Latina Lista > Palabra Final > Politics > Tancredo’s Reason For Not Doing Univision Debate is a Moot Point Now

Tancredo’s Reason For Not Doing Univision Debate is a Moot Point Now

LatinaLista — Of all the Republican presidential candidates, Rep. Tom Tancredo doesn’t mince words when it comes to his feelings about illegal immigration or speaking Spanish.

Rep. Tom Tancredo
(Source: Univision)

In fact, he decided to get the first word of the Univision forum in when he penned an opinion editorial in the Miami Herald titled Why I won’t do Spanish debate.
He objected to being in the debate because the answers would be translated into Spanish — something he’s totally opposed to.
Too bad he didn’t realize that parts of his column would be translated into, what else — Spanish.
For example:

“Conducir debates políticos en otra lengua que no sea inglés -continúa-, sea coreano, francés, farsi o español, es decirle a los inmigrantes que ellos no necesitan tomar el requirimiento de naturalización (saber inglés) seriamente. Estados Unidos tiene una necesidad especial de una lengua común por la misma diversidad de sus inmigrantes”.

So technically speaking, Tancredo has already violated the promise he made to himself and is actually the first Republican candidate to have his answers translated into Spanish and by Univision no less.
So staying out of the forum seems like a rather moot point now, but I guess not for someone who thinks he’s trying to make one.

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  • Frank
    December 8, 2007 at 7:48 am

    Tancredo’s postion on this issue is that since an immigrant has to be able to speak and undersand English to become a citizen and only citizens can vote, there is no need for presidential debates to be held in any other language than English. Comprende?
    Please explain why there should be a debate in any other language other than English based on the above.

  • Bandido
    December 8, 2007 at 9:49 pm

    Frank it is not a spanish dabate is just a translation of the english debate.

  • Frank
    December 9, 2007 at 8:06 am

    bandido, I understand that but I still ask the question why does an English debate need to be translated into Spanish when all of our citizens speak English? Even an immigrant who gets naturalized has to be able to speak and understand English to gain citizenship in this country and only citizens can vote.

  • Evelyn
    December 9, 2007 at 11:52 am

    Their are legal (green
    card holders) who might like to know where the candidates stand on the issues.
    People in Spanish speaking countries that surround the U.S. also like to keep up with U.S. politics as the issues can also affect their countries and them directly.

  • Frank
    December 9, 2007 at 4:08 pm

    Then these green card holders can get someone to translate for them on an individual basis. Hispanics are not the only green card holders in this country anyway. Why aren’t we having debates in all foreign langauges then? Why just Spanish?
    The elections are for and about our citizens, not green card holders. Only citizens can vote and it is our country’s election. There are plenty of bi-lingual people who can translate to anyone outside of the voting arena if they are so interested in our politics.

  • Evelyn
    December 10, 2007 at 12:22 am

    At one time 1/2 of the U.S. belonged to a country that spoke Spanish. Just like their ancestors these people still speak Spanish today. Most of the green card holders are Spanish speakers. Many indigenous peoples are Spanish speakers.
    Most of the countries that surround the U.S. are Spanish speaking. Most of the people on this continent are Spanish speakers. The largest, and fastest growing minority in the U.S. are Spanish speakers. Other foreign language speakers are not the majority, and most are not indigenous to this continent. If the majority of candidates are willing to participate in this debate, and the Spanish channel is willing to carry it. I say go for it, because MORE PEOPLE WATCH THE DEBATES DONE IN SPANISH THAN THOSE DONE IN ENGLISH.
    I enjoy the debates in Spanish because that’s where the flip-flopper’s are easy to spot.
    Tancredo’s position is that of rudeness and vulgarity in his views on Hispanics, which really don’t count. The man leaves everything to be desired as a presidential candidate. The American people are too smart for the likes of him , and show it with the polls. If Tancredo insists on showing his ignorance, and not participate, that’s his loss!

