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SaludToday   The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Office of Minority Health (CMS OMH) recently released an interactive map that helps in the understanding of disparities in chronic diseases geographically for Medicare beneficiaries. The Mapping Medicare Disparities (MMD) Tool can…

LatinaLista  — Campaign:  Women Across Frontiers & MADRE – International Fundraising Initiative   Displaced by extremist violence, women-headed households are now flooding central and southern Iraq. They need humanitarian aid, shelter and resources to rebuild their lives. The Organization of…

SaludToday  The Federal Drug Administration (FDA) is launching “Fresh Empire” a hip-hop themed anti-tobacco campaign targeted at Latinos and Blacks. “Unfortunately, the health burdens of tobacco use disproportionately affect minority teens – particularly African American and Hispanic youth,” said…

By Obed Manuel Latina Lista   5. Not enough of us maintain a healthy diet According to the latest findings by the State of Obesity, 77 percent of adult Latinos in the U.S. are obese or overweight. The report…

By Marcia G. Yerman Moms Clean Air Force The People’s Climate March was a watershed moment. Participants, politicians, and the media got a complete overview of the seriousness of individual and group commitment to making change on the ground….