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May 22, 2020

Just one of the many legacies Trump will be forever cited for in history is how he lost allies. The latest ally to voice the US is not their friend is one Central American destination; Finally, a little ‘bright’…


May 21, 2020

Is this the calm before the storm? States like Florida and Georgia aren’t experiencing the devastating spikes in coronavirus cases as predicted – yet. Scientists say the US has a limited window to prepare for the next wave that…


May 6, 2020

Perhaps the biggest blow to Trump’s ego (so far) is the May 16 virtual graduation commencement that will be nationally televised. The headlining commencement speaker is President Barack Obama. No doubt Trump will be tweeting his displeasure because, of…


October 25, 2019

The nation should feel the depth of shame and heartache caused by the Trump’s admin policy of separating children. It is worse than we thought; Awesome news that students are registering to vote in record numbers but if GOP…