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May 27, 2020

That in this democracy, anyone would be against facilitating every citizen’s civic duty of voting is a red flag that their intentions are sinister. No wonder Joe Biden’s campaign just created a new position on his campaign staff; Trump…


February 28, 2020

If there is a person that personifies the rise of Latino discrimination in the country it’s former Maricopa Sheriff Joe Arpaio, a.k.a. Trump supporter and buddy. Yet, a court just delivered a blow to Arpaio that even Trump can’t…


January 21, 2020

As the Trump impeachment trial gets underway, we are reminded that we are in an election season. For most Latino voters, the 2020 election holds a certain level of importance; Is Facebook aiding in political surveillance of Puerto Rican…


October 30, 2019

Though Halloween isn’t until tomorrow, here’s an early treat: Taco Bell is giving away a free DORITOS® LOCOS tacos all day today online or via their app. In other news, as Trump shamefully attacks the latest patriot witness calling…

By Jordan Bennett Futurity An innovative book distribution program that provides free children’s books in low-income neighborhoods, combined with supportive adults who encourage reading, can boost children’s literacy and learning opportunities, a new study shows. “Both physical and psychological…

By Chuck Collins Estuardo Mazariegos understands the burden of paying for his education. He started college in 2006 and has attended on and off for financial reasons. Now in his last semester, he claims his annual tuition and fees…

By Subramanian Shankar The Conversation In the United States, inequality tends to be framed as an issue of either class, race or both. Consider, for example, criticism that Republicans’ new tax plan is a weapon of “class warfare,” or…

By Marilyn Garateix Latino Ed Beat Michele Siqueiros recalled the day she arrived on a college campus. “I thought I had arrived on another planet,” she told a recent gathering of journalists who attended the Education Writers Association’s fourth…

By Nick Roll Inside Higher Ed Princeton University and Microsoft have joined together to file a lawsuit against President Trump’s rescinding of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program. A DACA-protected student at Princeton, Maria De La Cruz Perales…

By Marilyn Garateix Latino Ed Beat President Donald Trump and U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos both say they want to expand school choice, including with public funding for private schools. Recently, two parent activists on the front lines…