Latina Lista > Palabra Final > Diversity > The Latino Vote Did Make a Difference in Tuesday’s Election

The Latino Vote Did Make a Difference in Tuesday’s Election

LatinaLista — From the time the polls opened this morning, “talk” has been how the Latino vote just wasn’t going to materialize like everyone knew it wasn’t going to do.

With every voter registration drive trying to capitalize on the numbers that turned out at the marches and rallies, there just never was enough “eligible to vote” Latinos to make the turnout impressive enough.

Yet, something did happen.

With Democrats’ margins giving them victories in races across the country, it is a fact they were helped by the Latino vote.

In a Latino Exit Poll survey conducted by the William C. Velasquez Institute, it was found that most Latinos (of those surveyed in 8 states)voted Democratically, are dissatisfied with how things are going in the country and overwhelmingly want the troops brought home.

Latino numbers may not be the powerhouse that one day it is predicted to be, but tonight the numbers were enough to push one party over the edge.

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