The morning after Trump went on his latest tirade, that Bill Barr and the DOJ should arrest Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and Joe Biden, the Nobel Prize committee announces the winner of the Nobel Peace Prize. Though Trump, his…
Whether or not you celebrate Thanksgiving, we all should take aside this day, if we can, to enjoy the company of good friends and loved ones. The rest of the year into 2020 will test our patience, tolerance and…
Immigration, zNew Headline
Guest Voz: Did Trump administration get it right blaming court ruling for increase in families arriving at the Southwest Border?
By Tom Wong LatinaLista (Editor’s Note: This column originally appeared on the Center for American Progress website.) In a recent notice of proposed rulemaking, the Trump administration claimed that the Flores settlement agreement led to an increase in the…
Politics, zNew Headline
Look at what the White House just released to justify the Trump administration’s own policy of separating immigrant children from their parents
Marisa Treviño LatinaLista If there is one real truth about Trump and his White House staff, it’s that they lie. They distort facts, they take things out of context to purposely create a narrative that makes Trump look either…
Guest Voz, zNew Headline
Guest Voz: The journey to reconnect with loved ones doesn’t end for Central American migrant children when they arrive on U.S. soil
By Patricia Campos-Medina LatinaLista After a presentation at a college conference, a young college student named Lucia (not her real name) came up to me and asked if we could talk for a few minutes. I love talking…
Global Views, zNew Headline
Minnesota group takes US-born grandchildren to Guatemala for first-time visits with their abuelos
By Anna-Claire Bevan LatinaLista Today in the United States there are 4.5 million US citizen children who have at least one undocumented parent. Even though they are entitled to the same rights and freedoms as all Americans, many of…