  • Frank
    December 10, 2007 at 9:16 am

    You are wrong about one thing. Most of the Spanish speakers in this country today are bi-lingual, Spanish AND English.
    English is the national language of this country and in order for an immigrant to gain citizenship they must have a workable knowledge of English and only citizens can vote, not greed card holders.
    Tancredo does not hold bigoted views of Hispanic citizens. He is opposed to illegal immigration no matter where they are from. That is the problem with you pro-illegals you operate from a platform of lies, half truths and spins.

  • Frank
    December 10, 2007 at 2:45 pm

    Today most Spanish speakers in this country are bi-lingual,(Spanish and English) at least the citizen ones are. Again, it is only citizens that can vote.
    Tancredo doesn’t view Hispanic citizens with disdain or bigotry. He only views illegal aliens that way.

  • Evelyn
    December 11, 2007 at 12:28 am

    No sir, YOU ARE WRONG.
    I never stated Spanish speakers were not bi-lingual, I stated it was a matter of choice. I stated if all parties involved are willing to participate in a debate done for those of us who want to watch it in Spanish, by all means do it. If anyone choose to be ignorant to a new language, you have every right to do this, but no one has the right to keep others from speaking or expressing open-mindedness to Spanish or any other language!
    On Tancredo, you are also WRONG, Tancredo does view all Immigrants with disdain and bigotry.
    That makes him a bigot, as he has publicly stated…”if we don’t control immigration, legal and illegal we will eventually reach the point where it won’t be what kind of a nation we have, vulcanized or united, we will have to face the fact that we are no longer a nation. He stated we should bomb, Mecca and Medina the holy sites. He supports tearing at the very fabric of America, by showing his unpatriotic support for changing the constitution, as it is written( the 14th amendment). Tancredo has ties to several anti-immigrant groups, many of these groups have clear ties to openly racist org.
    You called me pro illegal. I don’t condone anything illegal, that is why I think the draconan,broken immigration laws should be fixed so the illegal can be dropped, and they can be legal like those that came from Europe.

  • Frank
    December 11, 2007 at 3:44 pm

    Evelyn, if one is a U.S.citizen and they speak English there is no reason for anyone to expect or need a debate in another language even if they prefer it. It is ridiculous. What for? Just because “I want it that way”?
    Ignorant to a new language? Americans have done just fine being mostly English speakers since this country’s founding. It should be a choice if someone wants to learn another language, not a demand. If you don’t use it, you lose it anyway. It is mostly due to the arrival of “illegal alien Spanish speakers” that all of a sudden we are supposed to learn Spanish. How arrogant!
    Show me one negative, untruthful statement that Tancredo has made against legal immigrants. You won’t find one. You are a pro-illegal advocate and that is why you don’t like him. Just admit it! There is nothing in your quote by him that is bigoted. We do have to control both legal an illegal immigration. It is just common sense.
    There is nothing unpatriotic about passing legislation to change the 14th Amendment or any other Amendment. You want our immigration laws changed, don’t you? Does that make you unpatriotic also? It makes no sense that children of illegal aliens should be granted birthright citizenship. The 14th has been misinterpreted for a long time and illegal aliens are taking advantage of it. There is a bill to change that in congress right now. One parent has to be a citizen of this country in order for a newborn to gain instant citizenship. Why would you find fault with that? That is the policy of most countries.
    You want the title of illegal dropped out of our immigration laws? Doesn’t that mean we won’t have any anymore? That means the whole world’s poor will be able to come to our country. Is that what you want? Why should we legalize those who have broken our immigration laws already? We already have a legal way to come here today, just like those immigrants of old did that you mentioned.

