it in his priority list. If Latinos think that Obama is going to be their savior for CIR, they have another think coming. The raids will continue, e-verify in the workplace will be implemented and states will crack down on benefits to illegal aliens. Millions will return to their country of origin because there will be no reason for them to stay here anymore. Read my lips…THERE WILL BE NO AMNESTY NOR ANY CIR PASSED.

  • Texano78704
    December 21, 2008 at 9:45 am

    Read your lips? I think EOT said pretty much the same thing about Obama not getting elected. Is the GOP even still relevant?

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