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July 27, 2020

The 100-day countdown to the US presidential election is now underway (it’s now, as of today, 99 days) and Democrats are enthusiastic about the small lead Biden has over Trump. Yet, in such a pivotal election, where the future…


February 25, 2020

Wrapping up his trip to India, Trump held a press conference (though his White House hasn’t had a press briefing in 300+ days and that’s unprecedented; The Conversation). During his briefing, Trump made it known he didn’t like what…


November 22, 2019

If we watch the impeachment hearings as a culmination of all of the Trump administration’s hateful, racist, ‘swampy’ actions against the nation, it almost appears poetic justice that some witnesses’ backgrounds reflect the very populations Trump targeted; Attorney Gen….

By Cliff Despres SaludToday Where you live could be impacting your stress levels (and overall health). SmartAsset, a financial company, recently examined the positive and negative factors of the largest 500 U.S. cities to determine the stress levels facing…

By Lori Popkewitz Alper Moms Clean Air Force   When we hear the words “climate change” many things come to mind, including intense heat waves and droughts, increase in natural disasters, loss of sea ice, accelerated sea level rise, and…

By Alexis Blue Futurity When women experience stress related to ethnic discrimination and needing to adapt to a new culture, their children may exhibit more behavior problems and worse academic performance by age 5. For a new study, researchers…