  • Evelyn
    December 12, 2007 at 2:08 pm

    What is ridiculas is for you to be against a group who are exercising their freedom of choice and prefer to do a debate in Spanish. This isn’t the first time it’s been done and wont be the last. Get over it!
    They are going to keep doing it even though you, “don’t want it that way”.
    I am well aware some Americans are doing just fine with English since the European Invasion of this country. Those Immigrants really didn’t want to assimilate, that is why we speak English today.
    No one is demanding that you learn anything . Like I stated,…”If anyone chooses to be ignorant to a new language , they have a right to do this”.
    I gave you the link to the dirt on Tancredo and his cohorts, if you ignore those facts that’s your choice, and I don’t think they are going to disappear, because you wish them to.
    The forefathers left the constitution and the rights afforded by it in place for us to follow, not to change. I thank they should be respected. You think they should be molded to fit your views. Many before you have tried, and all have failed.
    80% of Americans,president Bush, and congress agree with me and think the broken Immigration laws should be fixed.
    I don’t think this country can continue to survive with wide open borders, millions of people without proper documentation employment verification system, people driving without a licence, children who cannot continue their education, families living in fear.For you to accept this situation, seems irresponsible on your part. I disagree with your opinion that I am unpatriotic, because I want to fix our broken immigration system.
    Yes, I do think the words “Illegal alien”, should not be used to describe human beings. I don’t believe God would approve of those words to describe any of his children, as they are derogatory.
    Their is no law against living in this country without proper documentation.
    It is an administrative issue to enter this country without proper documentation, punishable by deportation.
    If there were a law it would have to be considered a criminal act. Therefore the criminal would be entitled to a trial and it would be up to the gov. to provide proof of this crime. Because of the cost, the gov. has admitted it would go bankrupt. To say undocumented immigrants are breaking immigration laws, is a lie.
    The immigrants of old came in on the back of an illegal invasion by the Europeans. 95% of the Indian population was murdered. Those left were stripped of their land, language, culture, and spirituality, and sent to live on reservations, to accommodate millions of European invaders.
    If this is legal to you…..God help you

  • Frank
    December 12, 2007 at 4:28 pm

    Evelyn, I didn’t say I was against anyone who chose to debate in Spanish or any other langauge. I just said that it was unnecessary. Of course they have that freedom of choice.
    European invasion? Please explain. By the way, the Spaniards (you know those White European ancestors of most Mexicans) came over here too. Guess you are ok with that though, right?
    You may not be demanding that a native English speaker learn Spanish but you shouldn’t have used the word “ignorant” when mentioning it either. Doesn’t make you very believable.
    You didn’t give me any dirt on Tancredo. I already explained to you what he meant and there was nothing bigoted in his statements. Only in your little ethnocentric head.
    Where are my views changing or re-molding the constitution? Back up your false accusations. If you are referring to the 14th Amendment on birthright citizenship, it just isn’t being interpreted correctly. If you really read it, you know that our forefathers didn’t intend for children of illegal aliens to be granted citizeship at birth. That can be fixed easily without even having to change the wording of it.
    No, 80% of Americans want our current immigration laws enforced, they aren’t broken! What needs to be done is to secure our borders and start with internal enforcement via the SAVE ACT. Making employers check their data bases making sure that all SS numbers matched a legal worker. It is what they should have been doing all along. The illegals will self-deport without any jobs.
    Illegal alien isn’t a deragatory term. It is the legal, government term for those in this country without papers. Illegal = something or someone who is not legal. Alien = a foreigner. Fits the bill just right instead of the BS, PC terms that your side likes to use. You can put lipstick on a pig but it is still a pig.
    Yes, there is a law against entering this country illegally, it is a misdemeanor but it should be a felony. Still a crime. Still trying to put lipstick on a pig? If it isn’t against the law then please explain the workplace raids, etc.
    Yes, getting back to those pesk Europeans that killed off the native population, don’t forget those Spaniard, ok? We aren’t responsible for what our ancestors did or didn’t do and we don’t want history repeating itself. Look at what happened to the native population when they allowed foreingers on their land. We won’t be that stupid!

  • Evelyn
    December 13, 2007 at 4:34 pm

    “White European ancestors of most Mexicans” Please tell me your not that ignorant! The fact that Mexicans or Mexicas,(their Indian name) are tainted with European blood, because there indigenous great great grandmothers where raped by the savage Europeans, are just scars left from the European invasion and the battle they valiantly fought to rid themselves of those parasites, and won. Mexicans where also forced to take European names, because we all know the invaders don’t assimilate. When white Europeans cross the ocean and invade this country, you and the U.S. gov. say they are immigrants. When the Mexicans, who are indigenous to this continent, walk across their land and migrate here, you call them “illegal aliens”, to demonize them. That’s racism plain and clear. The real “illegal aliens”are the European invaders and there parasitic anchor babies. You get my drift? The rest of your whitewashed so called “facts taken out of your cracker jack box is bologna. Try peddling it somewhere else. I’m on to you! your right, you can put lipstick on a pig, but it is still a pig. Here is one of my favorites, El sorrillo nunca se huele la cola. Your comment “we wont be that stupid!” you already were! They are here to stay and have many many babies, while white women are having abortions or babies with Mexican men.

  • Evelyn
    December 13, 2007 at 4:38 pm

    “White European ancestors of most Mexicans” Please tell me your not that ignorant! The fact that Mexicans or Mexicas,(their Indian name) are tainted with European blood, because there indigenous great great grandmothers where raped by the savage Europeans, are just scars left from the European invasion and the battle they valiantly fought to rid themselves of those parasites, and won. Mexicans where also forced to take European names, because we all know the invaders don’t assimilate. When white Europeans cross the ocean and invade this country, you and the U.S. gov. say they are immigrants. When the Mexicans, who are indigenous to this continent, walk across their land and migrate here, you call them “illegal aliens”, to demonize them. That’s racism plain and clear. The real “illegal aliens”are the European invaders and there parasitic anchor babies. You get my drift? The rest of your whitewashed so called “facts taken out of your cracker jack box is bologna. Try peddling it somewhere else. I’m on to you! your right, you can put lipstick on a pig, but it is still a pig. Here is one of my favorites, El sorrillo nunca se huele la cola. Your comment “we wont be that stupid!” you already were! They are here to stay and have many many babies, while white women are having abortions or babies with Mexican men.

  • Frank
    December 14, 2007 at 7:51 am

    Native indian blood was “tainted” by Spanish blood? LOL! It doesn’t matter how the Spanish blood came to be part of the Mestizo Mexicans of today, one cannot deny a certain part of their genetics. Gee, the Mexicans even speak Spanish. Why are they speaking the language of their evil Spanish conquerors then? Why aren’t they speaking some native indian tongue today?
    Most white Americans are not Spaniards. They are Anglo white. Our ancestors didn’t invade old Mexico. It was the Spaniards who did. So don’t complain to us about it. There were many tribes that lived in the U.S. that had nothing to do with Mexico or Mexicans.
    It doesn’t matter that Mexicans occupied certain parts of the southwest at one time. Wars were fought, treaties were signed and money exchanged hands for the U.S. to take possession of certain southwest territories and a border was drawn. If you are not a U.S.citzen today but a citizen of Mexico then you have no right to be here without papers.
    Stop living in the past. All those people are dead now. None of us alive today had anything to do with the past. If you have a beef about the land or our immigration laws today, then take it up with the U.S. government and stop beating up on law abiding American citizens who had nothing to do with it and calling them vile names for expecting our imigration laws of TODAY to be honored and enforced. And stop making it a race issue, it isn’t!

  • Evelyn
    December 14, 2007 at 8:59 pm

    It was you who brought up the Spanish of the past, not I.
    The people that migrated here were here in the past, and will be here in the future too, so get over it.
    I have never mentioned law abiding American citizens.
    But I did mention bigots, and racists like you, and I never called you any vial name you haven’t earned and didnt beg for.
    The rest of your regergitated crap has already been answered, so I am ignoring it!

  • Horace
    December 15, 2007 at 7:54 am

    “The fact that Mexicans or Mexicas,(their Indian name) are tainted with European blood, because there indigenous great great grandmothers where raped by the savage Europeans, are just scars left from the European invasion and the battle they valiantly fought to rid themselves of those parasites, and won. Mexicans where also forced to take European names, because we all know the invaders don’t assimilate.”
    Tainted blood, Evelyn? Sounds like a strongly racist statement to me. While rape is a terrible act, you condemn the children of such acts as inferior by calling their blood “tainted.” Which characteristics of the “tainted” ancesters do you hate? Maybe they’re a bit lighter skinned than you? Are they less intelligent than pure blooded? Is it because they speak that vile language of European origin. Apparently racism is alive and well even between races in the Hispanic ethnic group.

  • Frank
    December 15, 2007 at 8:31 am

    Eveyln, I mentioned the Spaniards to clarify that it wasn’t only Anglo-whites who came here and annilated the native indians. The Spaniard ancestors of the Mexican-Mestizos of today did so too. But most Mexicans of the reconquista mindset don’t want to admit their Spanish roots but only claim their native indian ones to make a case for their reconquista of the southwest.
    The majority of Americans (80%) who are law abiding are also opposed to this illegal invasion of our country. I am among them and you call me a racist, therefore you are also calling 80% of Americans racists also. How have we earned that label?
    You haven’t answered much of anything. All you have done is resort to false accusations of myself and vile insults. So typical of you and yours in the Hispanic Business Forum and the whole ethnocentric, pro-illegal crowd.

  • Evelyn
    December 15, 2007 at 11:03 am

    I have no knowledge of any reconquista of the south west. If it exists it’s probably some fringe group like the KKK, SOS, or minutemen.
    Your 80% BS has been blown to smithereens on the other thread, GO LOOK!
    The one who hasn’t answered anything with viable facts (cause they don’t exist) is you. BUSTED BIG TIME!
    Every thing you state is based on your racist views soo typical of you and yours at the alicrappers forum you post at where the minuteKLAN rates high on your agenda, which includes, BIG MOUTH LIE SPEWING, RACISM and BIGOTRY!

  • Evelyn
    December 15, 2007 at 2:38 pm

    I found the reconquista website you spoke of. Even though their story of our history is very complete and thorough, I don’t agree Euroamericans should repatriate themselves to Europe. Maby only those who are dissatisfied with the diversity of the U.S. Perhaps if the old country is willing to accept them. Well Adios.
    It’s better than letting those who are unsatisfied drag the U.S. economy in a downward spiral, keep Congress intimadiated, and locked, without being able to fix the broken immigration system,and spew hate ans venomous everyone
    in the world who witnesses this will hate us even more.
    Demonizing Hispanics could lead to some idiot pulling a Timothy McVeigh.
    Hate groups against Immigrants, especially Hispanics, are up by 40%, fueled by propaganda spewed by Lou Dobbs, Tancredo, and others of their ilk.
    Your comment, “most Mexicans don’t want to accept their Mexican roots, only their native ones” is simply stupid. The fact is they are Indian. Look at them, cant you tell. Are you blind? The amount of Spanish blood they carry doesn’t make them Spanish. Just like the native Indians in the U.S. are no less Indian because they also have white blood. They are still Indian like the majority of Mexicans. The Spanish in Mexico are the rich, the ruling class backed by the U.S. gov. and in collusion with it to suck the resources of that nation and keep the profits for themselves. These people are not liked by the Mexicans, because of what they did to them, they are tolerated, by force.
    Show me the link to the “80% of Americans who are opposed to the Illegal invasion of your country”. I’m assuming you live in the U.S. I haven’t read anything about any invasion that is credible, other than the lies the racists spew, to demonize the Immigrants, espically Hispanics.
    You say your among them, your made up opinion doesnt count with facts, and a link to those facts. If you cant back it up=RACISM.
    On the other hand I gave you credible links to all of my Opinions that show why I support them.
    False accusations my foot, you begged for the racist tag, with your posts, spewing lies to demonize a group of people you don’t like.
    You know Frank….it’s OK not to like some people, but it’s not OK to spread lies about them because you don’t like them.
    What if I stated you were a drunken, murdering, thief to influence others to dislike you because I did. To demonize you because I didn’t like you, that just isn’t right.
    Instead of wanting to live with hate, festering, putrid, slowing destroying you, and hurting others….. why not embrace love of self, and care and compassion for others.
    It feels wonderful, invigorating, and fresh to do what is correct. To be kind. To embrace justice.
    That used to be the way Americans were thought of…………once

  • Frank
    December 15, 2007 at 6:26 pm

    Have you got a reading comprehension problem, Evelyn? I didn’t say that Mexicans want to forget their Mexican roots, I said they don’t want to admit that they are the descendants of the White Spaniard conquistadores so that they can only claim their native indian side for the reconquista agenda. That way they can blame only the Anglo-Whites for the demise of the native indians.
    Don’t make me laugh that you never heard of reconquista. MECHA is a student group on every college campus in the U.S. and they are a reconquista organization and that is only one. There are many videos out there of reconquistas actually admitting their agenda and many comments available on the internet by them where they openly admit their reconquista agenda.
    I have steered clear of posting any crime stats by illegal aliens so what are you talking about? I am mainly concerned about their presence here because they broke our immigration laws. The is the bottom line.
    Here is one poll about how Americans feel about illegal immigration. I will post some more later but I have plans for this evening.

  • Evelyn
    December 16, 2007 at 12:31 pm

    Twisting and molding will get you no where.
    The Mexicans cant admit they are descendants of the Spanish conquistadors no matter how much you want, because it is a lie. Mexicans are the descendants of the Indians, (Mexica) inhabiting Mexico when the Spanish Conquistadors arrived.
    The Mexicans do have some Spanish blood, but that doesnt make them Spanish, any more than the Blacks whose Female ancestors were also raped by the Anglo-whites, that doesnt make blacks, Anglo-whites.
    The only thing Mexicans, (and all American Indians blame the Anglo-whites for), is stealing their land, and selling it to a white-Spaniard, (Santana).
    If I steal your home and sell it to my next door neighbor….Illegal.
    Your statement, “MEChA is a student group on every college campus in the U.S.” Where is the evidence to back up your statement? Give me the link.
    I live in the Heartland, attended university here, and I never knew MEChA existed until recently.
    Here is the research on MEChA. An organization to promote Chicano unity and empowerment through education and political action . Their motto “Unity Creates Strength” (NICE!) MEChA is often criticized by various groups; most often by Conservative publications and writers such as National Review, which alleges that MEChA is a Hispanic Nationalist Organization tinged with Racist and separatist views. Groups such as “American Patrol” (an anti-Immigration website) are even more vitriolic in their criticism accusing MEChA of outright supremacist and irredentism. However American Patrol itself has been classified as a hate group website by SPLC and Anti-Defamation.
    I posted the crime stats so you wouldn’t attempt to invent them, like you do everything else. You say you are concerned about illegal immigration, so am I. The difference is you attack the immigrants with lies, and block Congress from passing laws to alleviate this problem, which has helped in no way to solve this problem.
    I look for a solution that will not hurt the immigrants or their children and has never hurt U.S. citizens, according to studies from credible Institutions, but will provide a solution to this problem.
    Give me the links that make your statements credible, not more peoples views, we already have enough of those.

  • Frank
    December 17, 2007 at 3:47 pm

    Evelyn, are you out of your mind? 60% of the Mexicans in Mexico are Mestizos. They are part Spaniard and part Native Indian. It doesn’t matter if some of their ancestors were raped or not. You cannot deny your genetics based on that. Genetics happen when the sperm meets the egg. Geesh, take a course in biology, will you? Looks like you need a history lesson too.
    Google MECHA, it will tell you all you need to know. They are a Chicano movement group on just about every campus in America. Their agenda is reconquista of some southwest territories and return them to “Aztlan” by creating a seperate nation within our country. While your at it google the Mexica Movement and Aztlan.
    I have no use for White Supremist groups either so don’t use them as an argument.
    What lies did I tell about illegal aliens? I didn’t! You don’t even know me. How can you say that “I” blocked congress from passing laws? We Americans don’t even get to vote on immigration issues.
    Why are you so “protective” of those who have violated our immigration laws? If kids are involved, it is their parents fault, not ours. Where is your conern for your fellow American citizen in all of this (assuming that you are an American)? Hmm, could you be another one of those ethnocentric citizens?

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